Byron - Anima - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Byron - Anima

Nu pot sa dorm
I can't sleep
Peretii casei mele
The walls of my house
Canta in somn
Sing in their sleep
Pare ca cineva
It seems that someone
E-nchis in beton
Is locked in concrete
Ca Ana-a lui Manole.
Like Ana of Manole.
Poate ca
Maybe I
Am going crazy
Toate visele mi
All my dreams
Se zvarcolesc
Are tossing and turning
Stele-mi cad in cap
Stars fall on my head
Iar eu ma trezesc
And I wake up
Povestind cu ierbivore.
Talking to herbivores.
Printr-o crevasa din subconstient
Through a crevice in the subconscious
Evadeaza mereu in prezent
Always escapes into the present
(In fiecare alta zi)
(Every other day)
Tot ce-au lasat batranii in urma
All that the elders left behind
Fie ca-i drama sau e doar o gluma
Whether it's a drama or just a joke
E-n mine ascuns pe undeva
Is hidden somewhere in me
Nu pot sa dorm
I can't sleep
Noaptea calareste
The night rides
Un unicorn
A unicorn
Iar luna ma imbie
And the moon invites me
Sa ma transform
To transform
Intr-o fiara fara nume
Into a beast with no name
Dar nici nu ma gandesc
But I don't even think
Sa parasesc fantana
To leave the well
- N care traiesc
- In which I live
De cand am refuzat
Since I refused
Sa ma tocmesc
To hire myself
C-un personaj de fictiune
With a fictional character
Printr-o crevasa din subconstient
Through a crevice in the subconscious
Evadeaza mereu in prezent
Always escapes into the present
(In fiecare alta zi)
(Every other day)
Fantome-ascunse intr-un vesnic trecut
Ghosts hidden in an eternal past
Cand lumea toata era la-nceput.
When the whole world was only at the beginning.
(Si parintii erau copii)
(And parents were children)
Tot ce-au lasat batranii in urma
All that the elders left behind
Fie ca-i drama sau e doar o gluma
Whether it's a drama or just a joke
E-n mine ascuns pe undeva
Is hidden somewhere in me
Tot ce nu vreau sa fiu sunt deja
All that I don't want to be, I already am
Fara sa stiu, fara sa pot controla
Without knowing, without being able to control
Destine ale altcuiva...
Destinies of someone else...
Tot ce nu vreau sa fiu sunt deja
All that I don't want to be, I already am
Fara sa stiu, fara sa pot controla
Without knowing, without being able to control
Destine ale altcuiva...
Destinies of someone else...

Авторы: Daniel Radu

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