Bronco - Naila - "En Vivo" - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bronco - Naila - "En Vivo"

Naila - "En Vivo"
Naila - "Live"
Habla Lupe
Lupe says
Y yo que me la lleve al rio,
And I who took her to the river,
Creyendo que era soltera,
Believing that she was single,
Pero tenia marido.
But she had a husband.
La luz del detenimiento
The light from the traffic stop
Me hace ser mas precavido.
Makes me be more cautious.
Sus muslos se me escapaban
Her thighs escaped from me
Como preces sorprendidos.
Like prayers surprised.
La mitad llenos de lumbre,
Half full of light,
La mitad llenos de frio.
Half full of cold.
Y aquella noche corri,
And that night I ran,
El mejor de los caminos,
The best of all roads,
Con tan potranca fina,
With such a fine filly,
Sin riendas y sin estribos.
Without reins and without stirrups.
Y no quiero decir por hombre,
And I don't want to say as a man,
Cosas que ella me dijo,
Things that she told me,
Porque teniendo marido,
Because having a husband,
Me dijo que era soltera,
She told me she was single,
Cuando la llevaba al rio.
When I was taking her to the river.
Era una noche de luna,
It was a moonlit night,
Naila lloraba ante mi,
Naila was crying in front of me,
Ella me dijo con ternura,
She told me with tenderness,
Que me amaba con locura.
That she loved me madly.
Yo le pregunte porque lloraba,
I asked her why she was crying,
Y ella me contesto asi:
And she replied to me like this:
"Ya mis caricias no son buenas,
"My caresses are no longer good,
Ya no soy naila para ti"
I am no longer Naila for you"
"Ya me entregue con otro hombre,
"I have already given myself to another man,
Ya no soy naila para ti"
I am no longer Naila for you"
Naila, di porque me abandonas,
Naila, tell me why you abandon me,
Tonta, si bien sabes que te quiero,
Silly girl, if you know that I love you,
Vuelve a mi,
Come back to me,
Ya no busques otros senderos,
Don't look for other paths anymore,
Te perdono porque sin tu amor,
I forgive you because without your love,
Se me parte el corazon.
My heart breaks.
Habla Lupe:
Lupe says:
Me lo contaron ayer,
They told me yesterday,
Las lenguas de doble filo,
The double-edged tongues,
Que te casaste hace un mes,
That you got married a month ago,
Y yo tan tranquilo.
And I was so calm.
Otro cualquiera en mi caso,
Anyone else in my case,
Se hubiese puesto a llorar,
Would have started to cry,
Yo cruzandome de brazos, dije
I crossed my arms and said
Que me daba igual.
That I didn't care.
Nada de pegarme un tiro,
Nothing about shooting myself,
Ni acosarte a maldiciones,
Or harassing you with curses,
Ni apedrear con mis suspiros,
Or stoning the bars of your balconies
Las rejas de tus balcones.
With my sighs.
Que te has casado, buena suerte,
That you have married, good luck,
Vive 100 años contenta,
Live 100 happy years,
Y que a la hora de tu muerte,
And that at the hour of your death,
Dios ni te lo tome a cuenta.
May God not take it into account.
Que si al pie de los altares,
That if at the foot of the altars,
Mi nombre se te olvido,
My name was forgotten to you,
Por la gloria de mi madre
By the glory of my mother
Que no te guardo rencor.
I hold no grudge toward you.
Mas como tu novio es rico,
But since your boyfriend is rich,
Te vendo esta profecia:
I sell you this prophecy:
Haya por la madrugada,
By the early morning,
Soñaras que fuiste mia.
You will dream that you were mine.
Y recordaras la tarde
And you will remember the afternoon
Que mi boca te beso.! Y despertaras llorando,
That my mouth kissed you! And you will wake up crying,
Y te llamaras cobarde!! cobarde! como te lo digo yo.
And you will call yourself a coward!! A coward! As I tell you.
Porque aquel que no fue
Because he who was not
Ni tu novio, ni tu marido,
Neither your boyfriend, nor your husband,
Ni tu amante, fue el que mas te ha querido.
Nor your lover, was the one who loved you the most.
Y con eso mi amor, con eso, tengo bastante.
And with that my love, with that, I have enough.
Y no le pido yo al cielo,
And I don't ask heaven,
Que te mande mas castigo,
To send you more punishment,
Que estes durmiendo con otro,
That you are sleeping with another,
Y estes soñando conmigo
And you are dreaming of me

Авторы: Chuy Rasgado

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