Braulio - Pobre Papa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Braulio - Pobre Papa

Pobre Papa
Pobre Dad
A pesar de todo, te quiero papa
Despite everything, I love you, Dad
Auque tus achaques no logre aguantar,
Although I can't put up with your ailments,
Tu absurda ceguera te impide aceptar
Your absurd blindness prevents you from accepting
Que ya soy un hombre que empieza su andar.
That I am now a man who is starting his journey.
Siempre seré un inexperto a la hora de opinar
I will always be inexperienced when it comes to expressing my opinions
Y tu a mi años te escapaste a guerrear,
As you escaped to fight a war many years ago,
Frenas mi alegar abierto y te niegas a razonar
You stop my open arguments and refuse to reason
Escudándote en tu ferre autoridad.
Hiding behind your self-assured authority.
Tratas de agotar mis sueños acusándome de irrealidad
You try to exhaust my dreams by accusing me of being unrealistic
Y me exiges sumisión a tu verdad,
And you demand that I submit to your truth,
Quieres seguir siendo el dueño
You want to continue being the owner
Que administre bien mi libertad
Who manages my freedom well
Y no admites concesión a otro ideal.
And you don't admit concessions to other ideals.
Pobre papá, pobre papá
Poor Dad, Poor Dad
Con tu actitud me perderás,
Your attitude will make me leave,
Pobre papá, pobre papá
Poor Dad, Poor Dad
Y en la vejez solo estarás.
And in old age you will be alone.
Ya se que presumes de hacerme bailar
I know that you boast about making me dance
Al son que tu tocas y sin rechistar,
To the sound that you play and without complaining,
Pero tu absurda ceguera te impide aceptar
But your absurd blindness prevents you from accepting
Que ya soy un hombre que empieza su andar
That I am now a man who is starting his journey
Siempre seré un inexperto a la hora de opinar
I will always be inexperienced when it comes to expressing my opinions
Y tu a mi años te escapaste a guerrear
As you escaped to fight a war many years ago,
Frenas mi alegar abierto
You stop my open arguments
Y te niegas a razonar escudándote en tu ferre autoridad.
And you refuse to reason hiding behind your self-assured authority.
Tratas de agotar mis sueños acusándome de irrealidad
You try to exhaust my dreams by accusing me of being unrealistic
Y me exiges sumisión a tu verdad,
And you demand that I submit to your truth,
Quieres seguir siendo el dueño
You want to continue being the owner
Que administre bien mi libertad
Who manages my freedom well
Y no admites concesión a otro ideal.
And you don't admit concessions to other ideals.
Pobre papá, pobre papá
Poor Dad, Poor Dad
Con tu actitud me perderás,
Your attitude will make me leave,
Pobre papá, pobre papá
Poor Dad, Poor Dad
Y en la vejez solo estarás. (3 veces)
And in old age, you will be alone. (3 times)

Авторы: Braulio Antonio, Garcia Bautista

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