BIM - 吐露ノート - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BIM - 吐露ノート

Confession Note
If I say you're the only one, it would be a lie
世界はもう あまりにも広すぎて
The world is already too vast
Wo wo wo 絵空事は言うまい
Wo wo wo Let's not daydream
Wo wo wo 恥じらいの音
Wo wo wo The sound of shyness
Confession Note
どっから来て どっかに行く 儲かりゃ別?
Where do we come from and where are we going? Are we only interested in money?
真新しい わぁ楽しい 前のにキスを
Brand new, oh how fun! I kiss the old one goodbye
If I die, you'll cry
So here I am, unrepentant
まるでシネマ 意味もなく
Like a movie, without any meaning
針は動く 霧は濃く
The needle moves, the fog thickens
三日坊主でも 言ったかも けど
Even if I'm a quitter, I might have said it, but
It's getting annoying, isn't it?
Up and down
だよな 吸い込んだ煙は
Right? The smoke I inhaled
Became the wind of LA and disappeared
Over thereでは喧嘩 アイツらは最先端
Over there, they're fighting. They're at the cutting edge
9000円の自転車 で窓際族見参
A 9000 yen bicycle, and look, a window seat
アイコスにする すぐ戻る 紙タバコ what's up bro
I'm switching to IQOS, I'll be right back. Paper cigarettes, what's up, bro?
買い出しを忘れたよ シャンプーを 水で薄める
I forgot to do the shopping, I'm diluting shampoo with water
俺は寝て 俺は起きる 街頭沿ってrun
I sleep, I wake up, I run along city streets
いつが最後なのか 知らず 交通公園で待つ
Not knowing when my last day will be, I wait in the traffic park
How many more times will I get to see you?
歌は便利 全部話せる からな
Music is convenient, I can talk about everything, so
If I say you're the only one, it would be a lie
世界はもう あまりにも広すぎて
The world is already too vast
Wo wo wo 絵空事は言うまい
Wo wo wo Let's not daydream
Wo wo wo 恥じらいの音
Wo wo wo The sound of shyness
Confession Note
氷は溶けるし 煙消えるし
Ice melts and smoke disappears
君は老けるし 俺も老けるし だからなんだし
You'll get old and so will I, so what?
人生のインストロメンタル の上でフローするus
Us flowing over the instrumental of life
借りたvideo延滞 いつもnot enough
I'm always late returning the video I rented, never enough
夜中冷めたHot soup もう一回鍋沸かす
I reheat cold soup in the middle of the night
居なくなってハッとする ピース欠けたパズル
I realize when I'm gone, a piece of the puzzle is missing
I hitchhike through the night
そうピッチ変えず 俺らにあるtomorrow
Yes, without changing pitch, the tomorrow we have
どっから来て どっかに行く 儲かりゃ別?
Where do we come from and where are we going? Are we only interested in money?
真新しい わぁ楽しい 今のにキスを
Brand new, oh how fun! I kiss the present one goodbye
If I say you're the only one, it would be a lie
世界はもう あまりにも広すぎて
The world is already too vast
Wo wo wo 絵空事は言うまい
Wo wo wo Let's not daydream
Wo wo wo 恥じらいの音
Wo wo wo The sound of shyness
Confession Note

Авторы: bim, Rascal

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