C-Kan - Por el Mexicano - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни C-Kan - Por el Mexicano

Por el Mexicano
For the Mexican
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation
Humanidad levantate
Humanity, rise up
Abre tus ojos y despierta
Open your eyes and wake up
Seres terrestres de la tierra
Terrestrial beings of the Earth
Avienes nos bombardean mientras soldados nos rodean tropas tiran desde trocas y todo lo controla europa
Aliens bombard us while soldiers surround us, troops shoot from trucks and Europe controls everything
¿Que significa tu existencia?
What does your existence mean?
Muerte llega aun que tu corras
Death comes even if you run
No quieren el narcotrafico pero quieren la droga ha
They don't want drug trafficking, but they want the drug, ha
Pasa el toque como reloj, final de lo que conosen y el comienso de lo que no
Pass the baton like a clock, the end of what they know and the beginning of what they don't
Siento la carretera sin manos en el volante, cuesta saber lo que has pasado y seguir pa' delante ha
I feel the highway with no hands on the wheel, it's hard to know what you've been through and keep going forward, ha
Esa luz es tu unico escape
That light is your only escape
Un hombre muere mientras otro niño nace
One man dies while another child is born
Alquimista de palabras
Alchemist of words
El remedio pa' la mente
The remedy for the mind
La educacion no te la enseñan porque el gobierno te la vende
They don't teach you education because the government sells it to you
El entiende presente, pasado y futuro cierro los ojos en la noche cuando rezo duro
He understands present, past, and future; I close my eyes at night when I pray hard
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation
Hola que tal
Hello there
Buen dia
Good morning
Señor presidente
Mr. President
Te habla un numero mas de su estadistica de delincuentes
This is one more number in your statistics of criminals
Le he escrito ya en no se cuantas ocasiones
I have written to you on I don't know how many occasions
Mas de un par de barras en ecritos y canciones
More than a couple of bars in writings and songs
Y hay acciones que no olvidan ni las bocas que callaste ni los padres de hermosillo ni todos los estudiante
And there are actions that are not forgotten, not the mouths that you silenced, nor the parents of Hermosillo, nor all the students
Seguire dando el mensaje yo si se cual es mi norte aunque tu vengas y me niegues 10 veces el pasaporte
I will continue to give the message, I know what my north is, even if you come and deny me a passport 10 times
Si hay dolor en mis canciones es porque mi pueblo reza
If there is pain in my songs, it is because my people pray
Orgullo de mi nacion
Pride of my nation
Mi gobierno me averguenza
My government embarrasses me
Que certeza que si estudias la violencia de procura mas si no estudias ni lees chance y de una te postulas
How certain that if you study, violence will procure you more, if you don't study or read, maybe you can run for office
Luego una madre que llora por la vida de su hijo inosente y es culpable la justicia se lo dijo
Then a mother who cries for the life of her innocent son, and justice is guilty, it told her
Hierva mala nunca muere si no arrancas de raiz
Bad weeds never die if you don't pull them out by the root
A una mafia que corrompe y que gobierna a su pais
To a mafia that corrupts and governs its country
No tiene la culpa el paisa el futuro esta podrido
It's not the countryman's fault; the future is rotten
No digan que es malo el rap mientras hay narcocorridos
Don't say rap is bad while there are narcocorridos
Si crecio el pueblo perdido y aturdido por la violencia
If the people grew up lost and bewildered by violence
No culpen a un criminal de toda una delincuencia
Don't blame a criminal for a whole delinquency
Porque ningun joven nace queriendo ser delincuente
Because no young person is born wanting to be a criminal
Lo orillan o aprende
They are forced or learn
Hasta la libertad se vende
Even freedom is for sale
Y gana mas en una esquina que en un empleo que la ofende
And she earns more on a street corner than in a job that offends her
Poque ella es madre soltera y eso el patron no lo entiende
Because she is a single mother and the boss doesn't understand that
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation
I hear
La voz de todo un pueblo en oracion
The voice of a whole town in prayer
Que matan a inosentes sin razon
That kill innocents for no reason
Hay muchos
There are many
Que pierden la vida y el corazon luchando por su tierra cotra su misma nacion
That lose their lives and their hearts fighting for their land against their own nation

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