Boy Wonder & Kansiik - Čierna vdova - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Boy Wonder & Kansiik - Čierna vdova

Čierna vdova
Black Widow
Jak si to představuješ? víš co mám ráda?
How do you imagine it? Do you know what I like?
Sex. sex. lásku. myslím na ruce co mi mačkaj prsa
Sex. Sex. Love. I think about hands squeezing my breasts
A potom telo na telo, rychlej pohyb úplne s toho šílim
And then body to body, fast movement, I'm going crazy from it
Na ceste za ščastím si vyskúšal vela cést
On the road to happiness, you tried many ways
Aj tak ci každý vztach pripadal že ho máš za trest
Even so, every breath felt like punishment to you
Sedzíš rozmýšlaš zatala sa päst
You sit, think, your fist clenched
Stávaš ze stoličky s tým že sa ideš obléct
You get up from the chair, deciding to get dressed
Dneska si si povedal že máš v piči lásku
Today you told yourself that you don't give a damn about love anymore
Pôjdeš zbalíš kurvu dáš tej špine facku
You'll go pick up a whore, slap that bitch
Potom ju pojebeš zahodzíš a neoplačeš
Then you'll fuck her, throw her away and not cry
A ked nebude nič iné tak pôjdeš za keš
And if there's nothing else, you'll go for cash
Prvý pol decák si dávaš doma na cestu
The first half-liter you have at home on the way
Dneska si kámo nájdeš na jednu noc nevestu
Tonight, buddy, you'll find a bride for one night
Ked sedzíš za barom strašne ci chucí fajčit
When you sit at the bar, you really want to smoke
Jebeš jednu od druhej šak ani to nestačí
You fuck one after another, but even that's not enough
Vedla na stoličke nejaká kurva nervačí
Next to you on the chair, some bitch is getting nervous
Nemôžeš povedat že sa ci vôbec nepáči
You can't say that you don't like her at all
Tak rozmýšlaš jak ju spravíš jak ju pojebeš
So you're thinking how to do her, how to fuck her
Ona sa spýta prvá či si s nu nepripiješ (pripiješ!!)
She asks first if you won't have a drink with her (you will!!)
Ref: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Kadze chodí tadze jebe (čo? čo?)
Wherever she goes, she fucks (what? what?)
Ide po nej kgb kulo štb Stv
KGB, CIA, STB, FBI are after her
Večer žije vstáva poobede
She lives at night, wakes up in the afternoon
Večer žije večer žijé
She lives at night, lives at night
Na ceste za štastým si prešiel hocijakú cestu
On the road to happiness, you've walked any path
No vživote si nestretol takúto ženskú
But you've never met a woman like this
Dali ste si drink v tebe začal plamen horet
You had a drink, a flame started burning inside you
Nečo ci hovorí jeb na to zas to bude bolet
Something tells you, fuck it, it'll hurt again
Ty to nevnímaš a z huby púštaš bludy
You don't notice it and you're letting out nonsense
Zabúdaš na čo si sem prišel a čo si si slúbil
You forget why you came here and what you promised yourself
Nechcel si sa zaláskúvať chcel si iba jedno
You didn't want to fall in love, you just wanted one thing
No city občas silnejšé jak ve vajcách geňo
But feelings are sometimes stronger than genes in eggs
Hovoríš o tem jak si z lásky strašne sklamaný
You talk about how disappointed you are in love
že šecky lásky čo si mal ta vždy podjebali
That all the loves you had always fucked you over
Všetko čo si im dal ci brali a nič ci nedali
Everything you gave them, they took and gave you nothing
Vždy si im veril a ony ta vždy klamali
You always trusted them and they always lied to you
Rozmýšlaš že táto bude pre teba liekom
You're thinking that this one will be your cure
Hovorí že netreba plakať nad rozliatym mlékom
She says there's no need to cry over spilled milk
Počúva ta očividne ta aj chápe
She listens to you, obviously understands you
Fakt ta nenapadlo že sa s nou ešte dnes večer vychrápeš lebo
It really didn't occur to you that you'd sleep with her tonight because
Ref: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Na ceste za štastým si prešla vela chodníkov
On the road to happiness, you've walked many paths
Bola si bruneta hrdzavá teraz si blondínkou
You were a brunette, a redhead, now you're a blonde
Mala vela chlapov prešla vela podnikou
You had many men, went through many businesses
Každý do teba vnikol a po chvíli unikol
Everyone entered you and escaped after a while
Vím bol plač boli slzy boli depresie
There were cries, there were tears, there were depressions
dávno nečaká že osud nečo nové prinesie
You haven't expected fate to bring something new for a long time
Zebrala si to do svojich rúk život treba žit
You took it into your own hands, life must be lived
Teplo v tebe zhaslo nenechaj sa zneužit
The warmth inside you has gone out, don't let yourself be used
Tak jak ten chlap včera večer bol bezchybný
Just like that guy last night was flawless
Mal podobný osud jak ty též bol naivný
He had a similar fate as you, he was also naive
Tak ste si dali drink a skončili u teba
So you had a drink and ended up at your place
Zaspali hned potem čo stačil vniknút do teba
You fell asleep right after he managed to enter you
Ráno sa zobúdzaš a on fakt leží v posteli
You wake up in the morning and he's actually lying in bed
Zostal celú noc a nemusí byt umelý
He stayed all night and doesn't have to be artificial
Aj ked nedýcha vôbec sa nehýbe
Even though he's no longer breathing, he's not moving at all
Poiscila si sa tak že do rána neodíde (neodišiel)
You made sure he wouldn't leave by morning (he didn't)
Ref: 2x
Chorus: 2x
Kadze chodí tadze jebe
Wherever she goes, she fucks
Ide po nej kgb kulo štb z tv
KGB, CIA, STB, FBI are after her
Večer žije vstáva poobede
She lives at night, wakes up in the afternoon
V centimetrovej vrstve make upu póry utopené
In a centimeter layer of makeup, pores are drowned
kurva ta vážne nepodvede
That bitch won't really cheat on you
Ked to budeš myslet vážne tak ta nikdy nepodjebe
If you're serious, she'll never fuck you over
do chvíle kým ju nepojebeš
Until you fuck her
Potom sa nevráci tvoje oči utopené
Then she won't come back, your eyes are drowned
Nikomu nepový že sifilis
Don't tell anyone she has syphilis
Behá za každým kokotom nezaujíma ju penis nezaujímajú ju pery
She runs after every dick, she doesn't care about penis, she doesn't care about lips
Nezaujíma ju či jej veríš svoju úlohu zaujímaš ju pokorený
She doesn't care if you believe her, she has her role, she cares about the conquered

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