Breitbild - Hender Ziit? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Breitbild - Hender Ziit?

Hender Ziit?
Hender Ziit?
Ma het sich kennaglernt am kantifescht, und pläuderlet es biz,
We met at the Kantifescht, chatted for a bit,
Und gfindet gschnell mol gmeinsamkeita, nämlich d freud an dem ding,
And quickly found some common ground, namely the joy in this thing,
Kriagt am nögschta tag as telefon, ma treffi sich im camp,
Got a call the next day, we're meeting at the camp,
Zunara easy freestyle seasion, mit da jungs vom taboulose clan,
For an easy freestyle session, with the guys from Taboulose Clan,
Bin natürlich verbii, he s het mi echt begeischteret,
Of course, I was there, it really excited me,
Ni nu escape wo aschiinend, d liidaschaft mi miar teilen,
Not just Escape, apparently, sharing the passion with me,
Han im kuastall drvo brichtet, und noch jeenschta diskusiona,
I told Kuastall about it, and after recent discussions,
Hen sich escape und taboulose, zu breitbild erkora,
Escape and Taboulose have chosen to become Breitbild,
Dr erschti uuftritt folgt, und scho stöhmer bim lou,
The first gig follows, and we're already at Lou,
So wia in dr zitig, dia jungi band, breitband us chur,
Just like in the newspaper, the young band, Breitband from Chur,
Release sind üsi ep statischt, und hend wiiter uftriita,
Releases are our EP statistics, and we have more gigs,
A sita im juice a paar groupies, he fuck isch das cool gsi,
A page in the Juice, a few groupies, damn, that was cool,
Nochara kurza uusziit, simmer zruck mit guater musik,
After a short break, we're back with good music,
Schiaben d cd ina, iar wärden gflasht wia uf space cookies
Shove the CD in, you'll be flashed like on space cookies
Rap wo überleit kunnt, vorallem rap fürd ladys,
Rap that translates, especially rap for the ladies,
He jungs proscht, stossemer a uf üseres 2. baby,
Hey guys, cheers, let's toast to our 2nd baby,
Hemmer ziit gnüssen raps, hender ziit gnüssen raps,
Do we have time to enjoy raps, do we have time to enjoy raps,
Das isch breitbild schwing din... taratara.
This is Breitbild, swing in... taratara.
Hemmers im gfühl flüüsen beats,
We feel the beats flowing,
Hendr gfühl as sig ziit für breitbild mit em... taratara.
We feel it's time for Breitbild with the... taratara.
Inera szena wos drum goht möglichscht viil muschu und moscht zha,
In a scene where it's all about doing as much as possible and showing off,
Schribi mini ziila und bringa eu dr uufschwung vom oschta,
I write down my goals and bring you the upswing from the East,
Chur punkt dekoschman, den rap isch geisschtigi nahrig,
Chur point, Dekoschman, this rap is goat-worthy nourishment,
Das isch nit nouvell cuisin, nai das isch z feinschta vom amy
This isn't nouvelle cuisine, no, this is the finest from Amy
Das sind dia reins do vom vali, für viar mol viar mol zu drei hoch zwei,
These are the pure ones here from Vali, for four times four times to three squared,
Und as wär gloga würi sega, i machs nu wegem drei mol zwei,
And as if it were a lie, I'll say, I only do it because of three times two,
I han scho immer gwüsst kha, eines tages zeigemers der schwiiz,
I always knew, kha, one day we'll show Switzerland,
Und reimen über beats, als alleiniga bewiis,
And rhyme over beats, as the only proof,
Dass das land no zuakunft het, in dera leider leida ziit,
That this country still has a future, in this unfortunately suffering time,
Meitla as isch so wiit, und buaba as wird gsoffa,
Girls, it's that far, and boys, it's going to be drunk,
Euers sehna het sich glohnt und eues muatiga hoffa,
Your vision has paid off and your courageous hope,
Miar hend endlich as album, das wird a guati epocha,
We finally have the album, this will be a good era,
Iar fühlen das dr rescht vor szena sich vermuatlich betroffa,
You feel that the rest of the scene probably feels affected,
Doch miar gönd nümma so schnell, miar bliiben jung und sterben alt,
But we're not going so fast anymore, we stay young and die old,
A härtefall wia bergkrischtall doch dia wo losend merken bald,
A hard case like rock crystal, but those who let go will soon realize,
Das isch scho easy aso, dj, mc's und a show,
It's already easy like that, DJ, MC's and a show,
A bitzli musikqualität und a paar ziila mit flow,
A bit of music quality and a few lines with flow,
Breitbild stoht für entertainment, den z publikum wartet nit uf truurigi tata,
Breitbild stands for entertainment, the audience doesn't wait for sad deeds,
Vo truuriga gschtalta, losend üses album, hakuna matata
From sad figures, let go of our album, hakuna matata
Hemmer ziit gnüssen raps, hender ziit gnüssen raps,
Do we have time to enjoy raps, do we have time to enjoy raps,
Das isch breitbild schwing din... taratara.
