Blaxy Girls - Respir Incet - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Blaxy Girls - Respir Incet

Respir Incet
Respir Incet
Desi suntem adolescenti... si tot pare ca se invarte in jurul nostru, nu intotdeauna suntem fericiti.
Even though we're teenagers... and it still seems like the world revolves around us, we're not always happy.
Avem momente in care ne indragostim si suferim foarte mult.
We have moments when we fall in love and suffer a lot.
Prin aceasta melodie as dori sa ne intelegeti mai bine.
With this song, I would like you to understand us better.
E noapte simt cum ma sufoc
It's night, I feel like I'm suffocating
Desi e cald nu simt deloc
Although it's warm, I don't feel anything at all
Iar plang, iar tip fara raspuns
I cry again, I scream but get no response
Simt ca ma pierd in cuvinte
I feel like I'm getting lost in words
Privesc in zare, tac si sper
I look into the distance, I'm silent, and I hope
Imi tot repet e efemer
I keep telling myself that it's ephemeral
Atunci de ce simt ca ai ucis
Then why do I feel like you've killed
Copilul din mine...
The child in me...
Respir incet, intrerupt si cer un foc
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I ask for a fire
Innebunesc, as vrea sa scap cumva
I'm going crazy, I want to escape somehow
Respir incet, intrerupt si nu mai suport
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I can't take it anymore
Dispari din viata mea
Disappear from my life
Respir incet, intrerupt si cer un foc
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I ask for a fire
Innebunesc, as vrea sa scap cumva
I'm going crazy, I want to escape somehow
Respir incet, intrerupt si nu mai suport
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I can't take it anymore
Dispari din viata mea
Disappear from my life
Inca simt cum ma priveai
I still feel the way you looked at me
Cum ma iubeai, ma sarutai
How you loved me, how you kissed me
Cu mine o viata ai fi stat
You said you'd have spent your life with me
Dar m-ai pierdut in cuvinte
But you lost me in words
Stau singura, privec in gol
I sit alone, I stare into the void
De tot ce-a fost canva mi-e dor
I miss everything that was
As vrea sa pot sa schimb ceva,
I wish I could change something,
E prea tarziu pentru vise
But it's too late for dreams
Respir incet, intrerupt si cer un foc
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I ask for a fire
Innebunesc, as vrea sa scap cumva
I'm going crazy, I want to escape somehow
Respir incet, intrerupt si nu mai suport
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I can't take it anymore
Dispari din viata mea
Disappear from my life
Respir incet, intrerupt si cer un foc
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I ask for a fire
Innebunesc, as vrea sa scap cumva
I'm going crazy, I want to escape somehow
Respir incet, intrerupt si nu mai suport
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I can't take it anymore
Dispari din viata mea
Disappear from my life
Doar tu vei regreta
Only you will regret it
De azi va fi altceva
From today on, it will be different
Nu ma mai cauta...
Don't look for me anymore...
Dispari din viata mea!
Disappear from my life!
Respir incet, intrerupt si cer un foc
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I ask for a fire
Innebunesc, as vrea sa scap cumva
I'm going crazy, I want to escape somehow
Respir incet, intrerupt si nu mai suport
I breathe slowly, intermittently, and I can't take it anymore
Dispari din viata mea
Disappear from my life

Авторы: Constantin Ionita, Marilena Rucsandra Iliescu, Marcel Prodan

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