Bubaseta - No More Plastic - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bubaseta - No More Plastic

No More Plastic
No More Plastic
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together
El super bu de tu conciencia
The super-boo of your conscience
Cambiar el mundo
Change the world
Parte por tu procedencia
Start with your origin
Los misiles
The missiles
Que matan a niños sirios
That kill Syrian children
Es la ciencia
It's science
En vez de usar la tecnología
Instead of using technology
Pa mejorar nuestra existencia
To improve our existence
Solo son dioses falsos
They are just false gods
Quieren que te inclines
They want you to bow down
Destruirnos como raza
To destroy us as a race
Son sus fines
Are their goals
Pero dime
But tell me
Cuánta sangre
How much blood
Tendrá que correr
Will have to flow
Para que puedas comprender
So that you can understand
Que hay que cortarle la cabeza
That we must cut off the heads
A los reptiles a los reptiles
Of the reptiles, of the reptiles
Porque nos envenenan
Because they poison us
Amen pa lo que no saben
Amen to those who don't know
Que ellos emanan la muerte
That they emanate death
Nos quieren secar intoxicar
They want to dry us out, intoxicate us
Todos los mares y vertientes
All the seas and springs
Exterminar a sangre fría
Exterminate in cold blood
Solo son actos de serpientes
These are just acts of snakes
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together
Nunca activaron el agua
They never activated the water
De los charcos en los pasaje
Of the puddles in the passages
Ellos son feliz de guagua
They are happy in their fancy cars
Son dos bancos por linaje
They are two banks by lineage
Uno pela aquí en el barrio
One peels here in the neighborhood
Y el su puto en su parcela
And the other fucks in his plot
No hay que pararle la mano
There's no need to stop their hand
Hay que cortarsela
We must cut it off
Tu riqueza deja hambre
Your wealth leaves hunger
La pobreza mucha sangre
Poverty, a lot of blood
El estimativo esquivo
The estimate is elusive
Y por la manga tan cobarde
And up the sleeve, so cowardly
Yo aprovechó los minutos
I take advantage of the minutes
Ya que la ignorancia es cancer
Since ignorance is cancer
Tu averiguar porque el mundo
You find out why the world
Ya es el luto del percance
Is already the mourning of the mishap
Una piedra contra un pan
A stone against a loaf of bread
Si puedes tu miralo así
If you can, see it that way
Pero informarse es chance
But getting informed is a chance
Para bloquear el misil
To block the missile
O tu esperanza va
Or your hope goes
Vaga avanza y apuñalada
Vague, advances and stabbed
Por eso tu brazos cruzas
That's why you cross your arms
Y abusa de no hacer nada
And abuse by doing nothing
Levanta tu mirada
Lift your gaze
Y hace algo por el planeta
And do something for the planet
No hay ni lujos ni decencia
There are neither luxuries nor decency
Nuestra descendencia inquieta
Our offspring are restless
El rugido del coraje
The roar of courage
Es nuestra pólvora completa
Is our complete gunpowder
Rimaje versus blindaje
Rhyme versus armor
Versus ruidos de escopeta
Versus shotgun noises
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together
No more plastic
No more plastic
Cuando bajen de los cielos será fantastic
When they descend from the heavens, it will be fantastic
Por eso la people vive maniático
That's why people live in a maniacal state
Y por eso no entiende
And that's why they don't understand
Si nos juntamos los gemelos magnates
If we, the twin magnates, come together

Авторы: Gianni Canisso Sotomayor

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