BoBo - Feelings (feat. Asta) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни BoBo - Feelings (feat. Asta)

Feelings (feat. Asta)
Feelings (feat. Asta)
Jag blev fast i en feeling.
I'm caught up in a feeling.
Målade tavlor ditt porträtt för o va riktig.
Painting portraits of you to make it real.
Hade fått varningar dom sa va försiktig ye.
I had some warnings, they said be careful.
Men ja lyssna aldrig deras historier.
But I never listened to their stories.
du sprang alltid runt i min mi mi mind.
You always ran around in my mind.
Du va fine med attityd baby one of a kind.
You were fine with an attitude, one of a kind.
O du kändes hela tiden som en rider or die.
And you always felt like a ride or die.
Såg hela framtiden marty mc fly.
I saw our whole future, Marty McFly.
Den här gärin catcha mig i mina feelings.
This honey caught me in my feelings.
Alltid down när vi gjorde våran buisness.
Always down when we did our business.
Du fick den klapp men vi snacka inte christmas.
You got it, but we weren't talking about Christmas.
Men du va alltid där toppen min wish list.
But you were always there, at the top of my wish list.
Satte bindeln men du vet jag tog en sneak peak.
I put on the blindfold, but I took a peek.
Du freaky
You're freaky.
Fråga om du love mig
Ask me if I love you,
Som keke.
Like Keke.
Alltid vart en real nigga
Always been a real one,
Belive me.
Believe me.
Men hon fick en zinji blöda bakom concrete.
But she made this G bleed behind the concrete.
Sa till dig redan när du kom hit
I told you from the start,
Vad du än gör mot mig catcha inga feelings baby
Whatever you do, don't catch any feelings, baby.
Sa till dig redan när du kom hit
I told you from the start,
Vad du än gör mot mig catcha inga feelings baby
Whatever you do, don't catch any feelings, baby.
Tror hon fånga mig hypnos.
I think she's got me under hypnosis.
Hon har nyckeln jag har bytt lås.
She has the key, I've changed the locks.
Måste fastnat i en psykos.
Must be caught in a psychosis.
Fucka allt jag trott på.
Fuck everything I believed in.
Borde lyssnat min mon ami
Should've listened to my best friend,
Jag blev ett byte bon appetit.
I became the prey, bon appetit.
Känner smaken från din nektar ingen apelsin.
I taste your nectar, it's not orange.
Sitter dricker bort min sorg flaska hennesey.
I'm sitting here drinking my sorrows away with a bottle of Hennessy.
Sen du lura i mig känslor.
Since you tricked me into feelings.
Trodde min kärlek va lån ingen lendo.
I thought my love was on loan, not a Lendo.
Men jag mår bra in i flyget ner till cancun.
But I'm feeling good as I'm flying down to Cancun.
Hon vill göra benin till majnoon.
She wants to turn Benin into a madhouse.
De går inte de går inte
She can't come back, it's over.
Du vill komma in igen de går inte.
You can't come in again, it's over.
Abonenten som du söker nås inte.
The number you are trying to reach is not available.
Du tog bort mina feelings nu dom finns inte.
You took away my feelings, they're gone.
Skulle kunna ta dig upp igen jag vill inte.
I could bring you back up, but I don't want to.
Går letar efter känslor men dom finns inte.
I'm looking for feelings, but they're gone.
Sa till dig redan när du kom hit
I told you from the start,
Vad du än gör mot mig catcha inga feelings baby
Whatever you do, don't catch any feelings, baby.
Sa till dig redan när du kom hit
I told you from the start,
Vad du än gör mot mig catcha inga feelings baby
Whatever you do, don't catch any feelings, baby.
Catcha inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catchar bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catchar inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catcha bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catcha inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catcha bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catchar inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catchar bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catcha inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catcha bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catchar inga feelings
Don't catch any feelings,
Catchar bara trips
Just catch some vibes.
Catchar inga feelings yeah
Don't catch any feelings, yeah,
Feelings yeah yeah
Feelings, yeah, yeah,
Catchar inga feelings yeah
Don't catch any feelings, yeah,
Felings yeah yeah
Feelings, yeah, yeah,
Catchar inga feelings yeah
Don't catch any feelings, yeah,
Feelings yeah yeah
Feelings, yeah, yeah,
Catchar inga feelings yeah
Don't catch any feelings, yeah,
Felings yeah yeah
Feelings, yeah, yeah,

Авторы: Asta Diawara, Ebrima ”bobo” Jawo

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