Bimbo El Padrino - No Meten Cabras - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bimbo El Padrino - No Meten Cabras

No Meten Cabras
They Don't Scare Anyone
Papi ni tu flow ni tu ropa ni tu fama
Baby, neither your flow, your clothes, nor your fame
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni carros ni tus prendas Ni tu lana
Not your cars, your jewelry, nor your money
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni tu combo ni tu fronte ni tus armas
Not your crew, your front, nor your weapons
Meten cabras no meten cabras no meten cabras
Scare anyone, they don't scare anyone, they don't scare anyone
No me importa quien tu eres con quien estas con quien andas
I don't care who you are, who you're with, who you hang out with
Ni con diez ni con veinte ni tu manada
Not with ten, not with twenty, not your whole pack
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Asi que papi as lo que te la gana porque tu
So baby, do whatever you want because you
No meten cabras no meten cabras
Don't scare anyone, you don't scare anyone
Ustedes no meten cabras ustedes lo que hablan es baba
You guys don't scare anyone, all you do is talk
Pintando nebula pero no dan cara
Painting nebulae but not showing your faces
Guillao de monstruo vociferando que no tienen rivera
Claiming to be a monster, yelling that you have no fear
Aquí no hay miedo lo dejamos en la gaveta
There's no fear here, we leave it in the drawer
Usted lo que son son jodedores de cartulina
You're nothing but cardboard gangsters
Yo no los veo a ustedes joseando en la esquina
I don't see you guys hustling on the corner
Hablando caca entre dientes de que son afueguember
Talking crap under your breath about being on fire
Suena un praaa y como putas corren a esconderse
A shot rings out and like bitches, you run to hide
Te entro la perse lleva una semana que no sale ni al balcón
Fear got you, you haven't even gone out to the balcony for a week
Tu no eras bravo roncon
You weren't so tough, big mouth
Eso es lo que pasa cuando quieren ser lo que no pueden
That's what happens when you want to be what you can't
Cuando no hay corazón para hacer lo que se debe
When you don't have the heart to do what must be done
Más sin embargo bimbo lo coge con carmona
But still, Bimbo takes it with ease
Donde te pillo hoy donde te agarre toma
Wherever I catch you today, wherever I grab you, take this
Primero me amenazas y quieres que yo esté tranquilo
First you threaten me and want me to be calm
Después tiras y fallas y pretendes que yo sea tu amigo
Then you shoot and miss and pretend you want to be my friend
Qué es lo que pasa contigo sea hombre ahora ami me toca casarte
What's wrong with you? Be a man, now it's my turn to finish you
Dime donde porque te escondes
Tell me where you're hiding
Si tu gente ya sabe el calibre que tu das
If your people already know the caliber you bring
No huyas mas pa que veas con lo que te gua dar
Don't run anymore so you can see what I'm gonna give you
Loco tranquilo no vas a sentir dolor
Crazy calm, you won't feel any pain
A quema ropa dos en el melón
Point-blank, two in the melon
Y todo acabó temprano ya te di lo tuyo ahora vamos
And it's all over early, I gave you yours, now let's go
A celebrar a lo soprano
Celebrate like the Sopranos
Papi ni tu flow ni tu ropa ni tu fama
Baby, neither your flow, your clothes, nor your fame
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni carros ni tus prendas Ni tu lana
Not your cars, your jewelry, nor your money
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni tu combo ni tu fronte ni tus armas
Not your crew, your front, nor your weapons
Meten cabras no meten cabras no meten cabras
Scare anyone, they don't scare anyone, they don't scare anyone
No me importa quien tu eres con quien estas con quien andas
I don't care who you are, who you're with, who you hang out with
Ni con diez ni con veinte ni tu manada
Not with ten, not with twenty, not your whole pack
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Asi que papi as lo que te la gana porque tu
So baby, do whatever you want because you
No meten cabras no meten cabras
Don't scare anyone, you don't scare anyone
has matado como a cuarenta
You've killed like forty people
Mijo sueña sueña
Kid, dream on, dream on
Que soñar no cuesta nada
Because dreaming costs nothing
Tu no sabes lo que es estar en medio de una balacera
You don't know what it's like to be in the middle of a shootout
Sin saber si vas a salir de ella
Not knowing if you'll make it out alive
Primero lo que te pasa por la mente
The first thing that comes to mind
Son tu hijos tu viejos tus abuelos tus seres queridos
Are your children, your parents, your grandparents, your loved ones
Atormentado porque hasta los mas bravos
Tormented because even the bravest
Al ver la muerte de frente se quedan frisados
Freeze up when they see death face to face
Y esto tira cambia peine y respira
And this thing shoots, change the magazine, and breathe
Vela la güira y de nuevo tira
Watch your back and shoot again
Aquí es que se saben la verdad quien tiene babilla
Here's where you know the truth, who has guts
Cuando tu miras pal lao y ves tu combo doblando la esquina
When you look to the side and see your crew turning the corner
Solo dos o tres se quedaron metieron mano
Only two or three stayed, they fought back
El que no salió herido lo mataron
The one who wasn't wounded was killed
Y total pa que pa defender la esquina
And all for what? To defend the corner
Si los que roncaron fueron los que te dejaron arrollado
If the ones who talked big were the ones who left you hanging
Pero aquellos que creyeron que había algo más
But those who believed there was something more
Tiraron palante contigo a todas
Went forward with you, all in
Y aunque muchos de ellos hoy contigo no están
And although many of them are not with you today
Dios te regalo una vida nueva así que cogela
God gave you a new life, so take it
Solo piensa en todo lo que a pasado
Just think about everything that's happened
Todo lo que aprendiste todo lo que as logrado
Everything you've learned, everything you've achieved
Si no te dejes engañar ni manipular
Don't let yourself be fooled or manipulated
Recuerda no es ganar si no es llegar
Remember, it's not about winning, it's about arriving
Papi ni tu flow ni tu ropa ni tu fama
Baby, neither your flow, your clothes, nor your fame
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni carros ni tus prendas Ni tu lana
Not your cars, your jewelry, nor your money
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Ni tu combo ni tu fronte ni tus armas
Not your crew, your front, nor your weapons
Meten cabras no meten cabras no meten cabras
Scare anyone, they don't scare anyone, they don't scare anyone
No me importa quien tu eres con quien estas con quien andas
I don't care who you are, who you're with, who you hang out with
Ni con diez ni con veinte ni tu manada
Not with ten, not with twenty, not your whole pack
Meten cabras
Scare anyone
Asi que papi as lo que te la gana porque tu
So baby, do whatever you want because you
No meten cabras no meten cabras
Don't scare anyone, you don't scare anyone

Авторы: Jesus Otero

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