Bozá - El Muñeco - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bozá - El Muñeco

El Muñeco
The Puppet
Rollin Bower
Rollin Bower
Esto es pa
This is for
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in"
Pa el que no anda Guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activa'o porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in"
Dejaste a Jesús por ir con belcebú
You left Jesus to go with Beelzebub
Manos homicidas las que tienes tu,
Homicidal hands are the ones you have,
Encima yo tus dos tres ñecomu
On top of that, your two or three ñecomu
Y con pampers de adulto
And with adult diapers
Dos tres chachomu,
Two or three chachomu,
Pero el enemigo te ha prendió el satélite
But the enemy has turned on your satellite
Con radares marcando pa tu élite,
With radars marking for your elite,
Pero bien surtidos los menores,
But the minors are well supplied,
9 con regla y hasta tienen tambores,
9 with a ruler and they even have drums,
El boza me llama y me dice: Capi metele,
Boza calls me and says: "Capi, hit it,"
Que yo se que no la van a entende,
'Cause I know they're not gonna understand it,
Con esta el distrito se vuelve a prendrer
With this one the district is gonna light up again
Arraijan, Vacamonte, CJ y C3
Arraijan, Vacamonte, CJ and C3
Ehhhhh boza vamo a da una tavuel,
Ehhhhh Boza, let's do a tavuel,
Ehhhh llave para el Rollin Bower,
Ehhhh key for Rollin Bower,
Ehhhh prende y calla un mumushower
Ehhhh light it up and shut up a mumushower
Que en sequia se le mete hasta a las chombipower.
That even in drought he gets even the chombipower.
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto woeeee woeee
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in" woeeee woeee
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto wooee woee
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in" wooee woee
Era de la nueva ola Hola no se confunda
I was from the new wave, hello, don't get it twisted
En lo que traten de hundirme pueden que se hundan
While they try to sink me, they might drown themselves
Yeyo Chiriqui hazme la segunda
Yeyo Chiriqui, do me the second
Fire pa el envidioso que el Boza desenfunda
Fire for the envious one, that Boza unholsters
Puercas como abundan pero yo ando relajao
Pigs are abundant, but I'm chillin'
Comenzando desde abajo muchos me han menospreciado
Starting from the bottom, many have underestimated me
Con este hit ellos se sienten garnateados
With this hit they feel garnished
Si esto es de otro mundo, otro lugar, de otro lao
If this is from another world, another place, another side
Ahora todos los chillin voice se ponen sus gafas 3D
Now all the chillin' voices put on their 3D glasses
Aprendieron a ruliar solitos y solos prender
They learned to roll by themselves and light up alone
Pollitos salgan de esa cascara
Chicks, get out of that shell
Y Ponganse la mascara encima de la máscara
And put on the mask over the mask
Ahora todas las chillin voice se ponen sus gafas 3D
Now all the chillin' voices put on their 3D glasses
Aprendieron a ruliar solitos y solos prender
They learned to roll by themselves and light up alone
Pollitos salgan de esa cascara
Chicks, get out of that shell
Y Ponganse la mascara encima de la mascara
And put on the mask over the mask
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in"
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque tiene su muñeco
And always stayin' active 'cause he got his puppet
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata se la meto.
He's like, "Girl, I'm puttin' it in".
Pa el que no anda guillao
For the one who ain't snitchin'
Y siempre anda activao porque el anda bala en boca
And always stayin' active 'cause he's always strapped
El que se le haga el loco o loca
The one who acts crazy, man or woman
El dice chata pa la chonta
He's like, "Girl, to the chonta"
Uhmmm cuando fumes no te duermas aprende a coge la choca sin la merma
Uhmmm when you smoke, don't fall asleep, learn to grab the choca without the merma
Youu pieza recuerda que el traicionero ya no te va a
You piece, remember that the traitor is not going to
Da la izquierda maxima bandera ta de turno seegurooo
Give the left, maximum flag is on duty for sure
Que dicen los Rollin Bower
What do the Rollin Bower say
Woaa woan Boza
Woaa woan Boza
Que dice el ghetto
What does the ghetto say
Youu faster El Sharaawy
Youu faster El Sharaawy
Ponganse la mascara encima de la mascara loco, si eso es fácil loco,
Put the mask on top of the mask, crazy, if that's easy, crazy,
Si esto es shobuull
If this is shobuull
Eyy you pirichoca tu sabes como esto
Eyy you pirichoca you know how this is
Ahh pegándole con las dos piernas yeees
Ahh hitting it with both legs yeees
PanamaMusic es la chantin
PanamaMusic is the chantin
Si quien masivo
Yes, who massive
Maxima Bandera y Rollin Bower
Maxima Bandera and Rollin Bower
Que dice el quiedo faster? que dice tatico?
What does the quiedo faster say? What does tatico say?
Informale que de acaba de unir el cartel de la máxima bandera,
Inform him that the Maxima Bandera cartel has just joined,
El cartel de Rollin Bower que dice riela?,
The Rollin Bower cartel, what does riela say?,
Todo militarismo izquierdista opositor va a recibir
Every leftist military opponent is going to receive
Bomba, lo que viene es una guerra bien berraca bien berraca
Bomb, what's coming is a very badass war, very badass

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