Bing Crosby - Well, Of Course!' Young Jethro Thought... - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Bing Crosby - Well, Of Course!' Young Jethro Thought...

Well, Of Course!' Young Jethro Thought...
Ну, конечно же!, — подумал юный Джетро...
Well, of course young Jethro thought that it was just a wonderful story
Ну, конечно же, юный Джетро подумал, что это просто замечательная история, милая.
He just about to tell one of his own
Он уже готов был рассказать свою собственную.
He looked up and they were all gone
Он поднял глаза, а их уже не было.
All he can see in the Moonlight was big tall tree that looked like Paul Bunyan
Все, что он мог видеть в лунном свете, было большое высокое дерево, похожее на Пола Баньяна.
Smaller tree just look like Johnny Appleseed
Дерево поменьше было похоже на Джонни Эпплсида.
And real strong looking tree with icicles on it's branches that looked like Dan'l Boone
А очень крепкое на вид дерево с сосульками на ветвях выглядело как Дэниел Бун.
Next thing it was Christmas morning and Young Jethro woke up
Следующее, что случилось, это рождественское утро, и юный Джетро проснулся.
To find himself lying on his bed in the loft to the cabin
Он обнаружил, что лежит на своей кровати на чердаке хижины.
He couldn't remember how he got there
Он не мог вспомнить, как он туда попал.
He felt his arms to see he still had on the buck skin jacket
Он пощупал свои руки, чтобы убедиться, что на нем все еще куртка из оленьей кожи.
Mh-mh, instead he felt the flannel nightgown that he always wore
Хм-м, вместо этого он нащупал фланелевую ночную рубашку, которую всегда носил.
Tried not to feel disappointed and then he climbed down the batch pole ladder
Он постарался не расстраиваться, а затем спустился по лестнице.
And there by the fire place was a little Christmas tree
И там, у камина, стояла маленькая рождественская елка.
And some shiny doo daa sparkling on it
И на ней сверкали какие-то блестящие штучки.
And underneath the tree, there were three presents
А под елкой лежало три подарка.
All wrapped up in tinsley paper
Все завернутые в блестящую бумагу.
"Merry Christmas son", his ma' and pa' said to him
Рождеством, сынок", сказали ему мама с папой.
"Merry Christmas to you", he said
вам счастливого Рождества", ответил он.
"Ha-ha, you sure were sleeping sound when we finally
"Ха-ха, ты, конечно, крепко спал, когда мы наконец
Got through that snow last night," his pa' said
пробрались сквозь снег прошлой ночью", сказал его папа.
Well, Jethro kept staring at those three presents under the tree
Джетро продолжал смотреть на эти три подарка под елкой.
"Hey, how'd you like to open your presents?", his father said
"Ну, как тебе идея открыть подарки?", спросил отец.
The first was a long green package, he opened it very slowly
Первый был длинный зеленый сверток, он открыл его очень медленно.
He coud feel a handle and he tore the paper away
Он нащупал рукоятку и сорвал бумагу.
It was an axe! It had hay grey handle and the blade was gleaming
Это был топор! У него была серая рукоятка, а лезвие блестело.
The second was a small package in blue, felt like a ball
Второй был маленький сверток в синей бумаге, похожий на мяч.
But when he tore the paper away he found an apple
Но когда он сорвал бумагу, то обнаружил яблоко.
And this was rosey red
И оно было румяно-красным.
The third package was wrapped in red
Третий сверток был завернут в красную бумагу.
He tore the package open, and there it was, a buck skin jacket
Он разорвал упаковку, и вот она куртка из оленьей кожи.
Buck skin jacket with fringes on it too
Куртка из оленьей кожи, да еще и с бахромой.
Oh, young Jethro could hardly speak
О, юный Джетро едва мог говорить.
He went to the window and he sneaked to look outside
Он подошел к окну и украдкой выглянул наружу.
The field was still there, and the trees still in need of chopping
Поле все еще было там, и деревья все еще нуждались в вырубке.
"I was gonna give you a surprise", he said
хотел сделать вам сюрприз", сказал он.
"I was gonna clear away the whole field, but your axe was too heavy"
собирался расчистить все поле, но ваш топор был слишком тяжелым".
His father smiled at him and he said
Его отец улыбнулся ему и сказал:
"Ha-ha-ha, maybe we can do it together now, shouldn't take us too long with that axe you got"
"Ха-ха-ха, может быть, теперь мы сможем сделать это вместе. С твоим новым топором это не займет много времени".
Well, young Jethro aloud that he wouldn't
Юный Джетро громко заявил, что он не против.
"Then we'll have a fair sized garden patch," he said
"Тогда у нас будет приличный огород", сказал он.
"And some space for an apple tree!"
место для яблони!"
"Some day soon!" his father said
"Когда-нибудь скоро!" сказал его отец.

