Brams - Hey Joe, no m'enlluernis - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brams - Hey Joe, no m'enlluernis

Hey Joe, no m'enlluernis
Hey Joe, don't shine your light on me
Joe, va, posa'm un cubata!
Hey Joe, fix me a Cuban!
Joe, porta una Voll aquí
Hey Joe buy me a beer here
Joe, va, posa-me'n una altra!
Joe, pour me another!
... i es quedava allà adormit.
... and fell asleep.
El local ara tancava,
The local bar is now closing
Qui més qui menys sortia brut
Drunk the regulars stumble out
Però en Cinto clapava
But Cinto finally wakes up
Quan en Joe va encendre el llum.
When Joe turns on the lights.
Hey, Joe, no m'enlluernis,
Hey Joe, don't shine your light on me,
Per l'amor de déu!!
For the love of God!!
Cada nit es repetia
Every night was a repeat
Just la mateixa postal,
Same usual view
Quan tancaven ell dormia
When closing time arrived he'd fall asleep
Amb una merda bestial.
With a monstrous hangover.
En Cinto dormint delira
Cinto was in a delirium
Per a ell la llum és un torment,
The light was torture to him,
Com quan el reu a la cadira
Like when a convict in the electric chair
Veu que donen el corrent.
Sees the switch coming down.
Aquesta ningú l'encaixa,
This time it was different
Aquesta ningú se la creu,
This time no one believed him
Hòstia, Cinto, vas de baixa
Jeez man, you're acting weird
Avui tornes pel teu propi peu!!
Tonight you're leaving on your own!!
Es pensava que somiava
He thought he was dreaming
Quan, tornant a casa seva,
When, on the way home,
El Garrapata es trobava
Garrapata saw
Que d'un marge sortien uns peus.
Legs sticking out of a ditch.
No si anava "marrano",
I don't know if he was drunk
O és que el Garrapata és així,
Or maybe that's just how Garrapata is
Però va anar a avisar els "urbanos"
But he went off to alert the police
I es van presentar allí.
And they showed up right away.
El Garrapata i dos "pasmes"
Garrapata and two cops
Amb un lot, i lentament
With a stretcher, and very slowly
Es van apropar al marge
Walked up to the ditch
A identificar l'indigent.
To identify the vagrant.
I, encara que no t'ho creguis,
And though you might not believe it
Era en Cinto ben torrat,
It was Cinto lying there
Deia "Joe no m'enlluernis!!"
Screaming "Joe don't shine your light on me!!"
Quan l'"urbano" el va enfocar.
When the cop pointed his flashlight at him.

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