Tengo un deseo de superme que tu no te imagina, se avecina no se si lo bueno ami se aproxima
I have a desire to improve myself that you cannot imagine. Good things are approaching, but I don't know if they are coming to me.
Aveces no le paro a na y dique me conformo y lo que dio me tiene guardao creo que ta cogiendo polvo
Sometimes, I stop at nothing and pretend to be content, but what God has given me has been stored away and is gathering dust.
Gua deja el orgullo de un lao y me voy a humillar, no voy a seguir tocando puerta yo la voy a derrumba
Gua, let go of pride and humility, and I will break down the door.
Si me caigo me levanto, duermo vuelvo y me levanto, como tu me desencanto por eto pierdo el encanto
If I fall, I will get up, sleep, and get up again. Like you, I am disappointed, and because of this, I lose my charm.
Por ti lo sigo intentando, tu que sigue en mi confiando yo toy con dio y el que ta con dio no le hace coro a santo
Because of you, I keep trying. You continue to trust in me, but I am with God, and those who are with God do not rely on saints.
Aja aja ya, se feliz en esta vida fue lo que siempre quise y no hay felicidad continua con lo momento felices
Aja aja ya, being happy in this life is what I have always wanted, and there is no continuous happiness with happy moments.
Porque para ser feliz se necesita tristeza y para ser pobre en el mundo debes existir la riqueza
Because in order to be happy, one needs sadness, and in order to be poor in the world, wealth must exist.
Que ironico asi es la vida asi de ironica, retorica, complejamente confusa e ilogica son cosa incomprensible pero por algo danger
How ironic that life is so ironic, rhetorical, complexly confusing, and illogical. There are incomprehensible things, but there is a reason for danger.
Espero lo mio si vino amen si no vino, champan pan pan, yo de villa maria city, ya ah, ejemplo de superacion, yo si, yo si ah, hagan musica, aja ya
I hope my blessings come, amen. If they don't, champagne, bread, bread. I am from Villa Maria City, ya ah, an example of improvement. Oh yes, yes, make music, aja ya.
Ello hay mucho como yo que pierden la perseverancia, que nunca descansan de forza y no avanzan
All those like me who lose perseverance, who never rest from strength and do not advance.
Que no tiene ansia de lucha y se cansan de abrazar la fe con fuerza y acariciar la esperanza
Who have no desire to fight and get tired of embracing their faith and cherishing hope.
Ahora cualquiera canta en un mic se plantan si no son artista a policia se enganchan
Now anyone can sing into a mic and perform if they are not artists but become police officers.
Aveces me pregunto y como es que yo voy a llegar con to eto guayabu forzando bruto y sin creatividad
Sometimes, I wonder how I am going to get there with all these idiots trying to force their way in and without creativity.
Que tu ta sonando y?
What are you dreaming about?
No te emocione que tu sabe bi que en un final, la calidad se impone
Don't get excited because you know that in the end, quality prevails.
Pegate un tema do tema tre tema y ya cuando pasen pal de año dime quien lo va escuchar?
You release one song, two songs, three songs, and then when years pass, tell me who will listen to it?
Hagan musica no toy en contra ni toy ofendiendo, yo toy claro que hay que vender lo que se ta vendiendo
Make music. I am not against it, and I am not being offensive. I am aware that you have to sell what is selling.
Porque la musica expresar lo que se siente y ve porque la musica paque sea musica hay que trascender
Because music expresses what you feel and see, and for music to be music, you have to transcend.
Bulovas Family, esto es revolucion del Hip Pap, WCR Benelly en el instrumental, LapizMusic.com
Bulovas Family, this is the revolution of Hip Pap, WCR Benelly on the instrumental, LapizMusic.com
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