Mis aigete tempo, brecha rythmus, yeah easy für ais odr zwai häts immer no
- häts immer no glangt
My own tempo, break the rhythm, yeah easy for one or two there's always been
- there's always been enough
Hüt isch sona tag, hüt isch z wätter schön, hüt schtohni uf welli will nid welli an wecker ghör.
Today is such a day, today the weather is beautiful, today I get up because I want to, not because I hear an alarm clock.
Hüt lehni mi zruck und nimma mr ziit imana land wo jeder no uf d uhr luagt als segis an innera zwang.
Today I lean back and take my time in a land where everyone still looks at the clock as if it were an inner compulsion.
Hüt isches irrelevant ob mi öppr erreicha will, hüt bestrahl mr d hoda damit I erreichbar bin.
Today it's irrelevant whether someone wants to reach me, today the sun shines on me so that I am reachable.
Nei, hüt bruchi kan weschtlicha schtandard, öpis zum trinka und ässa söt langa.
No, today I don't need any western standard, something to drink and eat should be enough.
Yeah I gnüssa d ruah an so liachta täg wo d ziit davoschrpingt wiana liachtathlet.
Yeah I enjoy the peace on such light days where time runs away like a track and field athlete.
Woni kai grund bruch zum mit lüt ais go trinka und wos zruggwinken wenni maitla winka woni di eigna fründa per zuafall treff und wo per zuafall dr aint no an fuassball hät.
When I don't need a reason to have a drink with people and when I wave back when girls wave at me when I meet my own friends by chance and when by chance one of them still has a football.
Es sin so guati täg woni waiss I han no so viel ztua dasses für ais no langt.
These are such good days when I know I still have so much to do that it's enough for one more.
Für as nit so gmaint nochamna dumma spruch, für di nama wart I kum grad druf, für akli hunger uf as schnitzelbrot, nomol an dumma spruch, I mains nit aso!
For one more not so meant after a stupid saying, for one more "wait, I'll get to it right away", for a little hunger for a schnitzel sandwich, one more stupid saying, I don't mean it like that!
Für as wiitergoh in dr nacht am drei, für as "ach mora machi frei", für as "blieba do" "muass no gschwind uf d bank"
For one more going on in the night at three, for one more "ah tomorrow I'll make it free", for one more "stay there" "have to go to the bank quickly"
Und kömet scho für ais häts no immer glangt
And come on, there's always been enough for one more
Für ais häts immer no glangt
There's always enough for one more
Häts immer no glangtheds emmer no
There's always been enough, there always will be
Für ais häts immer no glangt
There's always enough for one more
Häts immer no glangtheds emmer no
There's always been enough, there always will be
Für ais heds emmer no glang
There's always been enough for one more
Heds emmer no glang
There's always been enough
I mein es mues, nimemer zyt
I mean, it has to be, no more rush
Mis aigete tempo, brecha dr rythmus, yea easy für ais odr zwai häts immer no
- häts immer no glangt
My own tempo, break the rhythm, yeah easy for one or two there's always been
- there's always been enough
Miar sin im beschta alter und dr obed no jung, chum miar nämen nomol ais, dasses grotet und kunnt wia berota so unwahrschinlich dasses au sii mag, es hät immer no glangt für a passendi ilag
We are at the best age and still young in the evening, come on, let's have one more, so that it works out and comes as advised so unlikely that it may be, there has always been enough for a suitable deposit
Nimm as glasse und bliba glasse und schribe glasseni ziila a glas und a kruag und es isch guat unds wäri gnuag und dia döt däna hät scho wider häragluagt.
Take a glass and stay glass and write abandoned goals on a glass and a mug and it's good and it would be enough and that one over there has already looked over here again.
Sie schtreckt sich akli und fahrt sich durch d hoor
- extra für mi
She stretches a little and runs her hand through her hair
- especially for me
Es hät immer no glangt füra biarseeligi retrospektive text und a beat mit trompeta und gitarra sad isch dabi und wär isch dabi für a letschti partii bäll setza im kies?
There has always been enough for a couple of pathetic retrospective lyrics and a beat with trumpet and guitar sad is there and who is there for a last game of putting balls in the gravel?
S isch a hektischi ziit kum miar gäben gägaschtüüür es hät no immer glangt für akli läbensgfühl
It's a hectic time come on let's counter-steer there has always been enough for a little attitude to life
Für as "mol luaga" als antwort uf "was machsch denn mora" für "machi mora" als antwort uf alles andere, für as hand ind luft bimana gaschtuuftrit und alli machen mit, sona krassa gig für an rascha blick, für a "wart, I main, I kenn di doch!" und allgemain, für pardytime und dr tuusigscht pardy-bacardi-rime
For a "let's see" as an answer to "what are you doing tomorrow" for "I'll do it tomorrow" as an answer to everything else, for a hand in the air during a guest appearance and everyone joins in, such a blatant gig for a quick glance, for a "wait, I mean, I know you!" and in general, for party time and the thousandth party-bacardi-rhyme
Für ais häts immer no glangt
There's always enough for one more
Häts immer no glangtheds emmer no
There's always been enough, there always will be
Für ais häts immer no glangt
There's always enough for one more
Häts immer no glangtheds emmer no
There's always been enough, there always will be
Für ais heds emmer no glang
There's always been enough for one more
Heds emmer no glang
There's always been enough
I mein es mues, nimemer zyt
I mean, it has to be, no more rush
Mis aigete tempo, brecha dr rythmus, yea easy für ais odr zwai häts immer no
- häts immer no glangt
My own tempo, break the rhythm, yeah easy for one or two there's always been
- there's always been enough
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