Bitza - Cronica unei vedete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bitza - Cronica unei vedete

Cronica unei vedete
Chronicle of a Star
Esti genul ala de femeie careia ii place
You're the kind of woman who likes
Hermes, Dior, Cavalli, Bvlgari, Versace
Hermes, Dior, Cavalli, Bvlgari, Versace
Nu poti sa le obtii daca esti fata mare
You can't get them if you're a good girl
Si d'asta tre' sa ajungi in patul care doare
And that's why you have to end up in bed that hurts
Traseu perfect, domn influent
Perfect path, influential gentleman
Pare perfect, banu' prezent
It seems perfect, money present
Batran bogat, senil si mediatizat
Rich, senile and famous old man
Ridica fete dupa ce la scoala au renuntat
He picks up girls after they drop out of school
Atatia sefi Tv, atatia presedinti
So many TV directors, so many presidents
Gata sa-ti dea emisie dupa ce i-ai scos din minti
Ready to give you airtime after you drive them crazy
Tu joaca-ti rolul, te conduce rolul
Play your role, the role guides you
Fa un fapt de presa, retraim Decameronul
Make a press report, let's relive the Decameron
Vei fi in Star, vei fi si in Cancan
You'll be in Star, you'll be in Cancan too
Vei fi in Story, Ciao si la Bulevard
You'll be in Story, Ciao and at Bulevard
Ca o felina pe-nserat pleci la vanat
Like a feline at dusk, you go out hunting
Sa iei o poama-n gura de la pomul laudat
To take a bite from the praised tree
Asa ca hai desbracate hai
So come on undress come on
Asa ca hai hai hai freaca-te
So come on come on come on rub yourself
Ca daca esti vedeta, hai hai
If you are a star, come on come on
Fi corecta, fa o mie pe bancheta
Be fair, do a thousand on the bench
Acuma ai emisiune, esti vedeta
Now you have a show, you're a star
Stai cu altele ca tine, la sueta
You hang out with others like you, gossiping
In patul care doare, copilaria moare
In the bed that hurts, childhood dies
Dar ai sa ajungi o diva pana la vacanta mare
But you'll become a diva until the summer break
Cand te misti, fotbalistii intra in boala
When you move, the soccer players get sick
Fanii tai abea asteapta sa te vada goala
Your fans can't wait to see you naked
Iar toata noaptea sub un milionar
And all night under a millionaire
Gemi fortat, cu gandul la poza din Star
You moan forcibly, thinking about the picture in Star
Pari mai desteapta, mai rafinata
You seem smarter, more refined
Mi se pare logic c-ai lins multa ciocolata
It seems logical to me that you licked a lot of chocolate
Sa rezisti in continuare, vrei zorzoane
To continue to endure, you want trinkets
Ai nevoie de parale si de viitoane
You need money and futures
Sa ajunge-ti mari vedete ati putut
You were able to become great stars
Ca aveti talent cu carul nu ca v-ati ftut
Because you have talent in abundance, not because you f***ed
Ne pareti si mai frumoase, aproape culte
You seem even more beautiful to us, almost classy
Atat de proaste si din ce in ce mai multe
So stupid and more and more
Asa ca hai desbracate hai
So come on undress come on
Asa ca hai hai hai freaca-te
So come on come on come on rub yourself
Ca daca esti vedeta, hai hai
If you are a star, come on come on
Fi corecta, fa o mie pe bancheta
Be fair, do a thousand on the bench
Pleci aranjata, in Cavalii sugrumata
You leave all dressed up, strangled in Cavalli
Catre blitzurile ce asteapta sa te arda
To the flashes that wait to burn you
Cum te-au ars si altii si intepata
As others have burned you and stung you
Cu succesul intre picioare lingi o alta ciocolata
With success between your legs, you lick another chocolate
La brat cu o poseta, o arzi indiferenta
On the arm with a handbag, you pretend to be indifferent
Nu ai doua chiftele in stomac da' esti vedeta
You don't have two meatballs in your stomach but you're a star
Si stai in club cu doua cico toata noaptea
And you stay in the club with two cicos all night long
In speranta ca un Gucci o sa schimbe soarta
Hoping that a Gucci will change your destiny
Cu mana-ntinsa in club cu o poseta de club
With an outstretched hand in the club with a club handbag
Ii vine si o ia cu sub sub sub
He comes and takes her with him
Nu poti sa pacalesti pe nimeni da' in fine
You can't fool anyone but anyway
Ca lui Smiley - Oficial nu merge bine
As for Smiley - Official, it's not going well
Deja esti respecta, te stiu vedetele
You're already respected, celebrities know you
O sgi fericita pe bancheta din BMW
You're gonna be happy on the BMW bench
Ca daca esti vedeta, hai hai
If you are a star, come on come on
Fii corecta: fa o mie de vedeta
Be fair: do a thousand as a star
Asa ca hai desbracate hai
So come on undress come on
Asa ca hai hai hai freaca-te
So come on come on come on rub yourself
Ca daca esti vedeta, hai hai
If you are a star, come on come on
Fi corecta, fa o mie pe bancheta
Be fair, do a thousand on the bench

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