Bvcovia - Recunosc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Bvcovia - Recunosc

I Admit
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong
Nu caut motive sa ma ascund
I'm not looking for reasons to hide
Dar tre' sa mor bogat ca saracia m-a crescut
But I gotta die rich, poverty raised me
Cu noroc sau ghinion ca la barbut
With luck or misfortune, like in dice
Am facut rele, nu le uit
I did bad things, I don't forget them
Si n-o sa ling unde o sa scuip
And I won't lick where I spit
N-o sa ma vezi zburand vreodata din cuib in cuib
You won't see me flying from nest to nest
Cat despre vorbe de cacat nici nu le ascult
As for bullshit, I don't even listen
Pe drumul meu chiar daca e plin de gropi de la inceput
On my path, even if it's full of potholes from the start
Recunosc o perioada am fost pierdut
I admit, for a while I was lost
Dar m-am regasit la timp n-am vrut sa ma dau batut
But I found myself in time, I didn't want to give up
Cautam sa-mi fie bine dar mereu eram baut
I was looking for my well-being but I was always drunk
Coaie toti radeau de mine fiindca nimeni n-a crezut
Dude, everyone laughed at me because no one believed
Am lucrat si in fast-food ca sa pot sa-mi urmez visul
I even worked in fast food to follow my dream
Mi-am pierdut femeia si am suferit ca tristul
I lost my woman and suffered like a sad man
Am condus pe droguri iar garda mi-a luat permisul
I drove on drugs and the cops took my license
Maine sunt la tribunal, astazi-s Bvcovia, artistul
Tomorrow I'm in court, today I'm Bvcovia, the artist
Tot raul spre bine, oamenii gresesc continuu
All bad things lead to good, people constantly make mistakes
Cateodata par figurant doar ca sa fac pe cretinul
Sometimes I act like an extra just to play the fool
Stii, ti-am zis ca esti frumoasa si ca esti dulce ca leanu
You know, I told you you were beautiful and sweet like lean
Doar ca mi-e greu sa ma schimb, imi pare rau, asta mi-e filmu
It's just hard for me to change, I'm sorry, this is my movie
Nu mai stau cu curve proaste, vreau sa vad femei frumoase
I'm done with stupid whores, I want to see beautiful women
Ce au caracter in ele, sunt satul de tarfe false
With character in them, I'm tired of fake bitches
Satul si de prieteni falsi si de fazele lor arse
Tired of fake friends and their burnt-out phases
Tre' sa ma bucur de viata in zilele ce-mi sunt ramase
I gotta enjoy life in the days I have left
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong
I admit
Simt ca nimeni nu ma ia in serios
I feel like nobody takes me seriously
Nu am cum sa ma prefac ca am uitat tot ce a fost
I can't pretend I forgot everything that happened
Erai fratele meu, acum esti gelos
You were my brother, now you're jealous
Toti avem probleme, toti avem sechele, raul curge in vene
We all have problems, we all have scars, evil flows in our veins
Crezi ca ai putere, poti sa ai toti banii din lume, nu esti scump la vedere
You think you have power, you can have all the money in the world, you're not expensive to look at
Tre' sa zambesc chiar daca e prea greu
I gotta smile even if it's too hard
Tarfele astea vor tot ce-i al meu
These bitches want everything that's mine
Tot ce vorbesti e numai un cliseu
Everything you say is just a cliché
Nu mai suntem copii
We're not kids anymore
Uite-te la mine nu ma mintii
Look at me, don't lie to me
De ce nu stii tot ce spui ca stii
Why don't you know everything you say you know
Te iubesc mai mult de cand ma urasti
I love you more since you hate me
As vrea sa afli cine esti ca sa nu mai porti masti
I wish you'd find out who you are so you stop wearing masks
Degeaba esti destept daca esti inconjurat de prosti
It's useless to be smart if you're surrounded by fools
Degeaba facem bani daca nu suntem sanatosi
It's useless to make money if we're not healthy
Toti vrem tarfe si bani dar asta nu-i scopul principal
We all want bitches and money but that's not the main goal
Totul s-a schimbat nu mai suntem la fel cum eram
Everything changed, we're not the same as we were
Acum suntem dusmani, acum esti prea viclean
Now we're enemies, now you're too cunning
Si ne vrem raul unul altuia de parca ar fi normal
And we want each other's harm as if it were normal
Ce-i un rege fara tron, ce-i un tron fara coroana
What's a king without a throne, what's a throne without a crown
Vrei razboi dar n-ai o arma, te increzi intr-o panarama
You want war but you don't have a weapon, you trust a bimbo
Pacatele nu se spala, ura asta ne separa
Sins aren't washed away, this hatred separates us
Bine ca nu ne doboara, vreau o schimbare radicala
Good thing it doesn't bring us down, I want a radical change
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong
Vreau doar sa stii ca am plecat de jos
I just want you to know I started from the bottom
Mi-am ars-o prost
I messed up badly
In fata multora, nu toti m-au iertat
In front of many, not everyone forgave me
Ce-a fost a fost
What's done is done
Totul se intampla cu un rost, cu un cost
Everything happens for a reason, with a cost
Cauti ordinea in suflet cand totu-ti merge pe dos
You seek order in your soul when everything goes wrong

Авторы: Ioan Raduly

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