Boris Novković - Julija - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Boris Novković - Julija

Stojimo na kraju snježne ulice
We're standing at the end of a snowy street
Gledamo u ljubav kako nosi kofere
We're watching love as it carries its bags
Pokrivamo snijegom zadnje poljupce
We're covering the last kisses with snow
Bit' će možda bolje poslije nove godine
Maybe it'll be better after the New Year
Julija, ne misli na to
Julia, don't think about it
Julija, dobro i zlo
Julia, good and evil
Julija, led bi topio
Julia, ice would melt
Julija, samo reci to
Julia, just say it
Decembar nam tiho spušta zavjese
December quietly lowers the curtains on us
K'o pahulja na dlanu ljubav topi se
Love melts in your hand like a snowflake
Krademo joj sada zadnje poljupce
We steal the last kisses now
Bit' će možda bolje poslije nove godine
Maybe it'll be better after the New Year
Julija, ne misli na to
Julia, don't think about it
Julija, dobro i zlo
Julia, good and evil
Julija, led bi topio
Julia, ice would melt
Julija, samo reci to
Julia, just say it
Julija, ne misli na to
Julia, don't think about it
Julija, dobro i zlo
Julia, good and evil
Julija, led bi topio
Julia, ice would melt
Julija, samo reci to
Julia, just say it
Stojimo na kraju snježne ulice
We're standing at the end of a snowy street
Gledamo u ljubav kako nosi kofere
We're watching love as it carries its bags

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