Der moment nümma gwüsst was isch jetzt? blenda zrugg, han di gschätzt, di begehrt, du häsch gseit es segi leider nöd i aber a
The moment lost, what now? Blinded, I valued you, desired you, you said it's unfortunately not me, but a
Noher hemmr üs jo praktisch nümma gseh.
Afterwards we practically didn't see each other anymore.
Nu nid überneh, i merk no nid ganz
- was du wetsch
Don't get ahead of yourself, I don't quite understand yet
- what you want
Herz oder schwanz?
Heads or tails?
Hand in hand schtönd mr scho an dr tüüra uf dr schtäga, i fohn a früüra
Hand in hand, we stand at the door on the stairs, I start earlier
Säga dr wasi fühla.
To say what I feel.
I hana gedicht für di gschrieba,
I wrote a poem for you,
Ahah nid richtig entschieda,
Ahah, not really decided,
Gfühl nai, sex jo, denn wieder nid,
Feeling no, sex yes, then no again,
Was wetsch? säg scho.
What do you want? Tell me already.
Denn hald nid, vergisses,
Then forget it,
So isches, hätt ni sölla si,
That's how it is, it shouldn't have been,
Du saisch i dörfi, drum küssi di no,
You say I can, so I kiss you again,
Simmer nid böös, tschüss i muass goh.
Let's not be mad, bye I have to go.
I hät ächt nia denkt dasses je so wit kämt, dass dia huara schtadt das so isch unds arsch isch i miar isch
I honestly never thought it would come to this, that this whore city is like this and the ass in me is
Doch das gits wia kontäkt wo abbrocha sin wo mr gschwora han, i palti si bii. schtumpf mi ab und palta für mi
But there are things like contacts that have broken off, where we swore, I'll hold on to them. Numb myself and hold on for me
Wasi früahner alles teilt hani mit lüüt schtaut sich, ziemli schaisse das gfühl. frooga hät nüt gnützt, gsait hani nüüt, liaber glächlet, doch dahai hani ghüüült, ha mi schlicht und aifach isoliert
What I used to share with people is stagnant, quite a shitty feeling. Asking didn't help, I said nothing, rather smiled, but inside I cried, I simply isolated myself
Und so isches,
And that's how it is,
Kuum aifach, wiederzfinda wasi weggworfa han,
Hardly easy, to find again what I threw away,
Fründschafta, herz und verschtand.
Friendships, heart and mind.
Füühl mi läär, sälber schuld, üab mi drum jetz in geduld,
I feel empty, my own fault, so I practice patience now,
Denn dia bruchts, sogar viel,
Because it takes that, even a lot,
Wia au schmerz, will er hilft gschpüra könna was passiart isch mit miar, es hät nit sölla si, passiart isch passiart.
As well as pain, because it helps me feel what happened to me, it shouldn't have been, what happened happened.
Es isch wedr herbscht kei wohner(?) wedr kätli noch im sumer und nit well sich d sunna wenig zaigt. schtreba noch unabhängigkait, s tuat mr laid,
It's neither autumn, nor spring, neither cat nor summer, and not because the sun shows itself little. Striving for independence, I feel sorry,
Ha numa wenig gsait,
I said little,
No an letschta kuss und denn aifach hai, abr s isch hald liachter aifach nüt z'säga, als no ais go trinka und denn no über gfüühl z'reda.
One last kiss and then simply goodbye, but it's almost easier to say nothing than to have another drink and then talk about feelings.
Glaub für gwüssi sacha gits aifach kai gründ.
I believe for certain things there is simply no reason.
Zersch isch ma verliabt, nocher isch mas nüm.
First you're in love, then you're not anymore.
Kanis nit erklära, sägi liaber nüt, was bringts mr wenni säga du bisch nit min typ wenn i nid amol waiss was füra frau min typ isch?
Can't explain it, I'd rather say nothing, what good is it if I say you're not my type when I don't even know what kind of woman my type is?
Du saisch das isch typisch dass us miar nit schlau wiarsch,
You say it's typical that you can't figure me out,
Super simmer zwai, i werdas nämlich au nit, ha denkt dass du dia frau bisch, doch inzwüscha glaub i, nai glaub i waiss es isch a schöni ziit, isch ab ätz verbii, hät nit sölla si.
Great, we're two of a kind, I wouldn't either, I thought you were the one, but now I believe, no I know it's a beautiful time, it's bitterly over, it shouldn't have been.
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