Bitza - Sper ca n-o sa fiu eu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bitza - Sper ca n-o sa fiu eu

Sper ca n-o sa fiu eu
Hopefully it won't be me
Strofa 1:
Verse 1:
Dintre multe belele la fel de rele-n-tre ele,
Of all the other dirty beauties just as nasty as they,
Un singur gand incepe sa ma sperie
Just one thought really starts to scare me
O sa-nceapa la un moment dat dintr-un pat
From out of bed at some point it'll start,
Sa se scoale un batran uzat
An old man will get up, all worn out
O sa mearga la oglinda jegoasa murdara intr-o doara
He'll go to his filthy and dirty mirror on a whim
Cu gandul pervers ca isi doreste sa moara
With the perverse thought that he wants to die,
Izolat si uitat de toti
Isolated and forgotten by all,
Cu pensia de mult bagata-n vene de nepoti
His pension long since injected into his veins by his grandchildren,
Ziua altadata plina
Days that used to be full,
Ingheata in linistea deplina
Freeze in the perfect silence,
Nu i-a mai ramas decat rutina
He has nothing left but routine,
Si viata insa prea putina
And precious little life
A murit in fiecare zi cate putin
He has died a little more each day,
Alcoolizat printre sticlele cu vin
An alcoholic among bottles of wine,
Realizand cand e prea tarziu
Realising when it is too late,
Ca e din ce in ce mai putin viu
That he is less and less alive,
Din ce in ce mai sigur o sa mor singur desigur
More and more certain that I'll die alone, of course,
Sunt nesigur cand vine vorba sa-mi calculez timpul
I'm not sure when it comes to calculating my time
Cu timpul incep sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea
With time, I'm starting to get used to the idea
Ca nici unul din noi n-o s-apuce varsta treia...
That none of us will reach old age...
Din ce in ce mai sigur o sa mor singur desigur
More and more certain that I'll die alone, of course
Sunt nesigur cand vine vorba sa-mi calculez timpul
I'm not sure when it comes to calculating my time
Cu timpul incep sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea
With time, I'm starting to get used to the idea
Ca nici unul din noi n-o s-apuce varsta treia...
That none of us will reach old age...
Strofa 2:
Verse 2:
Sta si plange singur si-si blesteama soarta
He stood and cried alone and cursed his fate,
Nu-si putea imagina ca se-ntoarce roata
He couldn't imagine the tables turning,
Nu stia de nimeni si blama ratatii
He had no one and blamed the losers
Si a ajuns acum, o povara pentru altii
And has now become a burden to others
Se intreaba unde a gresit
He wondered where he had gone wrong
Ce nu-i bine, unde s-a pripit
What had not been right, where he had rushed
Rudele mereu fac planuri si-l cheama la masa
His relatives always making plans and inviting him to dinner
El cand moare lor le ramane-o casa
When he dies, they'll be left with a house
Singurul ce vine si il mai alina
The only one who comes and comforts him still
Este cel pe care-l batea fara vina
Is the one he used to beat without guilt,
Rupt de beat in zori cand venea acasa
Drunk as a skunk in the early hours when he came home,
E baiatul lui singurul caruia ii pasa
He is his only son, the only one who cares
Vrea sa-l stranga-n brate si sa-i povesteasca
He wants to hug him and tell him the story,
Unde a gresit ce-ar mai face daca
Where he went wrong, what he would do if
Se trezeste mult prea brusc la realitate
He woke up far too suddenly to reality,
I-a murit baiatul de vreo sase ani jumate
That his son has been dead for about six and a half years
Fiecare alegere conteaza stiu
Every choice is important, I know
Poate mai devreme poate mai tarziu
Maybe sooner, maybe later
Merg pan-la oglinda si-mi rostesc teama cu greu
I go to the mirror and utter my fear with difficulty
Sper ca-acel batran n-o sa fiu eu
Hopefully, that old man won't be me
Din ce in ce mai sigur o sa mor singur desigur
More and more certain that I'll die alone, of course,
Sunt nesigur cand vine vorba sa-mi calculez timpul
I'm not sure when it comes to calculating my time
Cu timpul incep sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea
With time, I'm starting to get used to the idea
Ca nici unul din noi n-o s-apuce varsta treia...
That none of us will reach old age...
Din ce in ce mai sigur o sa mor singur desigur
More and more certain that I'll die alone, of course,
Sunt nesigur cand vine vorba sa-mi calculez timpul
I'm not sure when it comes to calculating my time
Cu timpul incep sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea
With time, I'm starting to get used to the idea
Ca nici unul din noi n-o s-apuce varsta treia...
That none of us will reach old age...

Авторы: Cheloo

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