Bocafloja - Que dificil es - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bocafloja - Que dificil es

Que dificil es
How Difficult it is
Dificil es tratar de resolver el mundo sin resolver tu propia vida
It is difficult to try to solve the world without solving your own life
Saber hasta que punto tu alma esta comprometida
Knowing the extent of your soul's involvement
Hastaque punto te olvidas de ti mismo
To what extent you forget yourself
Quieres matarte cuando el resultado al fin siempre es el mismo
You want to kill yourself when the result is always the same
(Mas de lo mismo)
(More of the same)
Dificil es cuando caminas solo sin poder gritar
It is difficult when you walk alone unable to scream
Cuando tu jefe en el trabajo no te para de explotar
When your boss at work doesn't stop exploiting you
Cuando en el trafico quisieras tener alas y poder volar
When in traffic you wish you had wings to fly
Cuando atraviesas por un banco y te dan ganas de robar
When you walk through a bank and you feel like robbing it
Que dificil es, pagar las cuentas cada mes
How difficult it is to pay the bills each month
Luchar pa combatir tu propio estres
Fighting to overcome your own stress
Que difisil es mirar en el momento de la axion
How difficult it is to look at the moment of action
Las cosas que en el fondo tu sabes ya no tienen solucion
Things that deep down you know have no solution anymore
Dificil es el sueño dificil no avnasar aunque sea bueno el desempeño
Difficult is the dream difficult not to gain ground no matter how good the performance is
Que dificil es dificil es la vida
How difficult it is difficult is life
No es facil resolverla luchamos cada diaque dificil es... dificil el amor mas que fisico tambien es pscologico el dolor
It's not easy to solve it, we struggle every day how difficult it is... difficult love more than physical pain is also psychological
Dificil estar lejos, dificil no aceptarte cuando te miras al espejo
Difficult to be far away, difficult not to accept yourself when you look in the mirror
Dificil es el asco de tragar su burocrasia
Difficult is the disgust of swallowing their bureaucracy
Dificil es vivir en esta falsa democracia
Difficult it is to live in this false democracy
Dificil respirar monoxido com plomo
Difficult to breathe carbon monoxide with lead
Preguntas ¿como? cirrosis no es posible, yo no tomo
You ask how? Cirrhosis is not possible, I don't drink
Mirar los linchamientos aumento en el impuesto de alimentos
Watching the lynchings increase in the food tax
Dificil los espacios restringidos
Difficult the restricted spaces
Acseso a ciudadanos elejidos
Access to elected citizens
Dificil es crusar aquel desierto
Difficult to cross that desert
Dificil fue llegar y ahora sentir su desconsierto
Difficult it was to get there and now to feel their discouragement
Dificil es mirar la solucion mirando al cielo
Difficult it is to look at the solution looking at the sky
Dificil es seguir con la mirada siempre al suelo
Difficult it is to follow with your gaze always on the ground
Dificil es el sueño no avansar aunque sea bueno el desempeño
Difficult is the dream not to advance even if the performance is good
Que dificil es dificil es la vida
How difficult it is difficult is life
No es facil resolverla luchamos cada diaque dificil es
It's not easy to solve it, we struggle every day how difficult it is

Авторы: Aldo Villegas Pozos

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