Brihang - Herhaling - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Brihang - Herhaling

-Ik schreef e tekst voor e liedje, tging over nie veel
-I wrote the lyrics for a song, it wasn't about much
Want twas e tekst voor e liedje
Because it was lyrics for a song
En de tekst van da liedje, ging nie over liefde nee,
And the lyrics of that song, were not about love no,
T bevatte gin emotie of gin diepe snee
It contained no emotion or any deep cut
Ik schreef e tekst voor e liedje, tging over nie veel
I wrote the lyrics for a song, it wasn't about much
Want twas e tekst voor e liedje
Because it was lyrics for a song
En de tekst van da liedje, ging nie over liefde nee,
And the lyrics of that song, were not about love no,
T bevatte gin emotie of gin diepe snee
It contained no emotion or any deep cut
-Van oververmoeid naar e koorsblaas
-From being exhausted to a cold sore
En ik flusterde de zomer in je oren, kom we skippen ier da voorjaar
And I whispered the summer into your ears, let's skip this spring here
Eeuwige artiest zonder doorbraak
Eternal artist without a breakthrough
Gevolg zoender oorzaak, sorry als de tekst in de knoop raakt
Consequence without cause, sorry if the text gets tangled up
Tis iets te persoonlijk, mo voe mien is da de hoofdzaak
It is a bit too personal, but for me that is the main point
En ja kzien een echte rapper, kzie mezelf dood graag
And yes I see a real rapper, I love myself to death
-Ik schreef e tekst voor e liedje, tging over nie veel
-I wrote the lyrics for a song, it wasn't about much
Want twas e tekst voor e liedje
Because it was lyrics for a song
En de tekst van da liedje, ging nie over liefde nee,
And the lyrics of that song, were not about love no,
T bevatte gin emotie of gin diepe snee
It contained no emotion or any deep cut
-Van -ik herhaal, na herhaalde de herhaling-
-From -I repeat, after repeat the repetition-
Tot dat viel up de groend, zacht in de sneeuw
Until that fell on the green, soft in the snow
En kbewaarde die stilte in e schreeuw
And I kept that silence in a scream
Twas meer of niets minder dan de winter in de keel
It was more or less than the winter in the throat
- En vroeger waren de liedjes beter,
- And in the past the songs were better,
Ik zien 21, kerel, oe moe kik da weten?
I see 21, man, how should I know that?
Ik ken nog niet gezien, niet gedaan en niet bewezen
I can't have not seen, not done and not proven
Ik en enkel en alleen nog mor e tekstje geschreven
I and only and only still written a small text
Voer e liedje zo simpel, thad ni eens e thema
For a song so simple, it didn't even have a theme
Ging wel over liefde natuurlijk, dat is logische
It was about love of course, that's logical
En alleen ma de seizoenen, wan we leven chrononlogisch
And only the seasons, because we live chronologically
Van de zomer nade herfst, is da dan gin emotie,
From summer to autumn, is that not emotion,
Of diepe snee?
Or deep snow?
Goeie teksten stan in boeken
Good texts are in books
Je moet da ni in liedjes zoeken, zei me moeder
You don't have to look for it in songs, my mother said
Doet ebbittje meer moeite, mak et boeiend
Work a little harder, make it exciting
Wan de medemens, is ni gemakkelijk eerder moeilijk
Because the fellow human beings are not easy but rather difficult
En is ni zo happerig op iets nieuws
And is not so eager for something new
Of om iets los te laten da veilig voelde
Or to let go of something that felt safe
Dus pak je boeltje
So pack your things
Lift tot an et einde van de wereld
Hitchhike to the end of the world
Kom terug met e tekst voer e liedje
Come back with lyrics for a song
-Ik schreef e tekst voor e liedje, tging over nie veel
-I wrote the lyrics for a song, it wasn't about much
Want twas e tekst voor e liedje
Because it was lyrics for a song
En de tekst van da liedje, ging nie over liefde nee,
And the lyrics of that song, were not about love no,
T bevatte gin emotie of gin diepe snee
It contained no emotion or any deep cut
-Van -ik herhaal, na herhaalde de herhaling-
-From -I repeat, after repeat the repetition-
Tot dat viel up de groend, zacht in de sneeuw
Until that fell on the green, soft in the snow
En kbewaarde die stilte in e schreeuw
And I kept that silence in a scream
Twas meer of niets minder dan de winter in de keel
It was more or less than the winter in the throat

Авторы: Boudy Verleye

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