Ii han schiiwörfer im gsicht, ii schwitz, ii surfa durch städt
& dörfer, wörfa wörter ins nichts
& si wörfen körper an körper as isch a massa wo sich holt was si immer öfter vermisst. unter 16 nüma usa, alli bars ab 21, 117 hola falls in da gassa aina tanzt, in dr nacht nüm dussa umalaufa dörfa mitma, alli junga wegwiisa usem öffentlicha ruum. was dia alta no hend dörfa das dörfen si nid, dia law-&-order-politik vo dena ört wia dr schwiz git na z'gfühl si hegen ihri söhn
& töchtera im griff doch si hends nid, nai, miar hend schiiwörfer im gsicht
I have spotlights in my face, I sweat, I surf through cities
& villages, throwing words into the void
& they throw bodies against bodies it's a mass that grabs what it misses more and more often. under 16 no entry, all bars from 21, 117 hello falls in the street one dances, in the night no longer outside allowed to join in, all young people are turned away from the public space. What the old ones were allowed to do, they are not, the law-&-order politics of places like Switzerland gives the feeling they have their sons
& daughters under control but they don't, no, we have spotlights in our faces
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Si hend schiiwörfer im gsicht, si nicken
& wörfen zu da wörter woni usalohn dr finger ins nichts. uf
& ab, eskalateur, eskalationa vermisst ma schneller als ma maint so ohni emotiona im gsicht. spötestens wenn ma dr letschti funka hoffnig an sich mit as paaar flüssiga substanza
& ara nodla erlischt verlürt an wert was zwar utopisch aber doch aswo isch,
& nüma klappt will ma vor luter zwiifel woga vergisst. frog mi bitte nid nach bullshit, wo do d'schuld liggt wenn luaga
& nüt tua generationa versifft. si mainen zwar si kriagen all das mit paar wörter in griff, doch si gsehns nid, si hend schiiwörfer im gsicht
They have spotlights in their faces, they nod
& throw to the words I pay out pointing my finger into the void. up
& down, escalator, escalation you miss faster than you think so without emotions on your face. At the latest when you extinguish the last spark of hope in yourself with a few liquid substances
& a needle something loses value that is utopian but somehow exists,
& no longer works because you forget because of all the doubts. please don't ask me about bullshit, where the blame lies when watching
& doing nothing generations get messed up. They think they can get all this under control with a few words, but they don't see it, they have spotlights in their faces
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
D'bühni isch iiglüchtet, d'schiiwörfer blenden, d'bretter wo d'welt bedüten, si brennen. uufständ in dörfer, in städt
& länder, verblendet worda durch fraua
& männer mitma gwüssa alter, mit gwüss verpasster jugend wo nid verstönd dass d'jugend suuft wenn erzüchig haisst dass alles untersait isch, verbota, nid tragbar drum sind d'kiddies belaidigt. d'schiiwörfer sind ufgstellt zum si blenda, si gsehns as biz anderst, könd sich guat druf iistella, gsehnd dia schiiwörfer als rampaliacht
& liabens wias isch, drum bsetzens weekend für weekend dia bühni für sich
The stage is lit, the spotlights are blinding, the boards that mean the world, they are burning. uprisings in villages, in cities
& countries, blinded by women
& men with a certain age, with a certain missed youth who don't understand that the youth drinks when education means that everything is unspoken, forbidden, unbearable therefore the kiddies are offended. the spotlights are set up to blind them, they see it differently, can adjust well to it, see the spotlights as ramp lights
& love it as it is, that's why they occupy the stage for themselves weekend after weekend
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
Luag uf all dia liachter, schiiwörfer blinken im gsicht, send a SOS vomana sinkenda schiff
& ii gsehn lüüchttürm im meer vo dr langwiil
Look at all the lights, spotlights flashing in the face, send an SOS from a sinking ship
& I see lighthouses in the sea of boredom
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