Blaxy Girls - Nu Suporti - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Blaxy Girls - Nu Suporti

Nu Suporti
I Can't Stand It
Poate imi doresc mult prea mult sa te urasc
Perhaps I desire too much to hate you
M-ai distrus complet, fara rost, asta ai vrut
You've completely destroyed me, for no reason, that's what you wanted
Sa ma vezi plangand cand te vad cum ii zambesti
To see me crying when I see you smiling at her
Cat de mult tu o privesti.
How much you look at her.
Nu te inteleg, chiar ai vrea sa-ti apartin
I don't understand you, would you really want me to belong to you
Sa ma molesesc cand te vad, sa nu-mi revin
To grovel when I see you, never to recover
Sa cersesc mereu ceea ce candva eu aveam
To always beg for what I once had
Cat de mult noi ne iubeam.
How much we loved each other.
Nu suporti sa vezi cand altul de mana ma ia
You can't stand to see someone else holding my hand
Cand imi spune cat de mult ar vrea cu mine sa stea
When he tells me how much he would like to be with me
Simti cum pulsul iar iti creste si ai vrea sa dispari
You feel your pulse race again and you want to disappear
Nu mai ai ce sa repari. Poate imi doresc mult mai mult sa ma iubesti
There's nothing left to fix. Maybe I desire much more for you to love me
Sa te intorci plangand si sa-mi spui ca n-ai sa gresesti
To come back crying and tell me that you will not make a mistake
Ca sunt singura la care tu mereu te-ai gandit
That I am the only one you have always thought of
Poate ast mi-am dorit.
Maybe today I wished for it.
Nu mai sunt la fel cum eram, nu mai suport
I am no longer the same as I was, I can no longer endure
Sa ma vezi plangand, suspinand, sa sufar non stop
To see me crying, sighing, suffering non-stop
Pt ca nu stii daca poti lupta pt noi
Because you don't know if you can fight for us
Poate am visat in doi.
Maybe we both dreamed.
Nu suporti sa vezi cand altul de mana ma ia
You can't stand to see someone else holding my hand
Cand imi spune cat de mult ar vrea cu mine sa stea
When he tells me how much he would like to be with me
Simti cum pulsul iar iti creste si ai vrea sa dispari
You feel your pulse race again and you want to disappear
Nu mai ai ce sa repari. Nu suporti sa vezi cand altul de mana ma ia
There's nothing left to mend. You can't stand to see someone else holding my hand
Cand imi spune cat de mult ar vrea cu mine sa stea
When he tells me how much he would like to be with me
Simti cum pulsul iar iti creste si ai vrea sa dispari
You feel your pulse race again and you want to disappear
Nu mai ai ce sa repari.
There's nothing left to mend.

Авторы: Silviu Aurelian Dimitriu, Constantin Ionita, Marilena Rucsandra Iliescu

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