Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again (Take 13, Alternate Take) - перевод текста песни на русский

Текст и перевод песни Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again (Take 13, Alternate Take)

Oh, the ragman draws circles
О, рэгман рисует круги.
Up and down the block
Вверх и вниз по кварталу.
I'd ask him what the matter was
Я бы спросил его, в чем дело.
But I know he doesn't talk
Но я знаю, что он не говорит.
And the ladies treat me kindly
И Леди обходятся со мной по-доброму.
And furnish me with tape
И подари мне пленку.
But neither him nor the ragman
Но ни он, ни рэгман.
Could help me to escape
Мог бы помочь мне сбежать.
Oh, Mama, this could be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.
Now, Shakespeare's in the alley
Теперь Шекспир в переулке.
With his pointed shoes and his bells
Своими остроконечными туфлями и колокольчиками.
Speaking to some French girl
Разговариваю с какой-то француженкой.
Who says she knows me well
Кто сказал, что знает меня хорошо?
And I would send a message
И я бы отправил сообщение,
To find out if she's talked
чтобы узнать, разговаривала ли она.
But the post office has been stolen
Но почтамт украли.
And the mailbox is locked
И почтовый ящик заблокирован.
Oh, Mama, this might be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.
Now, Mona tried to help me
Мона пыталась помочь мне.
She said stay away from the train line
Она сказала держаться подальше от линии поезда.
She said that all the railroad men
Она сказала, что все железнодорожники.
Just drink up your blood like wine
Просто выпей свою кровь, как вино.
An' I said, "Oh, I don't know
Я сказал: "О, я не знаю ...
But then again, there's only one I've met
Но опять же, я встретил только одного.
An' he just smoked my eyelids
Он просто курил мои веки.
An' punched my cigarette"
"Пробил мне сигарету".
Oh, Mama, this might be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.
Well, Grandpa died last week
Дедушка умер на прошлой неделе.
He's buried in the rocks
Он похоронен в скалах.
Everybody's still talking about
Все до сих пор говорят об этом.
How badly he was shot
Как сильно его подстрелили?
And me, I expected it
И я, я ожидал этого.
I saw he'd lost control
Я видел, как он потерял контроль.
When he built a fire on Main Street
Когда он устроил пожар на главной улице.
And filled it full of holes
И наполнил его дырами.
Oh, Mama, this might be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.
Now the senator came down here
Теперь сенатор спустился сюда.
Showing ev'ryone his gun
Показываю евриону свой пистолет.
Handing out free tickets
Раздаем бесплатные билеты.
To the wedding of his son
На свадьбу своего сына.
An' I nearly got busted
Меня чуть не сломили.
Wouldn't it be my luck
Разве это не моя удача?
To get caught without a ticket
Быть пойманным без билета
And be discovered beneath a truck
И быть обнаруженным под грузовиком.
Oh, Mama, this might be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm be stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.
Well the preacher looked so baffled
Что ж, проповедник выглядел таким озадаченным.
Everytime I asked him why he dressed
Каждый раз, когда я спрашивал его, почему он одет.
With twenty pounds of headlines
С двадцатью фунтами заголовков.
Stapled on his chest
Виселица на груди.
He cursed me when I'd whisper
Он проклял меня, когда я шептала
And say "You're not, you think hide?
И говорила: "Ты не, ты думаешь, прячешься?
You see, you're just like me
Понимаешь, ты такой же,
I hope you're satisfied"
как я, надеюсь, ты доволен".
Oh, Mama, this might be the end
О, Мама, это может быть конец.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Nashville blues again
С нэшвилльским блюзом снова ...
Now the rainman gave me two cures
Теперь дождевик дал мне два лекарства.
Then he said, "Jump right in"
Затем он сказал:"Прыгай!"
The one was Texas medicine
Это была Техасская медицина.
The other was railroad gin
Другой был железная дорога Джин.
An' like a fool I mixed them
Как дурак, я их перепутал.
An' it strangled up my mind
Это задушило мой разум.
An' now people just get uglier
А теперь люди становятся уродливее.
An' I have no sense of time
У меня нет чувства времени.
Oh, Mama, I just need a friend
О, Мама, мне просто нужен друг.
I'm stuck inside of Mobile
Я застрял внутри мобильного.
With the Memphis blues again
Снова Мемфисский блюз.


