C Block - 未來主人翁 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни C Block - 未來主人翁

Future Master
Uhh! 還是愛這條大街
Uhh! I still love this street
We are hot on this street like summer
Uhh! 別再說我像安西教練
Uhh! Stop saying I look like coach Anxi
等我上場sucker mc 安息吧 抱歉
When I play, sucker mc, rest in peace, sorry
Hey 我討厭沒有存在感
Hey, I hate not having a presence
討厭那些門外漢 把饒舌說成快板
I hate those outsiders who sing rap like a fastboard
不懂我歌詞 還要隨意說好壞
Don't understand my lyrics, still casually say good or bad
撩刷牙子炒肉 幫你們點兩個好菜
Brash and stir-fry meat, order two good dishes for you
The circle is too messy, so the situation is always a mess
我的夢是 中文說唱 賣過香飄飄
My dream is Chinese rap, selling Xiangpiaopiao
希望的味道 讓我 經常不睡覺
The taste of hope makes me often sleepless
所以 經常在碎草 歌詞把你們喂飽
So, often in the grass, the lyrics feed you
別看我經常在傻笑 這次要讓你們傻掉
Don't look at me often smiling, this time to make you stupid
I put dynamite in the smoke
別急著找罵 問你老爸 誰是老大先
Don't be in a hurry to find scolding, ask your dad who is the boss first
不喜歡吵架 喜歡一出來就 叼炸天
I don't like quarreling, I like to come out and be awesome
Who dat who dat 記住我叫kungfu-p
Who dat who dat Remember my name is kungfu-p
Holding the microphone in hand, always acting in a kung fu play
The sound penetrates through the oppression and makes you breathe deeply
Who the TM is blocking me from rushing out, the red-eyed evil dog
Yeah 只愛自然不愛上化學
Yeah, I only love nature and not chemistry
Seriously, the way on the street is better than going to university
Stay away from the fence riders because they always tell on you
用歌詞比榔頭叼 直接tm腦震盪
Use lyrics than a hammer, directly tm concussion
我的腳更燙 證明我火正旺
My feet are hotter, proving that my fire is burning
No wonder every time I fall in love with cblock's fruit, it's more beautiful
但我其實只想 讓我的意識發光
But I actually just want to make my consciousness shine
Speak out my angry horse, don't be angry, my hometown of temperament
When I realize the Xiangjiang River in the future
The water is as dirty as the ginger soup of the third aunt
When you wander in the spread of rumors and panic
記住這首歌詞 就像黑夜裡的光
Remember this lyrics, like a light in the dark
Let you bounce in the dark like a gun in the dark
Your vows are the ones that destroy you
但哥們早就 成敗拋腦後
But my brother has long since left behind success or failure
With folded hands, receive the blessing of the fourth dimension
Bless my family and friends to be close forever
保佑我妞永遠美麗永遠double d
Bless my妞 forever beautiful and always double d
保佑以後的孩子還聽real mc
Bless the children in the future to listen to real mc
S.U.P未來主人翁 sucker rest in peace
S.U.P future master, sucker rest in peace

Авторы: shi yi fan

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