Buhos - El Temporal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Buhos - El Temporal

El Temporal
The Storm
Per fi ja tornava a riure
Finally I was laughing again
Intentava aprendre a viure
I was trying to learn to live
Lliure com l'aigua del mar
Free as the water of the sea
I sol mirava la lluna
And I just gazed at the moon
Assegut a sobre d'una duna
Sitting atop a dune
A la foscor del teu far
In the darkness of your beacon
De matinada
At dawn
Quan toquen retirada
When the retreat is played
Segueixo la petjada
I follow the trail
Que ahir em vas deixar
That you left for me yesterday
La meva barca
My boat
Està massa cansada
Is too tired
Quan un nus se m'afluixa
When a knot comes undone for me
Me'l tornes a apretar
You tighten it for me again
Tornes amb mi
You return with me
Com el garbí
Like the west wind
A poc a poc
Little by little
Com onades al port
Like waves at the port
Saps que em fas mal
You know you hurt me
Ets com la sal
You're like salt
El timó s'escapa
The rudder slips
Perdo el mapa
I lose the map
I em quedo amarrat
And I remain tied
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm
Quan la llevantada apreta
When the storm surge strikes
No hi ha rima que a un poeta
There's no rhyme that can make a poet
Li faci donar cap pas
Take a single step
Sense tu passo les hores
Without you, I spend my hours
Les onades delatores
The telltale waves
Em diuen que tornaràs
Tell me you'll come back
De matinada
At dawn
Quan toquen retirada
When the retreat is played
Segueixo la petjada
I follow the trail
Que ahir em vas deixar
That you left for me yesterday
La meva barca
My boat
Està massa cansada
Is too tired
Quan un nus se m'afluixa
When a knot comes undone for me
Me'l tornes a apretar
You tighten it for me again
Tornes amb mi
You return with me
Com el garbí
Like the west wind
A poc a poc
Little by little
Com onades al port
Like waves at the port
Saps que em fas mal
You know you hurt me
Ets com la sal
You're like salt
El timó s'escapa
The rudder slips
Perdo el mapa
I lose the map
I em quedo amarrat
And I remain tied
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm
I ja saps que plou sobre mullat
And you know it's raining on the wet
I ja saps que els gats del meu terrat
And you know the cats on my roof
Són com panteres
Are like panthers
Que avui ho tinc tot controlat
That today I have everything under control
Potser demà se m'anirà
Perhaps tomorrow it will go away
Al fons del mar
To the bottom of the sea
Tornes amb mi
You return with me
Com el garbí
Like the west wind
A poc a poc
Little by little
Com onades al port
Like waves at the port
Saps que em fas mal
You know you hurt me
Ets com la sal
You're like salt
El timó s'escapa
The rudder slips
Perdo el mapa
I lose the map
I em quedo amarrat
And I remain tied
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm
Per evitar el temporal
To avoid the storm

Авторы: Guillermo Sole Pascual, Jaume Nin Llansa

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