Brams - El president - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brams - El president

El president
The president
Tenim un president
We have a president
Que no ens el mereixem
Who we don't deserve
Llegeix el diari Avui, porta barretina,
Reads the newspaper Avui, wears a barretina,
Puja al Pedraforca tot xiulant
Climbs the Pedraforca while whistling
La Santa Espina.
The Santa Espina.
De dia és president,
By day he is president,
De dia és honorable,
By day he is honorable,
De nit quan no hi ha gent
By night when there are no people
Si li creuen els cables.
If he believes the cables.
I a Sant Jaume tots els dies
And at Sant Jaume every day
Poc després que es pongui el sol
Shortly after the sun has set
No vegis quines orgies
You can't see what orgies
Munta el president Pujol.
President Pujol is assembling.
I cardant pels despatxos,
And shuffling through the offices,
Fent-se palles al balcó,
Jerking off on the balcony,
Tots els consellers borratxos
All the councilors drunk
O amorrats al piló.
Or tied to the pillory.
A la Marta la florista
The florist Marta
Me li fot algun polvet
I give her some fuck
I ella no aparta la vista
And she doesn't take her eyes off
D'aquell lliri sempre dret.
That always upright lily.
Jordi Pujol, sexe, droga,
Jordi Pujol, sex, drugs,
I rock'n'roll
And rock'n'roll
Amb en Lluís que pren amfetes
With Lluís who takes amphetamines
Van de tripis fins al cul
They're tripping their butts off
I es fan un munt de petes
And they're smoking a lot of joints
De marihuana i de ful.
Of marijuana and ful.
Duran Lleida i Cullell
Duran Lleida and Cullell
Fan el que en Jordi els mana
Do what Jordi tells them
No duen coca de forner
They don't bring baker's coke
Duen coca colombiana,
They bring Colombian coke,
I els veig tan feliços
And I see them so happy
Quan la coca han esnifat
When they have snorted the coke
Tot corrent pels passadissos
Running through the corridors
De la Generalitat.
Of the Generalitat.
En contra del que semblava
Contrary to what it seemed
Ni sardana ni gregorià
Neither sardana nor Gregorian
A en Jordi el que li agrada
What Jordi likes
és el hard-core i l'ska.
is hard-core and ska.
En Pujol a la guitarra
Pujol on the guitar
Amb perruca fins als peus,
With a wig to his feet,
Roca toca la bataka,
Roca plays the drums,
Gasòliba fa les veus.
Gasòliba does the vocals.
En Maragall d'enveja es mor
Maragall is dying of envy
Des d'allà l'Ajuntament
From over there in the Town Hall
En sentir-los tocar el rock,
When he hears them playing rock,
El rock del President
The President's rock

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