Boyband feat. DJ Fatte - Tour de Bars (feat. DJ Fatte) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Boyband feat. DJ Fatte - Tour de Bars (feat. DJ Fatte)

Tour de Bars (feat. DJ Fatte)
Tour de Bars (feat. DJ Fatte)
Oumén, šBoyBand, ah, Tour de Baars, Tour de Baars, Tour de Baars!
Oumén, BoyBand, ah, Tour de Bars, Tour de Bars, Tour de Bars!
Ukaž mi šulina!
Show me your pussy!
BoyBand je dávno v piči otváráme sarkofágy,
BoyBand is long gone, we're opening sarcophagi,
Daj hore hnáty sme velký jak Galapágy,
Raise your legs, we're huge like the Galapagos,
Sme mega páni, no tak ukažte pásky,
We are mega men, so show us your tapes,
Na stage prichádzáme fresh jak Verešvársky!
We arrive on stage fresh like Verešvársky!
První BoyBand, co Best of jako debut,
The first BoyBand with a Best of as their debut,
Co cestovali Československem jako by dělali mapy,
Who traveled Czechoslovakia like they were making maps,
Den po vydání Prievidza jela sloky jako drogy,
The day after release, Prievidza took our verses like drugs,
Pumpovali jsme na stagi jak dick,
We pumped on stage like a dick,
Ostatní kapely stály jak stativ!
Other bands stood still like a tripod!
Nechceme sa len napiť,
We don't just want to get drunk,
Dáme show a to platí,
We put on a show, and that's a fact,
Na pódiu neháme dušu
We leave our soul on stage,
A krv a pot ten stríká jak z hadíc,
And blood and sweat that sprays like from hoses,
Každý jeden pár gul,
Every pair is a gulp,
Sme jeden par čo dva páry rúk,
We are one couple with two pairs of hands,
Od Košic do Děčína a späť
From Košice to Děčín and back,
A pokaždé iďeme na maximum!
And every time we go to the maximum!
Díky nám vyrostli midgeti,
Thanks to us, midgets grew up,
Aby konečně viděli Boyband,
To finally see BoyBand,
Aka nejlepší show a nejhorší název kapely,
Aka the best show and the worst band name,
šulini závistí čuměli do země a my do nebe jak satelit,
Pussies stared at the ground with envy, and we stared at the sky like a satellite,
Bitches se na nás v předních řadách lepily těsně jak špagety!
Bitches stuck to us in the front rows tight like spaghetti!
Občas hráme aj pre děti,
Sometimes we also play for children,
Tie děti súčást kapely,
These children are part of the band,
Ignorujeme povely, po show ideme na bar ne do perín,
We ignore orders, after the show we go to the bar, not to bed,
S majkom idem jak Wolverine, oblečiem si hocičo len ne bombery,
I go with the mic like Wolverine, I'll wear anything but bombers,
Nechodza na nás jen hoperi - pankáči, hipíci, starý Sean Connery!
Not just hoppers come to us - punks, hippies, old Sean Connery!
Občas přijdou i matky, vyzvednout děti, dát s náma fotky,
Sometimes mothers also come, to pick up children, take pictures with us,
Matka chce adresu a číslo, syn desku, dcera podpis,
Mother wants the address and number, son wants the record, daughter wants an autograph,
Manažer klubu chce BoyBand ob den, oumén, ouký doúký,
The club manager wants BoyBand every other day, oumén, ouký doúký,
Padá to z nás jak s malomocných, pod stagí nastav ruky!
It falls from us like from lepers, put your hands under the stage!
Když hrála Lady Carneval, týpci se čuměli kolem sebe,
When Lady Carneval played, the dudes looked around,
Když z beden začal jebat BoyBand, klub to začalo bolet,
When BoyBand started fucking from the speakers, the club started to hurt,
Po Čevabčiči děti zase začly žrát ve škole,
After Čevabčiči, the kids started eating at school again,
Při chcaní zjistil každý týpek, že je Jednorožec!
While pissing, every dude realized he was a Unicorn!
Tak povedz, aká je ta Kôža v ktorej žiješ,
So tell me, what is the Skin you live in,
Kym prijde Konec budu nás hrat v klube, v ktorom piješ,
Until the End comes, we'll be playing in the club you drink in,
Vieš, nikdo z nás fakt nemá Svatozář,
You know, none of us really has a Halo,
žiarime jak snubák, aj keď tma je občas V každom z nás!
we shine like a wedding ring, even though darkness is sometimes In each of us!
Zjevili jsme se jako Fantomas a do půl těla jako Sandokan,
We appeared like Fantomas and half-naked like Sandokan,
Pokud máš pár korun na vstup, tak odhoď masku a pojď k nám tancovat!
If you have a few bucks for entry, throw off your mask and come dance with us!
Iďem jak automat, lebo mám to rád,
I go like an automaton, because I love it,
Chceš fuckovat, choď pracovat,
If you want to fuck, go to work,
Odfoť sa se mnú a seber mi jednu,
Take a picture with me and take one for me,
Len nečakaj, že budem tancovať!
Just don't expect me to dance!
Ten flow je Sodoma Gomora
This flow is Sodom and Gomorrah,
A děláš z magora barona,
And you make a baron out of a fool,
Groupies sedí na stagi, s váma se nebudem milovat,
Groupies sit on stage, we won't make love with you,
Jedna je velká jak kilowatt, druhá všem jako bankomat,
One is big like a kilowatt, the other gives to everyone like an ATM,
Třetí si omylem prdla, čtvrtá fousy jak Torula!
The third one accidentally farted, the fourth one has a beard like Torula!
MCs hrajú v klube, no ludia tam nedošli,
MCs play in the club, but people didn't come,
Pre tých čo došli, zahrá hrozný MC Nebožtík,
For those who came, the terrible MC Deadman will play,
Stojíš na stagi jak dick, dáváme telocvik,
You stand on stage like a dick, we give physical education,
Konkurenci nemáme jak Židi svoje predkožky!
We don't have competition like Jews don't have their foreskins!
Stačilo, song přepínám na off,
That's enough, I'm switching the song off,
Dav křičí, málo,
The crowd shouts, they have little,
Zvukař chce víc jako pornoherec a krmí svou Viagrou stádo!
The sound engineer wants more like a porn actor and feeds his Viagra to the herd!
Aj belosi maju svoj názor, na stagi sme otvorený jak zámok,
Even white people have their opinion, on stage we are open like a lock,
Patríme k sebe jak rožek a párok,
We belong together like a roll and a sausage,
Uži si Galapágy od nás dvoch!
Enjoy the Galapagos from the two of us!

Авторы: David Tesar, Josef Zmelik, Lukas Jedlicka

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