Broery Marantika - Bulan Bicara Sendiri - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Broery Marantika - Bulan Bicara Sendiri

Bulan Bicara Sendiri
Moon Speaks Himself
Bulan sabit yang jatuh di pelataran
Crescent moon that fell in the yard
Bintang redup tanpa cahaya gemintang
Dim stars without any sparkling light
Langkah tanpa arah, sesat di jalan yang terang
Steps without direction, lost on a bright path
Aku yang terlena, dibuai pelukan dosa
I'm the one who got carried away, lulled by the embrace of sin
Ingin pulang membalut luka hatimu
I want to go home and heal the wounds of your heart
Ku pun tahu betapa pedih batinmu
I know how much your heart aches
Beri kesempatan atau jatuhkan hukuman
Give me a chance or pass judgment
Andai maafpun tak kau berikan
Even if you don't forgive me
Air mata tulus jatuh di sudut bibirmu
Sincere tears fall from the corner of your lips
Tak terlintas dendam di bening mata indahmu
No resentment crosses your beautiful clear eyes
Aku yang merasa sangat berdosa padamu
I'm the one who feels very sinful towards you
Masih pantaskah mendampingimu?
Am I still worthy of being by your side?
Biarlah bulan bicara sendiri
Let the moon speak for itself
Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi
Let the stars be witnesses
Takkan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti
I won't repeat it even until the very end
Cukup derita sampai di sini
Enough suffering, just let it end here
Ingin pulang membalut luka hatimu
I want to go home and heal the wounds of your heart
Ku pun tahu betapa pedih batinmu
I know how much your heart aches
Beri kesempatan atau jatuhkan hukuman
Give me a chance or pass judgment
Andai maafpun tak kau berikan
Even if you don't forgive me
Air mata tulus jatuh di sudut bibirmu
Sincere tears fall from the corner of your lips
Tak terlintas dendam di bening mata indahmu
No resentment crosses your beautiful clear eyes
Aku yang merasa sangat berdosa padamu
I'm the one who feels very sinful towards you
Masih pantaskah ku mendampingimu?
Am I still worthy of being by your side?
Biarlah bulan bicara sendiri
Let the moon speak for itself
Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi
Let the stars be witnesses
Takkan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti
I won't repeat it even until the very end
Cukup derita sampai di sini
Enough suffering, just let it end here
Biarlah bulan (Oh biarlah)
Let the moon (Oh let it)
Bicara sendiri
Speak for itself
Biarlah bintang (ooh biarlah)
Let the stars (oh let them)
Kan menjadi saksi
Be witnesses
Takkan ku ulangi walau sampai akhir nanti
I won't repeat it even until the very end
Cukup derita sampai di sini
Enough suffering, just let it end here
Biarlah bulan bicara sendiri
Let the moon speak for itself
Biarlah bintang kan menjadi saksi
Let the stars be witnesses
Tak akan ku ulangi
I won't repeat it
Walau sampai akhir nanti
Even until the very end
Cukup derita sampai di sini
Enough suffering, just let it end here

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