Brams - Nena de Nicaragua - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brams - Nena de Nicaragua

Nena de Nicaragua
Girl from Nicaragua
Estaves venent llimones
You were selling lemons
Al mercat Roberto Huembes,
At the Roberto Huembes market,
Te n'hagués comprat una bossa
I would have bought you a bag
Si se m'hagués acudit que fer-ne.
If I knew what to do with it.
No alçaves cinc pams de terra
You barely reach 5 feet off the ground
I eres índia com tu sola
And you're an Indian, like yourself
I semblava, quan somreies,
And it seemed, when you smiled
Que la misèria fos cosa bona.
That misery was a good thing.
Concentrada en el què feies,
Concentrated on what you were doing
I jo mirant-te i pensant,
And I look at you and think
Ens vam partir un plat de frijoles
We shared a dish of beans
Mai no n'havia gaudit tant.
I had never enjoyed it so much.
Després vas desaparèixer
Then you disappeared
Entremig de la gent
In the midst of the people
Em vas fer adéu amb la maneta.
You waved goodbye with your hand
No ens veuríem mai més.
We would never see each other again.
Nena de Nicaragua
Girl from Nicaragua
Em ve al cap el teu somrís
Your smile comes to mind
Cada cop que veig opulència al meu país.
Every time I see opulence in my country.
T'han predestinat la vida,
Life is predestined for you
Sols de néixer t'has trobat
When you were born you only found yourself
En un forat sense sortida ni menjar.
In a hole with no exit or food.
L'endemà et vaig tornar a veure,
The next day I saw you again
La vida aquestes coses,
Life has these things,
A prop del Roberto Huembes,
Near Roberto Huembes
Carregada de llimones.
Loaded with lemons.
Decidires fer un descans
You decided to take a break
I ens vam anar a fotre uns bocates
And we went to get some sandwiches
Amb ton germà que era un marrec
With your brother who was a brat
Que netejava sabates.
Who cleaned shoes.
No em vaig poder endur llimones
I could not take any lemons
Ni dar feina al teu germà,
Or give your brother a job
Les set-betes fan
The seven-bets are
De mal embetumar.
Difficult to mislead.
Però aquella mirada teva
But that look of yours,
Fou el millor dels records
Was the best memory
Que un pot portar de
That one can bring from
L'altra punta del món.
The other end of the world.
Ara que torno a ser a casa
Now that I'm back home
Mil històries se m'ocorren
A thousand stories come to mind
Que hagués volgut explicar-te
That I would have liked to tell you
De tot això que t'envolta.
About everything that surrounds you.
Un mes de Juliol tos pares
One month of July your parents
Van aconseguir moltes coses
Achieved many things
Que els hi han anat prenent
Which have been taken away
Els homes de la coca-cola.
The Coca-Cola men.
No et refiïs dels senyors
Don't trust gentlemen
Dels cartells electorals
From the electoral posters
Ells són els mal parits
They are the bastards
Que et buiden el plat.
That empty your plate.
Tingues enllestida l'arma
Have your weapon ready
Sàpigues quan cal dir prou
Know when to say enough
Que aviat, un dia, tot
Suddenly one day everything
Començarà de nou.
Began again.
Nena de Nicaragua
Girl from Nicaragua
Tornaré per celebrar
I'll be back to celebrate
Amb tu que, per fi, aquest malson ja s'acabat.
With you that this nightmare is finally over.
Brindarem, puny enlaire,
We will make a toast, fists raised,
I beurem gotets de rom
And we will drink sips of rum
Amb rodanxes de llimona i glaçons
With lemon slices and ice

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