b.u.g. mafia - Zi de zi (feat. ViLLy) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни b.u.g. mafia - Zi de zi (feat. ViLLy)

Zi de zi (feat. ViLLy)
Zi de zi (feat. ViLLy)
Refren: Villy x 2
Chorus: Villy x 2
Daca noi santem jos, si limita-i la cer.
If we are down here, and the limit is up in the sky.
Oooo... mahoarca e in aer.
Oh... weed is in the air.
24 din 24, mereu p-afara.
24/7, always outside.
Toata noaptea si iar, din zori pana-n seara.
All night and starting again, from dawn till dusk.
Aprind un joint, asa e zi de zi,
I light up a joint, that's everyday,
Prea multi care se-ntreaba daca noi nu stim.
Too many asking themselves if we don't know.
Prea multi bagatori de seama vor sa dea
Too many busybodies want to give
Sfaturi despre cum ar trebui sa traiesc, sugeti p**a!
Advice on how I should live, suck my d**k!
Zi de zi, multi mai multi, vor sa fie-n preajma noastra,
Day after day, many more, want to be around us,
Da ce c***t credeti voi, c-aici se da vreo masa,
But what the f**k do you think, that there's a handout here,
Vreo t***, vreo casa, vreun ban pentru limba voastra bagata in g*o*za,
Some p***y, some house, some money for your tongue stuffed in your a**,
Plecati in p**a mea acasa.
Go home and f**k yourself.
Ce am invatat zi de zi, in cartier,
What I learned day after day, in the neighborhood,
Nu lasa pa maine, ce poti sa faci ieri.
Don't put off till tomorrow, what you can do yesterday.
Traim fiecare zi cu un avans de-o zi,
We live each day with a one-day advance,
La maxim, adica, sa-nteleaga fraierii
To the max, that is, for the losers to understand
Ca treaba, la naiba, e chiar iarba,
That the business, damn it, is weed,
Fumez zi de zi si nu stau deloc degeaba.
I smoke day after day and I'm not sitting around doing nothing.
Facem hit dupa hit, intotdeauna, an dupa an,
We make hit after hit, every time, year after year,
Noi, trei, zi de zi dpa ban.
Us three, day after day after money.
Refren: x 2
Chorus: x 2
Ma f*t in ea de faima, faima nu-i nimic,
F**k fame, fame is nothing,
Pe langa pe care o am zi de zi.
Compared to what I have day after day.
Treaba e sa vinzi, nu sa fi barfit,
The business is to sell, not to be talked about,
Facem hit-uri zi de zi si traim asa cum stim. Yo!
We make hits day after day and live the way we know how. Yo!
Barfa-i pentru huseni, deci lasa-i sa vorbeasca,
Gossip is for losers, so let them talk,
Lasa-i sa se-agite, doar banii mai conteaza.
Let them get excited, only money matters.
Altceva, nimic, (zic), nu ma impresioneaza,
Nothing else, (I say), doesn't impress me,
Lumea e a mea cand jointu se ruleaza.
The world is mine when the joint is rolled.
Din nou, Pantelimon 2000,
Once again, Pantelimon 2000,
B. U. G.
B. U. G.
S-a intors pentru toti care stiu ca n-o sa ne oprim,
Is back for all who know that we will not stop,
O ardem pa mahoarca pana cand o sa murim.
We smoke weed till the day we die.
(Villy: Daca noi santem jos, si limita-i la cer...),
(Villy: If we are down here, and the limit is up in the sky...),
Nu e pentru fraieri, deci mainile in aer.
Not for losers, so hands in the air.
Viata e prea scurta asa ca merita traita,
Life is too short to be lived,
Oricum ar fi o sa traiesc zi de zi.
No matter what, I will live day after day.
Refren: x 2
Chorus: x 2
Oooooo... yee, yeeee... yeee. Ooooooo... yeeee...
Ooooo... yeah, yeah... yeah. Ooooooo... yeah...
Zi de zi imi fumez zilele,
Day after day I smoke my days away,
Zi de zi imi amintesc de noptile
Day after day I remember the nights
In care n-am dormit deloc si m-am gandit la ce va fi,
When I didn't sleep at all and thought about what would be,
Nu primesti de la mine decat ce zi de zi-mi vad ochii.
You receive from me only what day after day, I see.
Si stiu ca nu pot sa trec prin viata fara sa gresesc,
And I know that I cannot go through life without making mistakes,
Putin, cate putin, cresc, invat sa traiesc
Gradually, I grow, I learn to live
Asa cum vreau, asa cum stiu, trebuie sa intelegi,
The way I want, the way I know, you must understand,
Drumu pe care tu mergi, singur il alegi.
The path you walk, you choose alone.
Hai, stai un minut langa mine, o zi cu mine
Come, stand by me for a minute, a day with me
Si-o sa vezi cum si de ce este mult mai bine
And you will see how and why it is much better
Sa te-ntorci cate-odata cu spatele catre lume,
To sometimes turn your back on the world,
Cand se inmultesc mancatorii, nu dau nume.
When the parasites multiply, I won't name names.
Daca vocea mea te-ajuta sa ajungi unde vrei,
If my voice helps you get where you want to be,
Inseamna ca eu merit toti banii mei.
It means that I deserve all my money.
B. U. G. Mafia, am iesit.
B. U. G. Mafia, we're out.
Cu Villy pe refren a fost, "Zi de zi".
With Villy on the chorus it was, "Zi de zi".
Refren: x 2
Chorus: x 2

Авторы: vlad irimia

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