Breitbild - Drei Fläscha Jack - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Breitbild - Drei Fläscha Jack

Drei Fläscha Jack
Three Bottles of Jack
Dia johr sind schnell verganga, i luaga zruck und gsehn üs no,
The years have passed quickly, I look back and still see us,
An da erschta konzert in dr kart arena, freestyla und inra ecka stoh,
At the first concert in the Kart Arena, freestyling and standing in a corner,
Dia saisons gitz nuno selta, gsehn üs no selta,
The seasons are now rarer, we see each other less often,
Was miar erläben isch a seltaheit, selta werden soviel fehler verzeiht,
What we experience is a rarity, rarely are so many mistakes forgiven,
Miar hend hand botta und gseit, miar sind gera bereit,
We shook hands and said, we are ready for this,
Das isch fründschaft, das isch do si füranand,
This is friendship, this is being there for each other,
Das isch wenns diar nit guat goht den nimm mini hand,
This is when you're not doing well, take my hand,
Meh als uusstrecka kannsi nit, griif drnoh,
You can't do more than reach out, grab it,
Gmeinsam nemmemer dia hürda s kann wiiter goh,
Together we overcome the hurdles, we can move on,
As het sich viiles veränderet, jo das bringt ziit aso mit sich,
A lot has changed, yes, time brings that with it,
Miar schriiben am schriibtisch, fiilen an hits mit toshman und rabitt,
We write at the desk, file hits with Toshman and Rabitt,
Das isch immer no gliich, oh yeah, wiani dia ziita liab,
That's still the same, oh yeah, how I love those times,
Im üabigsruum mit da jungs an songs fiila, songs schriiba,
Working on songs with the guys in the rehearsal room, writing songs,
Ziila um ziila, ds ziel avisiart und miar schaffen das,
Goal after goal, the goal in sight and we'll make it,
S kunnt guat, as kunnt richtig guat, miar hends richtig gmacht,
It's going well, it's going really well, we did it right,
Richtig guat, und etz wird nuno füra gluagt nümma zruck,
Really well, and now we're looking ahead, no more looking back,
Griif zur fläscha jack und nimm en kräftiga schluck,
Grab the bottle of Jack and take a strong sip,
A a a aiiins... miar fiiren üsri fründschaft,
O o o one... we celebrate our friendship,
Zwa zwa zwa zwai... miar lönd z vergangana in der vergangaheit,
T t t two... we leave the past in the past,
Dre dre dre drei... miar spiilen üseri hymna spüren üs nümma,
Th th th three... we play our anthem, feel nothing but ourselves,
Mahen zemma duura bis am morga
Carry on together until morning
Zemma hemmer scho so viil duuragmacht.
We've already been through so much together.
Los, mahen dia fläscha off, was isch a männerfründschaft ohni alk,
Come on, let's open the bottles, what is a male friendship without alcohol,
A männerfründschaft ohni so verbrüaderig, dia wird sowiso nit alt,
A male friendship without such brotherhood, it won't get old anyway,
Amana nomittag ins grüana go laufa, quatscha mit mina homies ab,
Run into the green tomorrow afternoon, chat with my homies,
Zemma kocha viil zviil essa, nocher in da uusgang mitama monetsghalt,
Cook together, eat too much, then go out with a month's salary,
Vom thom und bald a troscht ufs 081 und nomol a vertonig zahlt,
From Thom and soon a consolation on the 081 and another recording paid,
A vertonig vomana wiitera schritt wo allna andera dr tariif duragit,
A recording of another step where everyone else goes through the tariff,
Intensiiveri ziita als hüt kömmen nümma aso schnell, euphorisch bsoffa beruuschtlos,
More intense times than today will never come so fast, euphorically drunk, intoxicated,
Mahen dia fläscha off, hüt schenken miar i und kotzen üs us,
Open the bottles, today we're giving in and throwing up,
As brucht nit immer an narr für fehler, as langt scho d angscht vo dem,
It doesn't always take a fool for mistakes, the fear of it is enough,
Dass di fründa könnten andersch gseh, wenn seisch was di scho lang bedrängt,
That your friends might see you differently if you say what has been bothering you for so long,
Was di scho lang beschäftigt, di in dim handla hemmt,
What has been on your mind for so long, inhibiting your actions,
