Breiky - Promesas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Breiky - Promesas

Pinky promesas
Pinky promises
Recuerdas aquellos momentos llenos de sorpresas
Remember those moments full of surprises
Recuerdas nuestro primer beso y las pinky promesas
Remember our first kiss and our pinky promises
Recuerdas que deciamos te amo una y otra vez
Remember how we used to say I love you over and over again
Nuestra cara de alegria por cumplir el primer mez
Our faces beaming with joy as we celebrated our first month
Recuerdas que queriamos estar juntos cada segundo
Remember how we wanted to be together every second
Y jugabamos a ser los mejores novios de mundo
And we pretended to be the best couple in the world
Tambien cuando peliabamos por cosas sin razon
Remember how we used to fight over silly things
Y lo mas hermoso del pleito era la reconciliasion
But the most beautiful part of the argument was the reconciliation
Recuerdas nuestras llamadas en el tel todos los dias
Remember our daily phone calls
Pegados ala bocina hasta que la oreja dolia
Glued to the phone until our ears ached
Y colgar era dificil, yo no quiero como crees
And hanging up was difficult, not like you think
Yo no cuelgo, cuelga tu, los 2 colgamos alas 3
I don't hang up, you hang up, we both hang up at 3
Que dificil es saber que ya no existe nada de eso
It's so hard to know that none of that exists anymore
Que tus labios ya no volveran a regalarme un beso
That your lips will never kiss me again
Despertarme y descubrir que no estaras en este dia
To wake up and realize that you won't be there today
Ni mañana, ni pasado porque ya no seras mia
Or tomorrow, or the day after, because you're not mine anymore
Y esque desde que te fuiste mi mundo se volvio trisas
And since you left, my world has fallen apart
Ni siquiera recuerdo como era mi sonrisa
I can't even remember what my smile used to be like
Un cigarro y otro mas, se acumulan las cenisas
One cigarette after another, the ashes piling up
Mientras respiro el perfume que dejaste en mis camisas
As I inhale the perfume you left on my shirts
Sobrevivo de recuerdos que perdieron su alegria
I survive on memories that have lost their joy
Leo tu carta cada dia y miro tu fotografia
I read your letter every day and look at your picture
Recuerdo el ultimo beso y pienso que fue el mas bonito
I remember our last kiss and think it was the most beautiful
Si supiera que iba a ser el ultimo lo haria infinito
If I had known it was going to be the last, I would have made it infinite
Donde estaaa?
Where is it?
Donde fueee?
Where did it go?
Ese amooor que un dia juraaasteee
That love you swore to me that day?
Lo intenteee y fracaseee
I tried and failed
Es difiiicil no pensarteee
It's hard not to think about you
Recuerdaaas a tu priiimer amooor
Do you remember your first love?
O me olvidaaasteee?
Or have you forgotten me?
Recuerdas cada caricia, cada beso, cada abrazo,
Remember every caress, every kiss, every hug,
Cada apodo, cada fecha? yo recuerdo cada paso!
Every nickname, every date? I remember every step!
Que dimos juntos los 2 siempre tomados de la mano
That we took together, always holding hands
Caminando como locos por el mundo enamorados
Walking like crazy people around the world in love
Me enseñaste a controlar mis celos y arranques de enojos
You taught me to control my jealousy and outbursts
A que un beso no es un besos cuando no cierras los ojos?
That a kiss is not a kiss when you don't close your eyes
A que no puedo decir que yo te quiero mas que tu?
That I can't say I love you more than you?
Por que el amor no tiene kilometros ni longitud
Because love has no limits or longitude
Eh vuelto a los lugares donde juntos estubimos
I've gone back to the places where we used to be together
Y te llore justo ahi donde el primer beso nos dimos
And I cried for you right where we had our first kiss
Pude ver que sonrreias como en aquellos inviernos
I could see you smiling like you did during those winters
Y tu nombre sigue escrito en las hojas de mis cuadernos
And your name is still written on the pages of my notebooks
Estoy haciendo a un lado todos los momentos malos
I'm putting aside all the bad moments
Y rescate los bonitos para ti, te los regalo
And I'm saving the good ones for you, I give them to you
Me siento en deuda contigo por que pude ser hacer mejor
I feel indebted to you because I could have been better
Por romper cada pinky promesa que no se cumplio
For breaking every pinky promise that wasn't fulfilled
Recuerdas cuando buscabamos figuras en las nubes?
Remember when we used to look for figures in the clouds?
Y cuando te equivocabas cuantos golpes de ti obtube
And when you were wrong, how many slaps did you get from me?
Que el que baja para abajo y el que pa arriba se sube
That the one who goes down goes down and the one who goes up goes up
Lo fuiste todo en mi vida la novia que nunca tube
You were everything in my life, the girlfriend I never had
Ahora todo aparenta que marcha bien en tu vida
Now it seems that everything is going well in your life
Que la magia del tiempo curo todas las herias
That the magic of time has healed all the wounds
Pero si no es asi, si no eres feliz sin mi
But if it's not, if you're not happy without me
No dudes en buscarme te estare esperando aqui
Don't hesitate to look for me, I'll be waiting here
Donde estaaa?
Where is it?
Donde fueee?
Where did it go?
Ese amooor que un dia juraaasteee
That love you swore to me that day?
Lo intenteee y fracaseee
I tried and failed
Es difiiicil no pensarteee
It's hard not to think about you
Recuerdaaas a tu priiimer amooor
Do you remember your first love?
O me olvidaaasteee?
Or have you forgotten me?

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