Bright Eyes - Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh (Remastered) - перевод текста песни на французский

Текст и перевод песни Bright Eyes - Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh (Remastered)

Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh (Remastered)
Haligh, Haligh, un mensonge, Haligh (Remasterisé)
The phone slips from a loose grip.
Le téléphone glisse de mes doigts tremblants.
Words were missed then some apology,
Des mots ont été perdus, puis des excuses,
"I didn′t want to tell you this,
“Je ne voulais pas te le dire,
No, it's just some guy she′s been hanging out with...
Non, c'est juste un type avec qui elle traîne...
Oh, I don't know, the past couple of weeks I guess."
Oh, je ne sais pas, ces dernières semaines, je suppose.”
I thank you and hang up the phone,
Je te remercie et raccroche le téléphone,
Let the funeral start,
Laisse les funérailles commencer,
Hear the casket close.
Entends le cercueil se refermer.
Let's pin split-black ribbon onto your overcoat.
Attachons un ruban noir sur ton pardessus.
Still laughter pours from under doors in this house,
Le rire s'échappe encore des portes de cette maison,
I don′t understand that sound no more.
Je ne comprends plus ce son.
It seems artificial, like a T.V. set.
Il semble artificiel, comme un téléviseur.
Haligh, Haligh, a lie, Haligh,
Haligh, Haligh, un mensonge, Haligh,
This weight it must be satisfied,
Ce poids doit être satisfait,
You offer only one reply:
Tu n'offres qu'une seule réponse:
You know not what you do.
Tu ne sais pas ce que tu fais.
But you tear and tear your hair from roots,
Mais tu tires et tires tes cheveux à la racine,
From that same head you′ve twice removed, now
De cette même tête que tu as deux fois arrachée, maintenant,
A lock of hair you said would prove
Un brin de cheveux que tu dis prouverait
Our love would never die.
Que notre amour ne mourrait jamais.
Well, ha ha ha.
Eh bien, ha ha ha.
But I remember everything,
Mais je me souviens de tout,
The words we spoke on freezing South street,
Les mots que nous avons prononcés dans la rue glaciale du Sud,
And all those mornings watching you get ready for school.
Et tous ces matins à te regarder te préparer pour l'école.
You combed your hair inside that mirror,
Tu te coiffais devant ce miroir,
The one you painted blue and glued with jewelry tears.
Celui que tu avais peint en bleu et orné de larmes de bijoux.
Something about those bright colors
Quelque chose dans ces couleurs vives
Would always make you feel better.
Te faisait toujours te sentir mieux.
But now we speak with ruined tongues
Mais maintenant, nous parlons avec des langues ruinées
And the words we say aren't meant for anyone.
Et les mots que nous disons ne sont destinés à personne.
It′s just a mumbled sentence to a passing acquaintance
Ce n'est qu'une phrase murmurée à une connaissance qui passe,
But there was once you,
Mais il fut un temps tu...
You said you hate my suffering and you understood,
Tu as dit que tu détestais ma souffrance et que tu comprenais,
And you'd take care of me.
Et que tu prendrais soin de moi.
You′d always be there,
Tu serais toujours là,
Well where are you now?
Eh bien, es-tu maintenant ?
Haligh, Haligh, a lie, Haligh,
Haligh, Haligh, un mensonge, Haligh,
The plans were never finalized
Les plans n'ont jamais été finalisés
But left to hang like yarn and twine,
Mais laissés pendre comme du fil et de la ficelle,
Dangling before my eyes.
Dandinant devant mes yeux.
As you tear and tear your hair from roots,
Comme tu tires et tires tes cheveux à la racine,
From that same head that you have twice removed
De cette même tête que tu as deux fois arrachée,
A lock of hair you said would prove
Un brin de cheveux que tu dis prouverait
Our love would never die.
Que notre amour ne mourrait jamais.
And I sing and sing of awful things,
Et je chante et chante des choses affreuses,
The pleasure that my sadness brings,
Le plaisir que me procure ma tristesse,
And my fingers press onto the strings
Et mes doigts appuient sur les cordes,
You get another clumsy chord.
Tu obtiens un autre accord maladroit.
Haligh, Haligh, an awful lie,
Haligh, Haligh, un horrible mensonge,
This weight will now be satisfied,
Ce poids sera maintenant satisfait,
I'm gonna give you only one reply:
Je vais te donner une seule réponse:
I know not who I am.
Je ne sais pas qui je suis.
But I talk in the mirror to the stranger that appears,
Mais je parle dans le miroir à l'étranger qui apparaît,
Our conversations are circles, always one sided,
Nos conversations sont des cercles, toujours à sens unique,
Nothing is clear.
Rien n'est clair.
Except we keep coming back to this meaning that I lack,
Sauf que nous revenons toujours à cette signification que je manque,
He says the choices were given,
Il dit que les choix ont été donnés,
And now you must live them or just not live.
Et maintenant, tu dois les vivre ou ne pas vivre du tout.
But do you want that?
Mais est-ce que tu veux ça ?

