Bitza - Pierdut intr-o lume mare - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bitza - Pierdut intr-o lume mare

Pierdut intr-o lume mare
Lost in a Big World
Ma simt pierdut intr-o lume mare,
I feel lost in a big world,
Ma simt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Incep sa raman fara argumente
I start to run out of arguments
Si trag concluzia ca trebuie sa trec la planul B...
And I conclude that I have to move on to plan B...
De la Bitza
From Bitza
Imbatranesc si-mi dispare tot mai mult din frica
I am getting older and my fear is fading away
Si scriu cuvintele, mi se transforma-n arme
And I write words, they turn into weapons for me
Cum ti se schimba sufletul in fata unei drame
How your soul changes in the face of a drama
Incerc sa ma ridic,
I try to get up,
Caci mi se schimba sufletul mai nou aproape zilnic
For my soul has been changing almost every day lately
Nu te omoara deci te face mai puternic
So it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger
Si zic: am incetat de mult sa critic, si tac
And I say: I have long since stopped criticizing and I am silent
Chitic, nu mai zic nimic,
I am quiet, I don't say anything anymore,
Caci binele devine un alt subiect empiric
For good becomes another empirical subject
Discutia despre el, o mare crima
Talking about it is a great crime
Am inima intrata-n moarte clinica
My heart is in clinical death
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Incep sa imi dau seama ca nu-i bine
I am beginning to realize that it is not good
Faptul ca am vibratii negative de la mine
The fact that I have negative vibes from me
Ca imi e frica sa-mi ascult albumele,
That I am afraid to listen to my albums,
Ca nu mi-am depasit sechelele
That I have not overcome my aftermath
E vina mea si tre s-o recunosc
It is my fault and I have to admit it
Ca nu-s putine clipele in care am fost prost
That there are not a few moments when I have been stupid
Si ca am fost jegos cu unii dintre-ai mei
And that I have been dirty with some of my people
Si ca ar trebui sa cer iertare la multe femei
And that I should apologize to many women
Urmeaza partea trista,
Here comes the sad part,
Ca uneori nici eu nu il halesc pe Bitza
That sometimes I don't even like Bitza
Am fost multi din Mihai si am ramas la fel
I have been a lot of Mihai and I have stayed the same
Chiar daca intre timp a aparut si el
Even though he has appeared in the meantime
Raman fara cuvinte-i dureros
I am speechless - it is painful
Momentu' asta, sunt cam intors pe dos
This moment, I am almost inside out
Las arma jos, armura jos n-o dau
I put the weapon down, I don't put the armor down
Caci am schimbat in drum pe multi fara sa vreau
For I have changed many on the way without wanting to
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Nu mai scriu de mult cu pixul
I haven't written with a pen for a long time
Sangele mi-a devenit instrumentul
Blood has become my instrument
E flow-ul meu direct, din inima cu rima
It is my direct flow, from the heart with a rhyme
Mai important decat ala de-l dai pe gura
More important than the one you give by mouth
As vrea sa opresc zumzetul
I would like to stop the buzz
Neincetat, care-mi rupe capul
Incessantly, which breaks my head
Am inteles ca unii nu ma plac
I understand that some people don't like me
Le cer iertare si ii rog sa ma scoata din pick-up
I beg their pardon and ask them to take me out of the pick-up
Nu am cum sa ma schimb
I can't change
Am irosit pe vise prea mult timp
I have wasted too much time on dreams
Si chiar daca cei ce ma trag in jos sunt fratii mei
And even if those who drag me down are my brothers
N-as fi putut sa fac nimica fara ei
I couldn't have done anything without them
Imi doresc linistea
I want peace
Am armistitiul care poate sa aduca pacea
I have the armistice that can bring peace
Viata e calatoria, destinatia-i cerul
Life is the journey, the destination is heaven
Mi-am readus la viata ingerul
I have brought my angel back to life
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything
Sunt pierdut intr-o lume mare
I am lost in a big world
Sunt tentat sa calc totul in picioare
I am tempted to step on everything

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