Boy Wonder - Je to len trava - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Boy Wonder - Je to len trava

Je to len trava
It's Just Grass
Raz som mal jeden malý problem, ked′ som palil moc,
Once I had a little problem, when I smoked too much,
Ked' došli papírky, tak že do čeho ubalim cross,
When the papers ran out, I wondered what to roll my cross in,
Nikdy to nebola potreba mať to každy deň,
It was never a need to have it every day,
šak každy deň sa nájde priležitosť litať si v tem.
But every day there's a chance to fly in the darkness.
Stále je to každy deň, stale neni po tem,
It's still every day, it's still not over,
Oči su vác bíle, no svet je stale taky isty kretén,
My eyes are whiter, but the world is still the same old asshole,
Tak mi nehovor, že ten kdo páli weed je štofer
So don't tell me that the one who smokes weed is a stoner,
Nikdy som kvoli Ganji nevyzeral jak Curt Cobain.(ou)
I never looked like Kurt Cobain because of Ganja.(ou)
Nikdy som kvoli nej neokradol mamu a mama ti též poví že mi nezmenila povahu,
I never robbed my mom because of it, and mom will tell you too that it didn't change my character,
10 rokov fajčím tuto púpavu, a nikdy mi neodštartovala narokmansku dráhu, ja
I've been smoking this dandelion for 10 years, and it never started my drug addiction path, I
Som zvyknutý si dobre zadymiť hlavu,
I'm used to smoking my head well,
Ale nenavyknutý, to je rozdiel, tak neunavuj.
But not addicted, that's the difference, so don't bother me.
Rečmi, že fajčením idzem proti právu aj tak sa dymí, paragraf vždy postavu deravú.
With the talk that I'm going against the law by smoking, it still smokes, the paragraph always has a leaky figure.
Je to len tráva, aj to sa občas stáva, že hneď z rána si pacnem páva.
It's just grass, it also happens sometimes, that I hit a peacock right in the morning.
Je to len tráva. Každý sa s ňu rád hráva, od prezidenta po smecára.
It's just grass. Everyone likes to play with it, from the president to the garbage man.
Je to len tráva, kludne sa se mnu hádaj, ja si dám šluk a ty mi zec kára.
It's just grass, feel free to argue with me, I'll take a drag and you can show me your driver's license.
Je to len tráva. To najlepšia zábava, Ganja, Shit, Weed, Marihuana.
It's just grass. The best entertainment, Ganja, Shit, Weed, Marijuana.
Cícim radosť aj bolest, a presne tak isto to citim keď si jointika tresnem.
I feel joy and pain, and I feel the same way when I hit a joint.
Neni som bez citu, žena určite tež, ne ja som neni prasa, vím ju pohladkať nežne.
I'm not without feelings, a woman certainly is too, no, I'm not a pig, I know how to caress her gently.
Nezanedbávam svoje potreby bežne, umývam sa, spávam též, zarábam keš (néé?)
I don't neglect my usual needs, I wash myself, I sleep too, I earn cash (no?)
Neni som kokot, uvedomujem si že sme ludia,
I'm not an asshole, I realize that we are people,
šak všetci ludia si rovný kéž že
But all people are equal, I wish that
Neni mi z teho, jak keď sa najebem zle
I'm not like that, like when I get drunk badly
A nemám halucinacie, nevidim veci pestre.
And I don't have hallucinations, I don't see colorful things.
A keď nahodu obsah flašky vodky klesne, mam piči, nevyhladavám suboje pästné.
And when the contents of a bottle of vodka happen to drop, I don't care, I don't seek fist fights.
Nesmejem sa potom na ničem, ani ve sne, neni som lesný muž, buzerant vobec ne.
I don't laugh at anything then, not even in my sleep, I'm not a wild man, and certainly not a faggot.
Pytaš sa na čo potom palim ten grass ne, nepytaj sa, fajči, lebo to nekdo iny vezme.
You ask why I smoke that grass then, don't ask, smoke, because someone else will take it.
Tak Johny Burger kokot ukaž kde maš travu,
So Johny Burger asshole show me where you have the grass,
Nenehaj ma čakať, hodfz gramy na váhu.
Don't keep me waiting, throw the grams on the scale.
Chcem si to ubaliť to bluntu, byť jak výmel,
I want to roll it into a blunt, be like an udder,
V klud′e sa odpaliť nech nevidí ma fízel.
Blast off in peace so the cop doesn't see me.
Studena je cesta, po ktorej chodzim,
The road I walk is cold,
Studeny su ludia, nevim kolko je hodzin,
The people are cold, I don't know what time it is,
Nepytam sa, nikdo mi neodpoví.
I don't ask, no one will answer me.
Nepozrú sa rovno, lebo som pre nich zlosyn.
They don't look straight because I'm a villain to them.
Ganja je dávno pojem tuctový,
Ganja has long been a common concept,
Aj tvoj sused by o nej vedzel napisať slohy.
Even your neighbor could write verses about it.
Kludne si na namesti zapaliť dovolim, a stále nekoho bolí, že si to rolím.
I'll calmly allow myself to light up in the square, and it still hurts someone that I'm rolling it.
Vyberem šišku, kerá mi tak moc voní,
I'll choose a bud that smells so good to me,
Nadrolim a zrolim, s ňú papír stovkový,
I'll grind and roll, a hundred-dollar bill with it,
Ked' sa ti nepači, prosím ťa odíd',
If you don't like it, please leave,
Keď áno tak podíď, spoločne nám bude škodiť.
If you do, come along, we'll do harm together.

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