This is Breitbild, swing in... taratara.
Hemmers im gfühl flüüsen beats,
We feel the beats flowing,
Hendr gfühl as sig ziit für breitbild mit em... taratara.
We feel it's time for Breitbild with the... taratara.
Mimna piar in der rechta, und ma mic in der linka,
With my pear in the right, and my mic in the left,
Gitz öppis zum feschta, wia am erschta mai bi da linka,
Give something to celebrate, like on May 1st with the leftists,
He jo i reima und dichta für körper und für d seela,
Hey yeah, I rhyme and compose for body and soul,
Pack ihm wörter und verzella mini eigena gschichta,
Pack him words and tell my own stories,
Bestehend us a bitz ironie, und us mächtig viil iidrück,
Consisting of a bit of irony, and a lot of impressions,
Denn i bin so wia i, und i rappa wia i will,
Because I am who I am, and I rap how I want,
Mitama piar in der linka, und mitma mic in der rechta,
With a pear in the left, and with a mic in the right,
Und i seg breitbild isch fett, denn eimol muassi jo recht ha,
And I say Breitbild is fat, because once you have to be right,
I meina s zahlt sich halt scho us wenn fix am ball bliibsch,
I mean, it pays off if you stay on the ball,
Und lernsch au öppa durazbiisa obsgliich di aschiist,
And also learn to get through it even if it sucks,
Weisch s het scho öppa situationa geh wo gmeint hesch das es gar nüm goht,
You know, there have been situations where you thought it wouldn't work anymore,
Weg lüüt wo di belächlet hen, doch lernsch denn über all dem z stoh,
Because of people who laughed at you, but then you learn to stand above all that,
Han müassa lerna selber grössta kontrahent si,
I had to learn to be my own biggest opponent,
Wills niamols langt sich uf em satz uszruaba, jo ma kennt mi,
Because it's never enough to just say, yeah, they know me,
Nit das mi rap verplichtet han, wen mi als sprochrohr gseh,
Not that my rap obligated me, if they see me as a mouthpiece,
I tenk au nit das ma mi dessahalb uf der stross me kennt,
I also don't think that's why they know me on the street,
Aber klar wett i a botschaft geh, doch dia isch eifach und schlicht,
But of course I want to send a message, but it's simple and straightforward,
I bin dr claudio losen miar zu denn i reima uf beats,
I'm Claudio, let me rhyme on beats,
Und so bini bis etz glaub immer supper gfahra,
And so I've always been doing great so far,
Obscho i früahner gmeint han i müass allna supper gfalla,
Even though I used to think I had to please everyone,
Bin hüt befriidgt wen das zügs vorallem miar passt,
Today I'm satisfied when this stuff suits me above all,
Und öppadia gsehn i weg dem sogar amol dr pupper strahla,
And some of them even see the pupper shine because of that,
Das git mer zehn mol meh, will mini band miar huara am herz ligt,
That gives me ten times more, because my band is close to my heart,
Sich mit da johra usagstellt het das iar buaba halt derb sind,
It turned out over the years that you guys are awesome,
Und miar sind nonit am end, he drfür sorgi persöhnlich,
And we're not at the end yet, I'll take care of that personally,
Das isch erscht dr afang gsi jungs, aber ehrlich dr schönschti.
This was just the beginning guys, but honestly the most beautiful one.

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