Bjørn Eidsvåg - Onani - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bjørn Eidsvåg - Onani

Eg gjekk igjennom alt eg hadde tenkt og gjort og sakt, og leita med lupe og lykt.
I went through everything I had thought, done and said, and searched it with a magnifying glass and a flashlight.
Etter det som vare feil og dumt og galt og skakt, etter det som var syndigt og stygt.
After that which was wrong, stupid, bad and wrong, after that which was sinful and ugly.
Eg fant jo litt av kvert, men mindre stygt og skjeivt enn bra, det sto ikkje altfor gale te
I found a bit of everything, but less ugly and crooked than good, it wasn't too bad
eg va i grunn litt blid, letta og litt glad, heilt te eg kom det.
So I was basically a little happy, relieved and a little glad, until I thought of it.
Onani, onani, gjekk det låkt te helvette var det nok fordi
Masturbation, masturbation, if it went straight to hell it was probably because
Onani, onani, eg dreiv med sånt svineri.
Masturbation, masturbation, I indulged in such filth.
Ikkje ein dag gjekk forbi, utan at eg satte av litt tid.
Not a day went by without me setting aside some time.
Det var tid å for å gjør bot, for å rydde opp og bekjenne.
It was time to do penance, to clean up and confess.
Eg sku ikkje sleppa lett i frå det, denne vanen var seig og veldig vond og vende
I should not let myself get away with it, this habit was tough and very difficult to turn around
Ja for dette var det neppe nokon ordning
Yes, because there was hardly any order for this
Det var farlegt det var usunt, unevneligt og gale.
It was dangerous, it was unhealthy, unspeakable and wrong.
Det fantes knapt ei synd stor.
There was hardly a sin so great.
Jesus ble lei seg og ein va ikkje normale, eg nevnte ikkje detta med eit ord.
Jesus was sad and one was not normal, so I did not mention this with a word.
Onani, onani, gjekk det låkt te helvette var det nok fordi
Masturbation, masturbation, if it went straight to hell it was probably because
Onani, onani, eg dreiv med sånt svineri.
Masturbation, masturbation, I indulged in such filth.
var det bare å håpe eit under, at gud ei lita stund nokre sekunder
Then all that was left was to hope for a miracle, that God for a little while, a few seconds
Var opptatt eit ganske annet hold, og såleis ikkje hadde heilt kontroll
Was busy on a completely different front, and thus did not have complete control
ka eg skamlaust hadde gjort at det skjedde når han såg bort.
On what I had done so shamelessly, that it happened when he looked away.
Onani, onani, gjekk det låkt te helvette var det nok fordi
Masturbation, masturbation, if it went straight to hell it was probably because
Onani, onani, eg dreiv med sånt svineri.
Masturbation, masturbation, I indulged in such filth.
Ikkje ein dag gjekk forbi, utan at eg satte av litt tid.
Not a day went by without me setting aside some time.

Авторы: Bjørn Eidsvåg

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