C-Kan - Compadres - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни C-Kan - Compadres

En la calle hay carnales, homies, parientes
On the streets, there are brothers, homies, family
Melasa, compadres, primos, mi gente, mi raza
Melasa, compadres, cousins, my people, my race
Cerote, boludo, weones y panas
Dudes, fools, weones and buddies
Hay pibes, bros, wey, kapes, caras y parces
There are guys, bros, dudes, kapes, faces and parces
Carnales, homies, parientes
Brothers, homies, family
Melasa, compadres, primos, mi gente, mi raza
Melasa, compadres, cousins, my people, my race
Cerote, boludo, weones y panas
Dudes, fools, weones and buddies
Hay pibes, bros, wey, kapes, caras y parces
There are guys, bros, dudes, kapes, faces and parces
Qui'huboles' pariente welcome a la tierra caliente simón
What's up, homie, welcome to the hot land, yeah
Por acá la amistad no se compra billete delincuente
Around here, friendship isn't bought, you delinquent
Y hay gente que opina lo contrario
And there are people who think the opposite
Pero bendito dios me dejo tener un barrio
But thank God, he let me have a neighborhood
Crecer en la pobreza entre crimen y vandalismo
Growing up in poverty, among crime and vandalism
Donde valía mas valerte del carnalismo
Where brotherhood was worth more
Ahora da lo mismo traicionar por un peso
Now it's the same to betray for a peso
Que sera por tres hasta el ratón vende el queso
That even the rat will sell the cheese for three
Por eso desde los tiempos de andar en bocho
That's why since the days of riding in a Beetle
Yo seguiré cantando soy de la 98
I'll keep singing, I'm from the 98
Mi clika mi otra familia la que no es pandilla
My clique, my other family, the one that's not a gang
Los ramos los centeno los clara los padilla
The Ramos, the Centenos, the Claras, the Padillas
Enemigos? fuego! cuando la traición entablan repito!
Enemies? Fire! When they set up betrayal, I repeat!
Amigos los huevos y ni se hablan!
Friends my ass, they don't even talk to each other!
No es quien te paga el vicio o te da de beber su cagua'
It's not who pays for your vice or gives you their booze
Es quien te quito la sed cuando no había ni pal agua
It's who quenched your thirst when there wasn't even water
Wow mira como acabó todo el que se viró traicionaron
Wow, look how everyone who turned ended up, they betrayed
Pero luego imitaron mi flow
But then they imitated my flow
Como es que me tiró si yo fui quien lo crió
How come he dissed me if I was the one who raised him
Como perro malagradecido a su amo mordió
Like an ungrateful dog biting his master
Si hasta judas vendió al que la mano le dió
Even Judas sold the one who gave him a hand
Ni tan santo era San Pedro que a su maestro negó
Saint Peter wasn't so holy that he denied his master
Que puedo decir yo su amistad terminé
What can I say, I ended his friendship
Y no quiero que ojetes como tu me llamen bro
And I don't want assholes like you calling me bro
Simón! igual y no tengo un carnal
Yeah! Maybe I don't have a brother
Pero la vida me dio un compadre
But life gave me a compadre
Hoy quizá el destino nos trate mal (Normal)
Today maybe fate treats us badly (Normal)
Pero el mañana sera a toda madre
But tomorrow will be awesome
Simón! igual y no tengo un carnal
Yeah! Maybe I don't have a brother
Pero la vida me dio un compadre
But life gave me a compadre
Hoy quizá el destino nos trate mal (Normal)
Today maybe fate treats us badly (Normal)
Pero el mañana sera a toda madre
But tomorrow will be awesome
Yo se de amigos que se hicieron enemigos
I know of friends who became enemies
Y también se de enemigos que quisieran ser mi amigo wey
And I also know of enemies who would like to be my friend, man
Si Dios conmigo esta de mas si te lo digo
If God is with me, it's more than enough, I tell you
No confió en los enemigos de los que son mis amigos ley
I don't trust the enemies of those who are my friends, law
De ojo por ojo y de diente por diente
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
De que en el concreto sobrevive el mas fuerte
That on the concrete, the strongest survives
La suerte y la calle te regalan camaradas
Luck and the street give you comrades
Y un lobo no vale nada si no trae una manada
And a wolf is worth nothing if he doesn't have a pack
Más nada viviendo la vida que yo escogí
But nothing, living the life I chose
Y bebiendo bebidas con un carnal que si elegí
And drinking drinks with a brother I did choose
Como vi porque aunque la sangre sea diferente
As I saw because even though the blood is different
Una cosa es ser familia otra cosa es ser pariente
One thing is being family, another thing is being a relative
Y eso no lo siente el que no tiene corazón
And that's not felt by the one who has no heart
El que la amistad nunca le dio una razón
The one to whom friendship never gave a reason
Para pararla con el pecho aunque no sea para ti la bala
To stop it with your chest even if the bullet isn't for you
Para saber distinguir a un hermano de un chavala
To know how to distinguish a brother from a punk
Por que en la fiesta me sobran los compás
Because at the party, I have plenty of compas
En la loquera me sobran los compás
In the craziness, I have plenty of compas
Ya me conocen me sobran los compás
They already know me, I have plenty of compas
Si ando en problemas la mitad se va de pompas
If I'm in trouble, half of them leave with a bang
Regreso y para atrás miro y siempre te reviro
I come back and look back and always turn back to you
Tan los pocos que están desde el inicio hasta mi retiro
So few are there from the beginning until my retirement
Por eso ni me admiro si ya casi ni miro
That's why I'm not surprised if I hardly see anymore
A todos esos pedos que confundí con suspiros
All those farts that I mistook for sighs
En la calle hay carnales, homies, parientes, melasa
On the streets, there are brothers, homies, family, melasa
Compadres, primos, mi gente, mi raza
Compadres, cousins, my people, my race
Cerote, boludo, weones y panas
Dudes, fools, weones and buddies
Hay pibes, bro, wey, kapes, caras y parces
There are guys, bro, wey, kapes, faces and parces
Carnales, homies, parientes, melasa
Brothers, homies, family, melasa
Compadres, primos, mi gente, mi raza
Compadres, cousins, my people, my race
Cerote, boludo, weones y panas
Dudes, fools, weones and buddies
Hay pibes, bro, wey, kapes, caras y parces
There are guys, bro, wey, kapes, faces and parces
Simón! igual y no tengo un carnal
Yeah! Maybe I don't have a brother
Pero la vida me dió un compadre
But life gave me a compadre
Hoy quizá el destino nos trate mal (Normal)
Today maybe fate treats us badly (Normal)
Pero el mañana sera a toda madre
But tomorrow will be awesome
Simón! igual y no tengo un carnal
Yeah! Maybe I don't have a brother
Pero la vida me dió un compadre
But life gave me a compadre
Hoy quizá el destino nos trate mal (Normal)
Today maybe fate treats us badly (Normal)
Pero el mañana sera a toda madre
But tomorrow will be awesome

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