CHANGMO - Maestro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни CHANGMO - Maestro

다섯살때부터 나는 피아노를 쳤어, 영재였지
I've been playing the piano since I was five, I was a prodigy, you see
베토벤부터 모짜르트 바흐 쇼팽, 선배였지
From Beethoven to Mozart, Bach to Chopin, they were my seniors, honey
허나 나난 접고서 가사를 썼어, 열넷이였지
But I put it all aside and started writing lyrics, when I was fourteen, honey
이게 좋아 그건 벌어 새끼들 모두 엿먹어
I love this so much, I can't make a living from it, so fuck all those kids
베르사체 무한리필 drank, 그게 1악장
Versace, bottomless drank, that's my first movement
Maserati car 하얀색 대리석 house, 그게 2악장
Maserati car, white marble house, that's my second movement
Mic는 바로 나의지휘봉
The mic becomes my baton
불러 maestro maestro (maestro, maestro)
Call me maestro, maestro (maestro, maestro)
불러 maestro maestro, oh
Call me maestro, maestro, oh
사실 수트바지보다 내려쳐입는게
The truth is that I'm much better at sagging my pants than I am in a suit
점잖떠는거는 못해 그냥 외쳐버려 쌓자
I can't act serious, let's just shout it out, let's make some money
부자들은 거의 겉으론 젠틀해
The rich are almost always outwardly gentle
건희씨는 칭호 노창씨는 성을 떼요
Mr. Lee leaves out the honorifics, Mr. Noh drops his family name
방금 나의 라인을 듣고
You've just heard my lines
너는 말해 내가 fucked up
And you tell me I'm fucked up
허나 삶에 locked up 될바엔
But before I get locked up in this life
일을 벌릴테야 리스크를 향해 첨벙
I'm gonna hustle, head first into the risk
비닐속안 피아노 꿈꾸던 이는
The one who dreamed of the piano in the vinyl
그걸 치며 살기 위해선 돈이 숨구멍임을
To live playing it, I knew that money was life
알고서 악보따윈 동네 땅에 구덩이를
And knowing that, I dug a big hole in the ground in my neighborhood
묻고 선언했지 자신이
And buried the sheet music, declaring myself
Classic임을 박아둬
A classic, for sure
내게 소나타는 오직 그것따윈
To me, the only sonata is a car, something like that
Never 생각안해
Never thought about it
비춰라 all of the lights
Shine on me, all of the lights
지금 symphony 1악장의
My symphony's first movement is over
끝이났어 fuck 카포
Fuck da capo
절대로 없어 돌아갈일
There's no way I'm going back
박수 no no 2악장 play
No applause, no, play the second movement
다섯살때부터 나는 피아노를 쳤어, 영재였지
I've been playing the piano since I was five, I was a prodigy, you see
베토벤부터 모짜르트 바흐 쇼팽, 선배였지
From Beethoven to Mozart, Bach to Chopin, they were my seniors, sweetheart
허나 나난 접고서 가사를 썼어, 열넷이였지
But I put it all aside and started writing lyrics, when I was fourteen, my love
이게 좋아 그건 벌어, 새끼들 모두 엿먹어
I love this so much, I can't make a living from it, so fuck all those kids
베르사체, 무한리필 drank, 그게 1악장
Versace, bottomless drank, that's my first movement
Maserati car, 하얀색 대리석 house, 그게 2악장
Maserati car, white marble house, that's my second movement
Mic는 바로 나의지휘봉
The mic becomes my baton
불러 maestro maestro (maestro, maestro)
Call me maestro, maestro (maestro, maestro)
불러 maestro maestro, oh
Call me maestro, maestro, oh
Hash hash hash hash hashtag 돈벌어
Hash hash hash hash hashtag money
Hash hash hash hash hashtag
Hmm, hash hash hash hash hashtag
좀처럼 나오지 않는 영재
A prodigy that rarely appears
Shout out to kubrick
Shout out to Kubrick
Shout out to 파우스트 괴테
Shout out to Faust, Goethe
Shout out to michael tyson
Shout out to Michael Tyson
Shout out to 고흐 warhol casso
Shout out to Gogh, Warhol, Casso
그리고 이름을 박길
And put my name in bold
Woah 한국 아인슈타인, 노멀한 애들이 엿먹여
Woah, Korean Einstein, normal kids suck
하지만 i dont give a fuck
But I don't give a fuck
Son imma fuck you up, 여기가 무덤이라 적긴 일러
Son, I'll fuck you up, they should engrave it on my tombstone
예술의 전당은 club 불러 마에스트로
My art temple is the club, call me maestro
그럼 그렇게 불려 계급으론
Then I'll be called that, my rank is
백건우 카라얀 work위한 정도를 걸을수 없으니
I can't walk to the extent of Baek Geon-woo and Karajan
Deepflow꺼 섞어 어울려
Mix it up with Deepflow, it goes well together
내가 쳐먹었네 2nd round, 클래식 용어론 2악장
I ate it, second round, the end of the second movement in classical terms
이런 이력 좋데 여잔, 'Piano와 랩을 함'
My record's so good, my girlfriend, 'Plays piano and raps'
있어 전용 orchestra, 키보드 고장난 맥북과
I have my own orchestra, a broken keyboard and a MacBook
내겐 위인 아닌 세종과 연주해
To me, not a great man, but God, Sejong, and play my life
다섯살때부터 나는 피아노를 쳤어, 영재였지
I've been playing the piano since I was five, I was a prodigy, you see
베토벤부터 모짜르트 바흐 쇼팽, 선배였지
From Beethoven to Mozart, Bach to Chopin, they were my seniors, honey
허나 나난 접고서 가사를 썼어, 열넷이였지
But I put it all aside and started writing lyrics, when I was fourteen, my love
이게 좋아 그건 벌어, 새끼들 모두 엿먹어
I love this so much, I can't make a living from it, so fuck all those kids
베르사체, 무한리필 drank, 그게 1악장
Versace, bottomless drank, that's my first movement
Maserati car, 하얀색 대리석 house, 그게 2악장
Maserati car, white marble house, that's my second movement
Mic는 바로 나의지휘봉
The mic becomes my baton
불러 maestro maestro (maestro, maestro)
Call me maestro, maestro (maestro, maestro)
불러 maestro maestro, oh
Call me maestro, maestro, oh

CHANGMO - 돈 벌 시간 2
돈 벌 시간 2
дата релиза

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