Авторы: Conor Oberst

Bright Eyes - The Studio Albums 2000-2011
The Studio Albums 2000-2011
дата релиза

1 Light Pollution (Remastered)
2 One for You, One for Me
3 Firewall
4 Beginner's Mind
5 A Machine Spiritual (In the People's Key)
6 An Attempt to Tip the Scales (Remastered)
7 Arc of Time (Time Code) (Remastered)
8 Arienette (Remastered)
9 A Scale, a Mirror and Those Indifferent Clocks (Remastered)
10 A Spindle, a Darkness, a Fever, and a Necklace (Remastered)
11 A Song to Pass the Time (Remastered)
12 At the Bottom of Everything (Remastered)
13 Bowl of Oranges (Remastered)
14 Classic Cars (Remastered)
15 Coat Check Dream Song (Remastered)
16 Cleanse Song (Remastered)
17 Devil In the Details (Remastered)
18 Down in a Rabbit Hole (Remastered)
19 False Advertising (Remastered)
20 First Day of My Life (Remastered)
21 From a Balance Beam (Remastered)
22 Four Winds (Remastered)
23 Gold Mine Gutted (Remastered)
24 Hit the Switch (Remastered)
25 Haligh, Haligh, a Lie, Haligh (Remastered)
26 Hot Knives (Remastered)
27 If the Brakeman Turns My Way (Remastered)
28 I Believe In Symmetry (Remastered)
29 I Must Belong Somewhere (Remastered)
30 Laura Laurent (Remastered)
31 Lua (Remastered)
32 Lime Tree (Remastered)
33 Make a Plan to Love Me (Remastered)
34 Make War (Remastered)
35 Method Acting (Remastered)
36 Middleman (Remastered)
37 Nothing Gets Crossed Out (Remastered)
38 No One Would Riot for Less (Remastered)
39 Old Soul Song (For the New World Order) (Remastered)
40 Poison Oak (Remastered)
41 Road to Joy (Remastered)
42 Something Vague (Remastered)
43 Ship In a Bottle (Remastered)
44 Soul Singer in a Session Band (Remastered)
45 Take It Easy (Love Nothing) (Remastered)
46 The Big Picture (Remastered)
47 The Center of the World (Remastered)
48 Time Code (Remastered)
49 The Movement of a Hand (Remastered)
50 Waste of Paint (Remastered)
51 When the Curious Girl Realizes She Is Under Glass (Remastered)
52 You Will. You? Will. You? Will. You? Will. (Remastered)
53 Theme to Pinata (Remastered)
54 Land Locked Blues (Remastered)
55 Clairaudients (Kill or Be Killed) (Remastered)
56 Ladder Song
57 Triple Spiral
58 Shell Games
59 Jejune Stars
60 Haile Selassie
61 Approximate Sunlight
62 Easy / Lucky / Free (Remastered)
63 Sunrise, Sunset (Remastered)
64 The Calendar Hung Itself… (Remastered)
65 Lover I Don't Have to Love (Remastered)
66 Don't Know When but a Day Is Gonna Come (Remastered)
67 Another Travelin' Song (Remastered)
68 Train Under Water (Remastered)
69 We Are Nowhere and It's Now (Remastered)
70 Let's Not Shit Ourselves (To Love and to Be Loved) (Remastered)

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