Buhos - Correfoc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Buhos - Correfoc

Sòbria un infant va mig espantat
A sober child is half scared
Mentre una guspira li cau al portal
As a spark falls to his door
El pare li dóna la ma al seu costat
His father takes his hand by his side
L'any vinent anirem a ballar
Next year we'll go dancing
I mig a les fosques espera a un carrer
And half in the dark, he waits on a street
Que s'ompli de màgia aquest any també
That fills with magic this year too
Que torni a córrer la gent i a cridar
That the people run and shout again
Al veure als diables passar
When they see the devils pass
Els timbals retronen a la plaça
The drums rumble in the square
Ja comença a tothom
It's already starting for everyone
Carretillas són com medicina
Wheelbarrows are like medicine
El foc il·lumina els valls dels pobles del món
The fire illuminates the valleys of the villages of the world
Correfoc, anem a ballar sota que no estem prou a prop
Correfoc, let's go dancing under, we're not close enough
Correfoc, agafem la cintura correm cap a la font
Correfoc, let's grab our waists and run towards the fountain
Correfoc, han vingut moltes colles repiquen els tambors
Correfoc, many groups have come, they're beating the drums
Correfoc, diu Lucífer que aquesta nit hi haurà foc
Correfoc, Lucifer says there will be fire tonight
L'olor de la pólvora es per tot arreu
The smell of gunpowder is everywhere
L'encesa final la fan a les 10
The final ignition is done at 10
Treu aquell barret i el mocador
Take off that hat and the handkerchief
Que guardes per festa major
That you save for the big festival
I ben remullats per l'ocasió
And well soaked for the occasion
Cridem a la gent del carrer major
We shout to the people of the main street
Estem molt cansats i tenim calor
We're very tired and hot
Que tirin aigua pel balcó
Throw water from the balcony
Els timbals retronen a la plaça
The drums rumble in the square
Ja comença a tothom
It's already starting for everyone
Carretillas són com medicina
Wheelbarrows are like medicine
El foc il lumina els valls dels pobles del món
The fire illuminates the valleys of the villages of the world
Correfoc, anem a ballar sota que no estem prou a prop
Correfoc, let's go dancing under, we're not close enough
Correfoc, agafem la cintura correm cap a la font
Correfoc, let's grab our waists and run towards the fountain
Correfoc, han vingut moltes colles repiquen els tambors
Correfoc, many groups have come, they're beating the drums
Correfoc, diu Lucífer que aquesta nit hi haurà foc
Correfoc, Lucifer says there will be fire tonight
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc
Correfoc, correfoc
Correfoc, Correfoc

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