Bitza feat. Kamelia - Dependentza - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bitza feat. Kamelia - Dependentza

E dependentza, ce simtim noi
It's dependence, what we feel
Chiar daca ploua, nu dam inapoi
Even if it rains, we won't retreat
Sunt dependenta de tot ce imi dai
I'm dependent on everything you give me
Chiar daca-ti spun pleaca, de fapt vreau sa stai
Even if I tell you to leave, I actually want you to stay
Cand pleci, rupi ceva din mine
When you leave, you tear something from me
Numai langa tine sunt intreg, in fine
Only beside you am I whole, finally
Paradoxal, lucrul asta ma innebuneste
Paradoxically, this thing drives me crazy
Mai ales ca, de la zi la zi, il simt cum creste
Especially since, day by day, I feel it growing
Noaptea te privesc cum dormi printre perne
At night, I watch you sleep among the pillows
Uneori pot sa jur ca imi curgi prin vene
Sometimes I could swear you flow through my veins
Chestii noi pe care eu nu le-am mai simtit
New things that I've never felt before
Ma fac sa ma gandesc daca sa imi dea de gandit
Make me wonder if they should give me pause
Poti sa-i spui dependentza
You can call it dependence
Simt nevoia sa fiu langa tine-n permanenta
I feel the need to be near you constantly
Ma scoate din minti numai cand ma gandesc
It drives me out of my mind just thinking about it
Simt ca pierd controlul si ca-nebunesc
I feel like I'm losing control and going crazy
Nu sunt eu, asta e altul, iesi din mintea mea
It's not me, it's someone else, get out of my head
Cred ca tu ma transformi in altcineva
I think you're transforming me into someone else
Si partea buna sau rea
And the good or bad part
E ca nu pot sa fiu cel care eram inainte, oricat as incerca
Is that I can't be who I was before, no matter how hard I try
E dependentza, ce simtim noi
It's dependence, what we feel
Chiar daca ploua, nu dam inapoi
Even if it rains, we won't retreat
Sunt dependenta de tot ce imi dai
I'm dependent on everything you give me
Chiar daca-ti spun pleaca, de fapt vreau sa stai
Even if I tell you to leave, I actually want you to stay
Sa staaaaai, sa staaaaaai, ouououououo
To staaaaay, to staaaaaay, ouououououo
Sunt dependenta de tine
I'm dependent on you
Te privesc, ma blochez instantaneu
I look at you, I freeze instantly
Asta nu pentru c-as duce lipsa de tupeu
It's not because I lack courage
Anumite lucruri nu se spun, se simt
Certain things aren't said, they're felt
Orice vorba suna fals de parca mint
Any word sounds fake as if I'm lying
Ma seaca grav, sincer ma streseaza
It drains me seriously, honestly it stresses me out
Vezi in mine un alt tip de om si ma blocheaza
You see another kind of person in me and it blocks me
Atunci reactiile mele nu sunt normale
Then my reactions aren't normal
Rolul jucat m-aduce la exasperare
The role I play brings me to exasperation
Daca nu-ti convine, mai bine lasa-ma
If you don't like it, you better leave me
Vrei sa te convingi, te rog, incearca-ma
You want to be convinced, please, try me
Dar dupa toate incercarile si testele tale
But after all your attempts and tests
O sa ma-ntorc cu cicatrici in suflet, nu petale
I'll come back with scars on my soul, not petals
Daca esti departe intru-n moarte clinica
If you're far away, I enter a clinical death
Am nevoie de tine, doza zilnica
I need you, my daily dose
Peste soarta, alegeri, karme si destine
Over fate, choices, karma and destinies
Cred ca-s dependent de tine
I think I'm dependent on you
E dependentza, ce simtim noi
It's dependence, what we feel
Chiar daca ploua, nu dam inapoi
Even if it rains, we won't retreat
Sunt dependenta de tot ce imi dai
I'm dependent on everything you give me
Chiar daca-ti spun pleaca, de fapt vreau sa stai
Even if I tell you to leave, I actually want you to stay
Sa stai, sa stai, ouououououo nananaa uuuu
To stay, to stay, ouououououo nananaa uuuu
Sunt dependenta de tine
I'm dependent on you
E dependentza, ce simtim noi
It's dependence, what we feel
Chiar daca ploua, nu dam inapoi
Even if it rains, we won't retreat
Sunt dependenta de tot ce imi dai
I'm dependent on everything you give me
Chiar daca-ti spun pleaca, de fapt vreau sa stai
Even if I tell you to leave, I actually want you to stay

Авторы: George Hora

Bitza feat. Kamelia - Dependentza
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