Brams - Un Secret Que T'havia de Dir - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brams - Un Secret Que T'havia de Dir

Un Secret Que T'havia de Dir
A Secret I Had to Tell You
Samir, hem de parlar
Samir, we need to talk
Ara que ningú no ens veurà,
Now that no one will see us,
Potser no saps ni com em dic.
You may not even know my name.
Sóc Dragan Drulović
I'm Dragan Drulović
I visc en el bell mig
And I live right in the middle
Del veí poble serbi enemic.
Of the neighboring enemy Serbian village.
De fet no és sorprenent
In fact, it's not surprising
Que no em tinguis present,
That you don't remember me,
Els bosnians no soleu baixar.
You Bosnians don't usually come down here.
I amb la mala maror
And with the bad weather
Que hi ha jo tampoc no
I haven't either
Aquí, al teu poble, havia pujat mai.
Ever come up to your village.
Pot semblar estrany però et vinc a dir
It may seem strange, but I've come to tell you
Que els meus soldats vindran aquí
That my soldiers will come here
A primera hora del matí
At first light
Per atacar.
To attack.
Si troben homes al poblat
If they find men in the village
Acabaran en un fossat:
They will end up in a ditch:
La guerra aquí també ha arribat.
The war has reached here too.
I ara fuig, salveu la pell,
Now flee, save yourselves,
La nit serà un bon moment
The night will be a good time
Per marxar cap a ponent
To head west
Camineu incansablement.
Walk tirelessly.
Busqueu refugi segur
Seek safe refuge
Abans que no surti el sol
Before the sun rises
I us encengui els ulls de dol.
And sets your eyes ablaze with sorrow.
No deus saber, però,
You must not know, however,
Per què t'explico això,
Why I'm telling you this,
Per què amb els meus sóc deslleial.
Why I'm being disloyal to my own.
El que t'explicaré
What I'm about to explain
No és d'ara, que ja ve
Isn't from now, it goes back
De la II Guerra Mundial.
To World War II.
El meu pare era amic
My father was a friend
Del teu des de ben xic,
Of yours since they were kids,
I els xètniks el van reclutar.
And the Chetniks recruited him.
Van quedar als dos extrems,
They ended up on opposite sides,
Ton pare en aquell temps
Your father at that time
Va ser policia bosnià.
Was a Bosnian policeman.
Hi va haver una nit que el meu
There was one night when mine
A una cel·la pregava a Déu:
In a cell was praying to God:
L'havien d'afusellar
They were going to shoot him
L'endemà al matí.
The next morning.
Ton pare, que era el guardià,
Your father, who was the guard,
La clau el pany va fer voltar.
Turned the key in the lock.
S'abraçaren i va fugir.
They embraced and he fled.
I ara fuig, salveu la pell,
And now flee, save yourselves,
La nit serà un bon moment
The night will be a good time
Per marxar cap a ponent
To head west
Camineu incansablement.
Walk tirelessly.
Busqueu refugi segur
Seek safe refuge
Abans que no surti el sol
Before the sun rises
I us encengui els ulls de dol.
And sets your eyes ablaze with sorrow.
Cinquanta anys després
Fifty years later
La memòria m'ha empès
My memory has pushed me
A vindre d'amagat aquí
To come here in secret
I dur-te aquest record
And bring you this memory
I alliberar del cor
And release from my heart
Aquest secret que t'havia de dir.
This secret I had to tell you.
Emporta't ben lluny els teus fills
Take your children far away
A bon recer d'aquests perills
Safe from these dangers
Que creixin forts, sans i valents
May they grow up strong, healthy and brave
Perquè amb el temps
So that in time
Puguin salvar els meus dels danys
They can save mine from the harms
De la guerra que els averanys
Of the war that the omens
Preveuen per d'aquí a uns anys.
Predict for a few years from now.
I ara fuig, salveu la pell,
And now flee, save yourselves,
La nit serà un bon moment
The night will be a good time
Per marxar cap a ponent
To head west
Camineu incansablement.
Walk tirelessly.
Busqueu refugi segur
Seek safe refuge
Abans que no surti el sol
Before the sun rises
I us encengui els ulls de dol.
And sets your eyes ablaze with sorrow.
I ara fuig, salveu la pell,
And now flee, save yourselves,
La nit serà un bon moment
The night will be a good time
Per marxar cap a ponent
To head west
Camineu incansablement.
Walk tirelessly.
Busqueu refugi segur
Seek safe refuge
Abans que no surti el sol
Before the sun rises
I us encengui els ulls de dol.
And sets your eyes ablaze with sorrow.

Авторы: Francesc Ribera I Toneu, Javier Vila Bover

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