Bob Dylan - The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol.12 (Deluxe Edition)
The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series, Vol.12 (Deluxe Edition)
дата релиза

1 If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 2, Alternate Take)
2 Desolation Row (Take 5 Remake, Complete)
3 Desolation Row (Take 1, Alternate Take)
4 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 8, Alternate Take)
5 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 3, Incomplete)
6 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 1, Complete (6/15/65))
7 It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry (Take 3 Remake, Complete)
8 She Belongs to Me (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
9 Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat (Take 3, Complete)
10 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 9-10 Remake, False Starts)
11 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 8 Remake, Breakdown)
12 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 15 Remake, Breakdown)
13 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 14 Remake, False Start)
14 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 6 Remake, False Start)
15 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 12 Remake, False Start)
16 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Vocals, Guitar)
17 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 13 Remake, Breakdown)
18 Like a Rolling Stone - Take 11, Alternate Take
19 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Drums, Organ)
20 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Piano, Bass)
21 Like a Rolling Stone (Master Take, Guitar)
22 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 2-3 Remake, False Starts)
23 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 5, Rehearsal)
24 Like a Rolling Stone (Takes 1-3, Rehearsal)
25 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 5 Remake, Rehearsal)
26 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 4 Remake)
27 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 1 Remake, Rehearsal)
28 Like a Rolling Stone (Take 4, Rehearsal)
29 Like a Rolling Stone (Rehearsal Remake)
30 I Wanna Be Your Lover (Take 6, Complete)
31 I Wanna Be Your Lover (Take 1, Fragment)
32 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 13, Complete)
33 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 1, Breakdown)
34 Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues (Take 3, Rehearsal)
35 She's Your Lover Now (Take 6, Rehearsal)
36 She's Your Lover Now (Take 1, Breakdown)
37 She's Your Lover Now (Take 16, Complete)
38 She's Your Lover Now (Take 15)
39 Highway 61 Revisited (Take 7, False Start)
40 Highway 61 Revisited (Take 5, Complete)
41 Absolutely Sweet Marie (Take 1, Alternate Take)
42 Queen Jane Approximately (Take 2, Complete)
43 Visions of Johanna (Take 7, Complete)
44 Visions of Johanna (Take 8)
45 Visions of Johanna (Take 14, Complete)
46 Visions of Johanna (Take 1, Rehearsal)
47 Subterranean Homesick Blues (Take 1)
48 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 6, Complete)
49 Instrumental (Take 2, Complete)
50 Jet Pilot (Take 1)
51 Medicine Sunday (Take 1)
52 Ballad of a Thin Man (Take 2, Breakdown)
53 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 17)
54 Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? (Take 1, Alternate Take)
55 Obviously Five Believers (Take 3, Complete)
56 Temporary Like Achilles (Take 3, Complete)
57 Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I'll Go Mine) (Take 1, Complete)
58 Just Like a Woman (Take 8, Complete)
59 Just Like a Woman (Take 4, Alternate Take)
60 Just Like a Woman (Take 1, Complete)
61 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 14, Complete)
62 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 5)
63 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Rehearsal)
64 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (Take 1, Rehearsal and Finished Track)
65 Fourth Time Around (Take 11, Complete)
66 Lunatic Princess (Take 1)
67 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 19, Alternate Take)
68 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 4, Rehearsal)
69 One of Us Must Know (Sooner or Later) (Take 2, Rehearsal)
70 Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again (Take 1, Rehearsal)
71 Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands (Take 1, Complete)
72 California (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
73 You Don't Have to Do That (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
74 If You Gotta Go, Go Now (Take 1, Complete)
75 Farewell, Angelina (Take 1, Solo Acoustic)
76 On the Road Again (Take 7 Remake, Complete)
77 On the Road Again (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
78 On the Road Again (Take 4, Alternate Take)
79 On the Road Again (Take 1, Complete)
80 Outlaw Blues (Take 2, Alternate Take)
81 Outlaw Blues (Take 1, Complete)
82 It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding) (Take 1, False Start)
83 She Belongs to Me (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
84 She Belongs to Me (Take 2 Remake, Complete)
85 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 2, Complete)
86 Bob Dylan's 115th Dream (Take 1, Fragment)
87 It's All Over Now, Baby Blue (Take 1)
88 I'll Keep It With Mine (Take 1, Piano Demo)
89 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 1 Remake, Complete)
90 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 3 Remake, Complete)
91 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 2, Acoustic)
92 Love Minus Zero / No Limit (Take 1, Breakdown)
93 Mr. Tambourine Man (Takes 1-2, False Starts)
94 Mr. Tambourine Man (Take 3 with Band, Incomplete)
95 From a Buick 6 (Take 4)
96 From a Buick 6 (Take 1, False Start)
97 Positively 4th Street (Take 5, Alternate Take)
98 Positively 4th Street (Take 4, Complete)
99 Positively 4th Street (Takes 1-3, False Starts)
100 Tombstone Blues (Take 9)
101 Tombstone Blues (Take 1, Alternate Take)
102 Sitting On a Barbed Wire Fence (Take 2)

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