1 Snow (with Joseph J. Lilley and His Orchestra)
2 White Christmas (1954 version) [with Joseph J Lilley and His Orchestra]
3 Ave Maria (with Victor Young and His Orchestra)
4 Poppa Santa Claus
5 Little Jack Frost, Get Lost
6 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (with the Max Terr Choir and John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra)
7 Auld Lang Syne
8 White Christmas (1948 version)
9 White Christmas (1942 version) [with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra and the Ken Darby Singers]
10 How Lovely Is Christmas
11 Let's Start the New Year Right
12 What a Friend We Have In Jesus
13 The First Snowfall
14 The Secret of Christmas
15 The Twelve Days Of Christmas
16 You're All I Want for Christmas
17 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
18 Sleigh Ride in July
19 Faith Of Our Fathers
20 I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
21 A Marshmallow World
22 Christmas in Killarney
23 Happy Holiday (Come to Holiday Inn)
24 A Crosby Christmas Part 2: The Snowman / That Christmas Feeling / I'd Like To Hitch a Ride With Santa Claus (with Gary, Lindsay, Phillip, Dennis Crosby and John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra with the Jeff Alexander Chorus)
25 Good King Wenceslas / We Three Kings/ Angels We Have Heard On High
26 Medley: Deck the Halls / Away in a Manger / I Saw Three Ships (with Simon Rady and His Orchestra)
27 Looks Like a Cold Cold Winter (with Sonny Burke and His Orchestra)
28 O Fir Tree Dark (Single Version) [with Victor Young and His Orchestra the Ken Darby Singers]
29 The Small One (A Christmas Story)
30 Silent Night, Holy Night (with Max Terr's Mixed Chorus Accomp by John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra)
31 Adeste Fideles (O, Come All Ye Faithfull) ([with Victor Young and His Orchestra]
32 Silent Night, Holy Night (1935 version) [with Victor Young and the Guardsmen Quartet]
33 A Crosby Christmas Part 1: That Christmas Feeling / I'd Like To Hitch a Ride With Santa Claus (with Gary, Lindsay, Phillip, Dennis Crosby and John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra with the Jeff Alexander Chorus)
34 That Christmas Feeling (with the John Scott Trotter Orchestra and Jeff Alexander Chorus)
35 There Have Been Almost 2,000 Christmases...
36 An Axe, An Apple and a Buckskin Jacket
37 Now This Cabin Was So Remote...
38 Boy At a Window
39 All of a Sudden Young Jethro Hear
40 Young Jethro Swung His Mighty Axe
41 Soon the Cleared Field Looked Mighty Fine...
42 Johnny Appleseed
43 and Sure Enough There Was Daniel Boone!
44 Incident On Rogers Creek
45 Well, Of Course!' Young Jethro Thought...
46 How Lovely Is Christmas (Reprise)
47 Christmas Is a Comin'
48 Is Christmas Only a Tree
49 Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep) [with Joseph J Lilley and His Orchestra]
50 It's Beginning To Look a lot Like Christmas (with John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra and Jud Conlan's Rhythmaires)
51 Merry Christmas in Hawaii (Mele Kalikimaka - Hawaiian Christmas song)

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