Biplan feat. Karina Krysko - Amore - Jazz Version [Live] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Biplan feat. Karina Krysko - Amore - Jazz Version [Live]

Amore - Jazz Version [Live]
Amore - Jazz Version [Live]
sužavėtas ir trapus
I am captivated and fragile
Palieku tavo uostą
I am leaving your harbor
dalinu save perpus
I am dividing myself in half
Kartu su ašara per skruostą
Along with a tear on my cheek
išvažiuoju tuščiomis
I'm leaving empty
Palieku viską, turėjau
I leave everything I had
Ir nesvarbu, kas sakys
And it doesn't matter what anyone says
Jau visa tai kažkur girdėjau
I've heard it all somewhere before
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Suteik nors kiek vilties
Give me at least a little hope
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Ne man, tai bent kitiems
Not for me, then at least for others
O taip, mylimas buvau
Oh yes, I was loved
Ir pats be baimės mylėjau
And I myself loved without fear
apie tai dainas rašiau
I wrote songs about it
Sudainavau tiek, kiek spėjau
I sang as many as I could
Sekundei galim dar sustot
For a second, we can still stop
Ištarsiu: "Labas rytas, drauge"
I'll say: "Good morning, my friend"
vėl bandysiu tau dainuot
I'll try to sing to you again
O tu galėsi jaustis saugiai
And you can feel safe
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Suteik nors kiek vilties
Give me at least a little hope
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Ne man, tai bent kitiems
Not for me, then at least for others
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Suteik nors kiek vilties
Give me at least a little hope
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore
Ne man, tai bent kitiems
Not for me, then at least for others
Amore, amore, amore
Amore, amore, amore

Авторы: Maksimas Melman, Olegas Aleksejevas, Sergej Savcenko

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