Breitbild - Würfel - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Breitbild - Würfel

Wiisa tee mit iiswürfel trinka
Drinking white tea with ice cubes
Würfel um dis leba
Rolling the dice for your life
Und meh auga als dr würfel het
And more eyes than the dice has
Luagen uf din würfelwurf
Watching your dice roll
Luagen wia dr würfel ufra grüana filzunterlag landet und dr auga zeigt
Watching as the dice lands on the green felt and shows its eyes
D'auga luagend auga ah
The eyes are also watching eyes
Du bisch aug in aug mit ihm
You are eye to eye with him
D regla kennsch und du weisch erst
You know the rules and you only know
Dia gänd dinem traum a sinn
They give your dream a meaning
Denksch an sii wia si gsait het
Thinking of her as she said
Du weisch ih vertrau dr blind
You know I trust you blindly
Lohsch si zrugg ufem land
Leaving her back in the country
Gohsch ind stadt verkaufsch dr ring
Going to the city, selling the ring
Suachsch an job findsch na nid
Looking for a job, not finding one yet
A zimmer wo kai fenster het
A room with no windows
Isch dis neua dahai
Is this the new home?
Doch heimelig isch nur d erinnerig
But only the memory is homely
Ir dämmerig verlohschs
You leave in the twilight
Gohsch über dia stross
You walk across the street
Wo du weisch dass niamert goht
Where you know nobody goes
Wo vu döt däna nüt verstoht
Where nobody from there understands anything
Verlohsch di uf din verstand
You rely on your mind
Solang di nonit verloht
As long as it doesn't abandon you
Gohsch zum ersta wo döt stoht
You go to the first one standing there
Und seisch du brüchisch sina rot
And say you need his advice
Er seit dr wart do und er goht
He tells you to wait there and he goes
Und er kunnt zrugg in sinem ford
And he comes back in his Ford
Git dr a droht git dr a foti
Gives you a wire, gives you a photo
500 für an mord
500 for a murder
Du bisch ima enga gang
You are in a narrow hallway
As isch dunkel du hesch kalt
It's dark, you're cold
Dr boda isch hart du hesch kai plan
The floor is hard, you have no plan
Denn ufem land hets kai asphalt
Because there's no asphalt in the country
A tür goht of as kunnt an maa
A door opens, a man comes in
Er zücht di ab und er ermahnt di
He strips you and admonishes you
Du segsch teil vu siner show
You become part of his show
Und dia männer hegend zahlt
And these men have paid
Du söllisch macha was si wennd
You should do what they want
Sust segisch tot und du verstohsch
You say "dead" and you understand
Wenn du mitmachsch hesch a chanca
If you participate, you have a chance
Wenn du gwinnsch denn kriagsch au geld
If you win, you get money too
Du könntisch zrugg zu diner frau
You could go back to your wife
Uf dinem land und wärsch dr held
On your land and be the hero
Iahr hetten alles woner wennd
You would have everything you ever wanted
Und eura traum wär erfüllt
And your dream would be fulfilled
Iahr könnten
You could
Wiisa tee mit iiswürfel trinka
Drink white tea with ice cubes
Also würfel um dis leba
So roll the dice for your life
Und meh auga als dr würfel het
And more eyes than the dice has
Luagen uf din würfelwurf
Watching your dice roll
Luagen wia dr würfel ufra gelba filzunterlag landet und dr auga zeigt
Watching as the dice lands on the yellow felt and shows its eyes
D'auga luagend auga ah
The eyes are also watching eyes
Du bisch aug in aug mit ihm
You are eye to eye with him
D regla kennsch und du weisch erst
You know the rules and you only know
Dia gänd dinem traum a sinn
They give your dream a meaning
Du stohsch nackt vor ihm
You stand naked before him
Er macht a zeicha uf dini stirn
He makes a mark on your forehead
Gitdr a pfuscht gitdr a kuss
Gives you a slap, gives you a kiss
Goht usem ruum und denn isch still
Leaves the room and then it's quiet
Luta lärm vu wiit aweg weckt di
Loud noise from far away wakes you up
Du erkennsch ihra boda isch dini decki
You recognize their floor is your blanket
Du laufsch dr gang entlang
You run down the hallway
Und schweiss vu diner stirn
And sweat from your forehead
Z adrenalin in da arteria
Turns to adrenaline in the arteries
Schärft dr dini sinn
Sharpens your senses
Du laufsch d stega ufa
You run up the stairs
Dur dia türa in a ruum wo voller männer isch
Through the doors into a room full of men
Si zeigen uf das zeicha uf diner stirn
They point at the mark on your forehead
Und fönd ah lacha
And start laughing
Si stön uf und fön ah klatscha
They stand up and start clapping
Wörfend sacha in dini richtig
Throwing things in your direction
Ihra rauch in dina auga
Their smoke in your eyes
Bisst und nimmt dr dini sicht
Burns and takes away your vision
Si drängen sich so dicht an di
They crowd so close to you
Betatschen di und schupfen di
Groping you and shoving you
Und schlönnt di bis am boda bisch
And kicking you until you're on the floor
Und spucken und bedrohen di
And spitting and threatening you
Und trucken zigarrana uf dim unterarm us
And extinguishing cigars on your forearm
Denn kunnt dr ober und schenkt ih
Then the boss comes and silences them
Alli sitzen an ihri plätz
Everyone sits in their places
D ouvertüra isch verbii
The overture is over
Du nimmsch platz am tisch ir mitti
You take a seat at the table in the middle
Und gsehsch ir mitti vu dim tisch
And see in the middle of the table
A stapel geld du leisch dr droht
A stack of money, you place the wire
Und d foti uf da tisch
And the photo on the table
Erkennsch im geganüber vur foti
You recognize the one opposite from the photo
Ir foti vu dim geganüber di
In the photo of the one opposite, you see yourself
In dem moment erkennsch au d regla vu dem spiel
At that moment you also recognize the rule of this game
wo höcher würflet döff dia stadt mit geld verloh
The one who rolls higher may leave the city with money
wo z glück verloht verlürt sis leba durch da droht
The one who loses luck loses his life through the wire
Also würfel um dis leba
So roll the dice for your life
Und meh auga als dr würfel het
And more eyes than the dice has
Luagen uf din würfelwurf
Watching your dice roll
Luagen wia dr würfel ufra rota filzunterlag landet und dr auga zeigt
Watching as the dice lands on the red felt and shows its eyes
D'auga luagend auga ah
The eyes are also watching eyes
Du bisch aug in aug mit ihm
You are eye to eye with him
D regla kennsch und du weisch erst
You know the rules and you only know
Dia gänd dinem traum a sinn
They give your dream a meaning

Авторы: Dario Sisera, Georg Gadient, Samuel Senn, Valerio Priuli, Yves Zogg

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