Bio feat. Supa & Majco8Kuna - Znadhladom (Produkcia Silent Beats) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bio feat. Supa & Majco8Kuna - Znadhladom (Produkcia Silent Beats)

Znadhladom (Produkcia Silent Beats)
Znadhladom (Production Silent Beats)
Som len chalan jak ty
I'm just a guy like you
Snažím sa zarobiť cash pritom nasávať dym
Trying to make cash while puffing smoke
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem, smejem sa, spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Tak stúpam high,
So I get high,
High, high
High, high
A je to fajn,
And it feels good,
Fajn, fajn
Good, good
Pre prípad, že sa dosky dalšej nedožijem
In case I don't live to see the next board
Kašlem na konšpiračné teorie
I don't care about conspiracy theories
Na vojny na bomby, litre ropy čo tečú
About wars, bombs, liters of oil flowing
Na všetkú krv čo tečú je to fake je to kečup
All the blood that flows, it's fake, it's ketchup
Je to real
This is real
A fakt musíme do seba napchať to všetko aby sme boli v euforii
And we really have to stuff all this into ourselves to be in euphoria
čo vraj boh stvoril človek pretvoril
What God allegedly created, man transformed
Alebo znetvoril takže potom sme bohovia my alebo netvori
Or disfigured, so then we are gods or non-creators
Ja neviem no určite viem
I don't know anymore, but I know for sure
že kašlem na politiku nejsom hlúpy to švingle
That I don't care about politics, I'm not stupid, they're swingers
Ak toho bude moc
If it gets too much
Tak si kúpim letenku zbalím sa skúsim to inde
I'll buy a ticket, pack my things and try it somewhere else
Som len chalan jak ty
I'm just a guy like you
Snažím sa zarobiť cash pritom nasávať dym
Trying to make cash while puffing smoke
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem smejem sa spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Majco8 kuna:
Majco8 kuna:
Tak stúpam high,
So I get high,
High, high
High, high
A je to fajn,
And it feels good,
Fajn, fajn
Good, good
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem, smejem sa, spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto tam kde vidíš problem ja si poviem srať na to
And that's why where you see a problem, I say fuck it
Možte si nehať iPhone a rátajte si počet like-ov
You can keep your iPhone and count your likes
Ja idem na bajku a som allright bro
I'm going on my bike and I'm all right, bro
Zažil som mrte fight-ov
I've been through a lot of fights
Ak dnes nenavštívim night club tak spravím čas za majkom
If I don't go to the night club tonight, I'll spend time behind the mic
Som marťan a som Van Gogh
I'm a Martian and I'm Van Gogh
Radšej si odrežem ucho než počúvať funko
I'd rather cut off my ear than listen to funko
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A než ti dohrá tento track tisíc ludí umiera hladom
And while this track is playing, a thousand people are starving
A chce byť chlap chlapom
And wants to be a man
Tak je dôležité čo nosí v hlave a ne len kolko zdvihne na tlakoch
So it's important what he carries in his head, not just how much he lifts on the bench
A chce byť chlap chlapom
And wants to be a man
Tak musí mať niečo v hlave a ne len vela zdvíhat v nátlakoch
So he has to have something in his head, not just lift a lot in pressure
Som len chalan jak ty
I'm just a guy like you
Snažím sa zarobiť cash pritom nasávať dym
Trying to make cash while puffing smoke
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem smejem sa spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Majco8 kuna:
Majco8 kuna:
Tak stúpam high,
So I get high,
High, high
High, high
A je to fajn,
And it feels good,
Fajn, fajn
Fajn, fajn
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem smejem sa spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto tam kde vidíš problem ja si poviem srať na to
And that's why where you see a problem, I say fuck it
Idem cajglom mestom na perách s piesňou
I'm walking through the city with a song on my lips
Načo sedieť doma ja nemám laptop
Why sit at home, I don't have a laptop
život tu nie je tvrdy? šak je jak betón
Life here isn't hard? It's like concrete
Mne je to jedno som stále jak vietor
I don't care, I'm still like the wind
Láska je vo vzduchu a za ten zatial neplatíme
Love is in the air, and we don't pay for it yet
Nasávam ju do plúc lebo aj ten deň raz príde
I breathe it into my lungs because that day will come
Vylievam z pera príbeh, eter
I pour out a story, ether from my pen
Ma stavia na nohy opúšťam backstage-i lepšie robiť neviem
It puts me on my feet, I leave the backstage - I can't do any better
Nezomieram pre game ale možno bez nej
I'm not dying for the game, but maybe without it
Ked budem musieť odísť tak mám v pláne o tom vedieť
If I have to leave, I plan to know about it
žiadny castingovy raper ja som selfmade
No casting rapper, I'm self-made
Nenecháš ma letieť dobre tak ma presvedč
You won't let me fly, okay, convince me
Pozri čo si všetko zvoril pre hate
Look what you've done for hate
Sam sebe vezeň, nevidíš stromy pre les
A prison for yourself, you can't see the trees for the forest
Sedím na najvyšom konári a je mi dobre
I'm sitting on the highest branch and I feel good
Prestaň vkňučať ako pes ešte nie si v hrobe
Stop whining like a dog, you're not in the grave yet
Zatial nie som v urne zatial je to v klude
I'm not in the urn yet, it's still cool
Mam tu pracu ak ma chápeš hento nie je súrne
I have work here if you understand me, this is not urgent
Debilov nepočujem sám sebe súper
I don't hear morons, I'm my own rival
Právo na život je sväté ja ho rešpektujem
The right to life is sacred, I respect it
V-ečko do vzuchu pod s Mojou rečou do klubu
V-sign in the air, under with My speech to the club
Am si vytetovat usmev keby islo o hubu
I have a smile tattooed, if it was about a mushroom
Ja som sa aj tak avno vlozil do ruk osudu
I still put myself in the hands of fate
Ale tvarme sa ze ide vylucne o moju hru
But let's pretend it's all my game
Som len chalan jak ty
I'm just a guy like you
Snažím sa zarobiť cash pritom nasávať dym
Trying to make cash while puffing smoke
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem smejem sa spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Majco8 kuna:
Majco8 kuna:
Tak stúpam high,
So I get high,
High, high
High, high
A je to fajn,
And it feels good,
Fajn, fajn
Good, good
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto žerem, smejem sa, spím berem všetko rad radom
And that's why I eat, laugh, sleep, I take it all in stride
Berem to znadhladom
I take it easy
A preto tam kde vidíš probiem ja si poviem srať na to
And that's why where you see a problem, I say fuck it

Bio feat. Supa & Majco8Kuna - Mladý a Nespokojný
Mladý a Nespokojný
дата релиза

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