Toate fetele bune si fetele nebune vreau sa intre-n actiune
All the good girls and the crazy girls I want to get into action
Te misti la fel ca o felina
You move like a feline
Te asteapta prada ce -o sa vina
The prey that will come awaits you
Dar am io o presimtire asa
But I have a premonition like this
Noaptea asta tu esti prada mea X2
Tonight you are my prey X2
Misca misca da-i din el
Move move dance
Ah ce te-as musca musca nitel
Ah, what I would bite you, bite you a little
Te as musca te as saruta
I would bite you, I would kiss you
Toata ziua si noaptea X2
All day and all night X2
Tare mai tare hai da-i din motoare
Harder harder come on give it from motors
Hai baga mare misca basu la valoare
Come on, play loud, move the bass to the value
Si oricat te-ai tine de tare nu o sa ma las
And no matter how hard you try, you won't let me
Jur ca tot te iau la mine acas'
I swear I'll take you home
Hai spune-mi daca imi dai ori nu imi dai
Come on, tell me if you give it to me or not
Am auzit io ca le ai de la unu care mia zis ca bine le dai si de sus si de jos
I heard from someone who said that you give them well from top and bottom
Vai vai hai sa ne leganam frumos
Oh oh come on let's swing beautifully
Am un gand nebun ce ma omoara
I have a crazy thought that kills me
Te as imbraca in profesoara
I would dress you in a teacher
Te as imbraca in doctorita doar in halat si fara fustitaX2
I would dress you in a doctor, only in a robe and without a skirt X2
Iesi in fata hai si dai daca ai din ce sa dai hai arata hai cebpas ai lasa i pe toti fara grai da i drumu la motor mami sa vedem actiune ca asa e oricine spune esti prea mare bunaciune
Come on and give it if you have something to give, come on, show me, what, let everyone be speechless, give it to the motor mommy, let's see action, because that's what everyone says, you're too much of a big girl
Ammm am o pofta sa te amm am impresia ca si tu cam ram papapapam draga fa mi spagatu ca Vandam
Mmm, I have a desire to have you, I have the impression that you too, baby, do me, make me a string like Vandam
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