Bugge Wesseltoft - Gare Du Nord - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Bugge Wesseltoft - Gare Du Nord

Gare Du Nord
Gare Du Nord
Am fost al tau de la-nceput
I've been yours from the start
Nu m-ai crezut
You didn't believe me
Ti-am dovedit de mii de ori
I've proven it to you a thousand times
Dragostea cu-n sarut
Love with a kiss
Era un vis, era frumos
It was a dream, it was beautiful
Si va fi mereu
And it will always be
Atata timp cat tu-mi vei fi
As long as you are
Aproapele meu
Close to me
Noapte, noapte fara tine
Night, night without you
Nu vreau eu iubire
I don't want love
Sa nu ma lasi fara rost
Don't leave me without purpose
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me
Fara tine, fara tine nu mi-e bine
Without you, without you I'm not okay
Si vreau sa vii cu mine de voi pleca
And I want you to come with me if I leave
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me
Noapte, noapte fara tine
Night, night without you
Nu vreau eu iubire
I don't want love
Sa nu ma lasi fara rost
Don't leave me without purpose
Sunt aici la usa ta
I'm here at your door
E noapte tarziu
It's late at night
Am condus pana aici
I drove all the way here
In brate sa-ti fiu
To be in your arms
Fa-ti bagajul, n-avem timp
Pack your bags, we don't have time
O viata, si vreau
A lifetime, and I want
Cand nu te astepti deloc
When you least expect it
Inelul sa-ti dau
To give you the ring
Noapte, noapte fara tine
Night, night without you
Nu vreau eu iubire
I don't want love
Sa nu ma lasi fara rost
Don't leave me without purpose
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me
Fara tine, fara tine nu mi-e bine
Without you, without you I'm not okay
Si vreau sa vii cu mine de voi pleca
And I want you to come with me if I leave
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me
Priveste-ma in ochi
Look into my eyes
Uita-te la mine
Look at me
E destinul pe care
It's the destiny that
Nu il poate schimba nimeni
No one can change
O inima, o dragoste,
One heart, one love,
O soapta, un sarut
A whisper, a kiss
Si geanta cea mai mica
And the smallest bag
Pentru drumul cel mai lung
For the longest journey
Nu e nevoie de nimic
We don't need anything
Ia-ti doar hainele pe tine
Just take the clothes on your back
Cand trenul e in gara
When the train is at the station
Si ne-asteapta o stim bine
And waiting for us, we know it well
Avem luat biletul doar "dus"
We only have a one-way ticket
Si ne vom gasi un loc intre rasarit si apus
And we'll find a place between sunrise and sunset
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me
Fara tine, fara tine nu mi-e bine
Without you, without you I'm not okay
Si vreau sa vii cu mine de voi pleca
And I want you to come with me if I leave
Ti-am promis ca daca plec te iau cu mine
I promised you that if I leave, I'll take you with me


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