In the city park, on the stage, guys with a few songs
Und beats so wia dem do, a beat wiana liaba
And beats like this one, a beat like a lover
Herzlich willkomma zu rap wiana schätza,
Welcome to rap, Vienna appreciates,
Rap wo vo herz kunnt, rap ohni grenza
Rap that comes from the heart, rap without borders
Unterhaltsama rap
- rap mit witz und charme
Entertaining rap
- rap with wit and charm
Ey yo herzlich willkomma zu minem sound
Ey yo, welcome to my sound
Herzlich willkomma zu rap und musik,
Welcome to rap and music,
Positiva messages anschtatt so ghetto-bullshit
Positive messages instead of ghetto bullshit
Wo no lang kasch go suaha, will der häts in chur nit-
Where you can listen for a long time, because you won't get it in Chur-
Au nit vorem manor jungs!
Not even in front of the Manor, guys!
Rap in chur: isch wasi mach, wasi kan, was tuusigi fääns wen
Rap in Chur: it's what I do, what I can, what thousands of fans want
Wo durakeien ufa büni stohn und vers bring
Who rock out on stage and deliver verses
Rap begleitet mi vom rümli... bis zum soundcheck vo shows und zum gig vo da heads
Rap accompanies me from the rehearsal room... to the soundcheck of shows and to the gig of the heads
Klar rap i wells kuhl isch, isch logisch,
Of course I rap because it's cool, it's logical,
Denn wenns dumm isch wia schaisse wärs iargendswia komisch, abr eigentlich rapp i nur wägdra einziga band "danke doppelcompany iar händ mi einiges glehrt"; wia ma spass hät ar sach, wia ma lüüt bewegt und wia ma sich noch bald 10 johr no immer fühla wet
Because if it was dumb as shit it would be somehow strange, but actually I only rap because of one band "thanks Doppelcompany you taught me a lot"; how to have fun with something, how to move people and how you still want to feel after almost 10 years
Es isch a guata tag gsi döt im 97 und euri ... jungs dia goht mr nümm usm grind
It was a good day here in '97 and your ... guys, it's still on my mind
Nummer ais. nummer ais. nummer aahaahaaahaais.
Number one. number one. number ooooone.
Nummer ais. nummer ais. nummer ahahaais.
Number one. number one. number ooooone.
Herzlich willkomma i minera welt wo ma dr sound no kauft hät mit sinam bizali geld
Welcome to my world where you bought the sound with your pocket money
Inara zit vorm
. und vor mp3 wo ma freestyles gsammlet hät uf erschta tapes
In a time before
. and before mp3, where you collected freestyles on your first tapes
Für alli EDV-rapper das isch plastik mimna bändli drin und
2 löcher frog am beschta mol din daddy king
For all computer rappers, this is plastic with a ribbon in it and
2 holes, best ask your daddy king
Dä hät sicher no ai so an recorder im schrank
He surely still has one of those recorders in the closet
Das isch a grössers ding us plastik für das klina mim band
That's a bigger thing made of plastic for this little one with the tape
Denn schteckt ma z klina i z grossa play trucka und losloh und lauft a halb schtund musik und wenn nümma ...
Then you put the small one into the big one, press play and half an hour of music runs and when it's over ...
Stop trucka, tape kehra, play trucka
Stop, rewind the tape, play
Gsendr mol do häts no arbet geh bim losa abr ätz, wer wett das no?
Damn, there was still work involved in listening, but come on, who wants that anymore?
Jo niamert meh. usser dr vali und i, abr mi schtört das herzlich wenig denki gärn a dia zit
Yeah, nobody. except Vali and me, but that doesn't bother me much, I like to think back to those times
Wo mr im camp gsässa sin mit
2 plattaspieler
When we sat in the camp with
2 turntables
Und ama jam in eim mixer us alta ziita
And a jam in a mixer from old times
üs probiart hen im mixa und ...
We tried to mix and ...
Abr leider henmr numa üsri platta verkratzt.
But unfortunately we only scratched our records.
Abr spass häts üs gmacht, mniar sin nonstop dra gsi mit s paar dütscha hiphop-platta und mit ...
But we had fun, we were always at it with the few German hip-hop records and with ...
All dia idrück wo mr gsammlet hän sin gold wert ächt, dia wetti alli nümma missa ...
All the impressions we collected are worth their weight in gold, really, I wouldn't want to miss any of them ...
Das sin ziita gsi. eifach uhuara gail
Those were the days. simply awesome
Und so bliebets au noch johra üsri nummer ais
And it will stay that way even after years, our number one
Nummer ais... nummer ais. nummer ahahahaaais
Number one... number one. number ooooone
Nummer ais
. nummer ais. nummer ahahais.
Number one
. number one. number ooooone.
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