Und langsam dis läba munano kaputt macht, d stimmig in dim alltag dämmt,
And slowly destroying your life, dampening the mood in your everyday life,
Doch dini fründa dia bütender d hand, und wohri fründschaft schenkt diar kraft,
But your friends offer you a hand, and true friendship gives you strength,
Drum nutz dini chanca verdammt nomol man, ka angscht dasses denn nit schaffsch,
So use your chance, damn it, man, no fear that you won't make it,
Klar hanni glooga und herza brocha, han tua, was en mensch nit macht,
Sure, I've believed and had my heart broken, done things that a person shouldn't do,
Doch werda endlich wach, und mach mi endlich stark,
But finally wake up, and finally make me strong,
Han mini fründa bi miar womer zeigen das etlicha menscha dia fehler passiaren,
I have my friends with me who show me that some people make these mistakes,
Fehler bekenna und besserig schaffa, dass isch das wo menschlich macht,
Admitting mistakes and working on improvement, that's what makes us human,
Denn das wo der mensch mitmacht, isch halt nit immer alles numa schön und guat,
Because what a person goes through isn't always just beautiful and good,
Nai miar sind nit nur a herz und a seel, denn öppa flüüst au böses bluat,
No, we're not just one heart and one soul, because sometimes evil blood flows too,
Doch fründa stärken d seel, und helfen wos nur möglich isch,
But friends strengthen the soul, and help where possible,
All denna schlechta gedanka und tatana a end setzta, si tröschten di,
To put an end to all those bad thoughts and actions, they comfort you,
Z leba baut diar d wäg, du bisch wo si nutzt aber gohn nit allai,
Life builds you the paths, you are the one who uses them, but don't go alone,
Begleitiga helfen diar träga was träga muasch, und zwor über stock und stai,
Companions help you carry what you have to carry, and even over rough and smooth,
A a a aiiis... miar fiiren üsri fründschaft,
O o o one... we celebrate our friendship,
Zwa zwa zwa zwai... miar lönd z vergangana in der vergangaheit,
T t t two... we leave the past in the past,
Dre e e ei... miar spiilen üseri hymna spüren üs nümma,
Th th th three... we play our anthem, feel nothing but ourselves,
Mahen zemma duura bis am morga
Carry on together until morning
Zemma hemmer scho so viil duuragmacht.
We've already been through so much together.
A a a aiiins... miar fiiren üsri fründschaft,
O o o one... we celebrate our friendship,
Zwa zwa zwa zwai... miar lönd z vergangana in der vergangaheit,
T t t two... we leave the past in the past,
Dre dre dre drei... miar spiilen üseri hymna spüren üs nümma,
Th th th three... we play our anthem, feel nothing but ourselves,
Mahen zemma duura bis am morga
Carry on together until morning
Zemma hemmer scho so viil duuragmacht.
We've already been through so much together.
Das züg woni trinka isch elter, als all dia problem wommer hend,
The stuff I drink is older than all the problems we have,
Und i schlucka beides nit eifach, nai i weiss es brennt en moment,
And I don't just swallow both, no, I know it burns for a moment,
Und brucht sini ziit bis mas verdaut, miar schwiigend üs us und sufen drbi,
And takes its time until it's digested, we silently endure and drink while doing so,
Ma schluckt jo nit alles doch ma vertraut trotzt allem no erschtuunlicherwiis,
We don't swallow everything, but we still trust surprisingly,
Fründschaft isch a fründschaft, als fründ het ma pflichta,
Friendship is friendship, as a friend you have duties,
Und dia beachtet ma nita wemma nüt macht als lüüga uftischa,
And you don't pay attention to them when all you do is look up often,
Und nochem nögschta versuach isch das ganza verbi und afangs denn,
And after the next attempt, the whole thing is over and then begins,
Kanni uf da stress verzichta, also riisen eu zemma und z ruader no umma,
I can't do without the stress, so we travel together and keep rowing,
I weiss uf üs warten besseri ziita.
I know better times are waiting for us.

Авторы: Andri Perl, Claudio Candinas, Dario Sisera, Filippo Lechthaler, Georg Gadient, Mauro Willi, Samuel Senn, Thomas Businger, Valerio Priuli

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